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Baloo's Bugle

June Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 11
July 2008 Theme

Theme: H20hhh!
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2



Circle Ten Council

Before you take your pack or den out for any water-related activities, please read:

Safe Swim Defense

Home Swimming Safety Rules

Water Rescue

Safety Afloat


Circle Ten Council

Most cities offer recreation swimming at their pools with qualified lifeguards on duty. Call your city's parks and Recreation Department or community Services office for specific locations, hours and fees. Some YMCA offices open pools outside their normal facilities for more affordable fees. Call the YMCA near you for more information. Some pools require letting them know ahead of time if you are planning to bring a large group so that they can arrange to have more lifeguards on hand.

Things to Do

Alice, Golden Empire Council

«  If you’re lucky enough to have a rainy day for your den meeting, take a rainy day hike – dress properly and use all your senses to really appreciate the rain!

«  On a rainy day, make some quick paper boats and sail them in the gutter. 

«  Take a hike along a stream, or even in it, if it’s safe and you have the right footgear.  Look for differences in the water color, flow, what animals and plants grow along the stream, what kind of rock, sand or soil the stream runs along.  Try a silent hike to really enjoy the sound of the water – anyone who spots something interesting just stops and raises their hand so everyone can enjoy the discovery.  Bring along a bag to pick up man-made trash and keep the stream beautiful.

«  Try the Incredible Journey under “Theme-Related.”  Have a discussion about your journey when you’re done.

«  Call your local water utility for a guest speaker, or arrange a visit – they always have lots of great ideas, brochures and sometimes even posters to share!

«  Do a water-related service project, such as stenciling “Do not dump-Drains to River” signs by storm drains.  Contact your local water utility or go to Project WET or a local Creek Support group for great local ideas.  (There are even grants available to pay for needed supplies) See website for info.

«  To demonstrate how essential water is for our bodies, have each boy make a full-size outline of his body, fold it into tenths, and then color in 7 of the 10 spaces with blue to visually show that 70% of our bodies is water!

«  Show the different forms water can take by filling a glass with water, (liquid) then putting it in the freezer for a few minutes – when you bring it out, a temporary fog cloud will form (gas).  Finish up with a popsicle treat (solid).

«  Have a “guest expert” from your pack or outside teach boys how to fish, boating and water safety, or how to make knots that are used in a marine environment.

«  Invite a handyman to show the boys how to make simple repairs, find leaks, or install water saving devices.  Then boys and parents can make changes in their own homes.

«  Check with your local water resources department and the US Environmental Protection Agency for some great posters, brochures, charts, information and activities you can share with the families in your den and pack.  (On their websites, look for a section specifically for KIDS; they may also have a section for parents or teachers)

«  Using brochures from the local water department or hints created from the material under “Theme-Related,” have a den or pack share water saving hints with the pack or their neighborhood.

«  Cubs or dens could set up a display to demonstrate the amount of water used and saved when leaks are fixed or out-dated equipment is replaced.  (Seeing a five gallon container of water makes a strong impact, especially if paired with the cost over a month or year of a simple dripping faucet)


Baltimore Area Council

  • Visit the Baltimore Aquarium (or one near you)
  • Have a water balloon battle
  • Visit the Goddard Space Flight Center (or another NASA installation)
  • Visit the Flag House (or see the Star Spangled Banner from Fort McHenry at the Smithsonian or the Betsy Ross House or something else historical for the Fourth of July)
  • Hold a Raingutter Regatta (Check it out in this section!)
  • Visit the C & O Canal (or another water based historical attraction near you.  We visited an historic canal near Dayton, OH a few years ago)


Baltimore Area Council

  • Help clean up a stream
  • Go Fishing
  • Go for a hike in a local park (Take plastic grocery bags and leave the place looking better than you found it!)
  • Make blue gelatin with gummy fish for a snack
  • Hold walnut shell boat races


Water Fun Ideas

Capital Area Council, TX

A water carnival                                               A fishing derby
A raingutter regatta                         A backyard beach party
A sea adventure pirate night   A trip to a water theme park
A swim and picnic day at your local park
A visit to the local swimming pool

Raingutter Regatta

Baltimore Area Council

(See Cub Scout Activities Book for additional help)

Copy the picture and enlarge it for easier use CD




Ahoy mates! You’re watching the sailing regatta of the century! Although the waterways are only 10-foot lengths of rain trough filled with water and the ships are a mere six inches long, each race can be an exciting event. This is a very popular Pack race. Each Cub Scout makes his own boat (with a parent’s or grandparent’s help) to enter in the race.

The raceway consists of a simple frame that supports two 10-foot lengths of rain trough filled with eight gallons of water. The frame is designed so It can be assembled and disassembled quickly. The illustration shoes you what it looks like.  The material sizes and fastening details follow.


Materials Needed for Double Raceway:

ü  2 - 10 ft. lengths of 5” diameter half round gutter

ü  4 - End caps for gutter and rivets or bolts to attach end caps to gutter

ü  2 - Trough supports 1” x 4” x 36” long boards. Cut them out so that gutter fits snuggly

ü  2 - End braces - 1” x 4” x 23”

ü  4 - Diagonal braces - 1” x 2” x 72”

ü  4 - Legs - 2” x 2” x 34”

ü  1½” #10 flat head wood screws for all fastenings (Bolts could be used to fasten the braces on the legs to allow for easier disassembly for storage.)


Fishing Derby

Baltimore Area Council

There are a lot of good games listed here as alternate activities, don’t miss them!!

Also, there are many specifics for Maryland in here, but I am sure if you check with your local state officials you will find many of the same programs wherever you live.  Go to the “My Home State” Baloo for the list of state websites for kids if you don’t know where to start.  CD

There are two kinds of Cub Scout Pack fishing derbies: both are fun for boys and parents.

ü  One is a partner-and-son fishing trip to a nearby lake or river where adults and boys can fish off the bank or in boats. Small prizes are awarded for the biggest fish, smallest fish and best string.

ü  The other type is a family outing with games and contests related to fishing. The ideas listed here are for this kind of derby.

We are quite lucky in the State of Maryland, that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Fisheries has a program called "Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs", where the DNR will supply on a loan basis, rods and reels to Scout units, free of charge. The DNR also has other resources such as booklets on fishing for youth, the State laws on fishing in Maryland, and other literature. The Fisheries can stock ponds and streams for events if open to the public. The also have flyers, posters, and other items that can be used in your derby. The DNR police are a good source who will visit a Pack Meeting and explain fishing laws, conservation, water safety, etc.

In the Baltimore Area Council, the Bass Masters will do demonstrations on casting and fishing methods. This organization has several programs depending on the local group which the boys can win prizes and other awards. In the past, the owner of a local bait shop has supplied worms or bait for Scouting activities. The State of Maryland has several other programs which are coordinated through the DNR, one such program is "My First Fish" for anyone catching their first fish in Maryland. A form is filled out and a certificate is sent to the fisherman. A second is, “Catch and Release,” if the Cub catches and then releases a fish (alive) there is a patch and certificate available that can be obtained from the DNR.

The fishing derby committee should follow Cub Scout guidelines for planning special events. Planning includes securing a site, arranging for transportation, planning activities and obtaining prizes and arranging for food and equipment. Try special promotional gimmicks such as invitations in the shape of a fish.

Make identifying signs for each contest area. Use ropes, posts, colored streamers, and colorful signs to mark game areas. Consider using a public address system to control the activities, if necessary and a tape player to provide lively music.


Suggested Fishing Derby Schedule

1:00 - 2:00 Gathering-time activities

2:00 - 3:30 Special contests

3:30 - 3:45 Awards ceremony

3:45 - 5:00 Free time for fishing

5:00 - 6:00 Meal and clean-up

You do not need to buy a lot of expensive equipment to start with. You just need a rod and reel (or a cane pole), some line and hooks and a few weights and floats. You also need a disgorger, or "hook-out", which is a metal or plastic tool used to take a hook out of the fishes mouth without hurting the fish.

Tackle for the Job

What about bait? To catch fish, anglers (fishermen) use some sort of food, or bait, to tempt fish to bite on the hook. Bait can be real food, either alive or dead. It can also be an imitation, which is used to trick the fish. Artificial flies and lures are in this category.  So is a piece of aluminum foil attached to the line.

Knots - Fishing line is quite smooth and you will need to learn how to tie special knots that do not slip when tying a hook onto the line. Always make the line wet before tightening the knot. Test the knot by pulling from both sides before you start fishing. Have a fisherman teach you knots that can be used to tie your hook onto you line and then practice them.  Or find pictures that show the knots and practice them.

Games for your Fishing Derby

You may want to have some alternate activities ready to go in case the fish are not biting that day.  Or younger Scouts become restless.

Guessing Contest: How many fish eggs are in the jar? Use marbles for the eggs. The winner gets the jar of marbles.

Snapping Fish Game: This game requires several fishing poles with sinkers and a piece of foam rubber attached to a 3 -by-4 foot line. Also, have several mousetraps set to spring. Object of the game is to set off a trap by hitting it with the foam rubber without getting the line caught in the trap.

Fish & Net Game: Three to five Cubs join hands to catch fish (Cubs) by surrounding individual players. Those who are caught become a part of the "net". The last five Fish caught make up the net for the next game.

Sardines: Select one Cub to be "It". He hides while the other players count to 100. Then they all search for him. When someone finds ``It" they hide with him. Continue until the last Cub locates "It". The first Cub that found "It" is the new "It" for the next game.

Fishpond Games: An infinite variety of games are possible with a "hook", a line, and a pole. Make hooks from coat­ hanger wire, paper clips, magnets, or even sticky gloop. Cut fish from felt, cardboard, wood, or sheet metal. The players can catch the fish by hooking them and lifting them out of the Ocean or stream. Fish can be marked with different point values or different colors can be worth different points, or even feats of skill (do a head-stand or hand-stand).

Crab Relays: Have the first Cub in each line sit on the floor with his back to the finish line. On a signal, he walks backwards on his hands and feet with his body parallel to the floor. When he reaches the finish line, he stands up and runs back and touches the next player. Who repeats the action, the first team to finish wins.

Rope Throw Rescue: Each Den has a coil of rope or clothesline and adults representing drowning persons whom must be rescued. The Cubs in turn throws the rope to a drowning person, who grabs it and let go. The player recoils the rope and hands it to the next player. Repeat until all have been rescued.

There is so much that can be done at a Pack Fishing Derby. Let your imagination run wild. Other games can be: Harpooner, where a Cub takes aim at a whale with a broomstick (harpoon). There is also the Fish Market where the Cubs throw slippery fish to their teammates who have to stack them (The fish are small nerf footballs that were soaked in baby oil). Casting competitions, mend fishing nets. A chowder race where each Den has to put an ingredient into the pot to complete the chowder. The derby can also be ended with a Crab Feast or Clam Bake.

Special Contests

Reeling Relay: Dens and families are arranged in relay fashion. The first player on each team has a fishing pole and reel. On signal, he places the fishing pole and reel on the ground in front of him, takes the plug and runs to a line 25 feet away, unwinding the line as he goes. He then runs back, sits on the ground, and reels in the line. The next member follows and so on, until all have played. First team finished wins.

Fishing Relay: The "fishpond" is a large cardboard box turned upside down, with slots cut in the bottom. In each slot, insert a "fish" cut from cardboard. On each fish mark a length and weight for it. For each team, you need a cane pole with a 3-foot string and a bent paper clip for the hook. Team members line up relay fashion, with the first member holding the pole. On signal he runs to the fishpond and catches a fish. A judge records the length and weight. The team with the greatest weight total of fish wins.

Rowing Relay - Players on each team sit or kneel in a large cardboard box and propel themselves to the goal line and back by using two short broomsticks with rubber tips.

Go fishing in the Lake: Prizes could be given for biggest fish caught, littlest fish, most fish caught, longest fish caught, etc. Inexpensive fishing tackle might be used for prizes.

The Incredible Journey

Alice, Golden Empire Council

“I did this with my den and they had a great time and wanted to continue the game” – If you ever get the chance to take the Project WET workshop, don’t hesitate – Lots of great ideas!”   Alice


ü  9 large dice (could be made from 6” sq. boxes) marked with numbers 1-6;

ü  9 signs to mark stations (could include appropriate pictures) with a list of where the drop goes next or why it stays at that location; chenille stems for each person; 

ü  9 different colors of pony beads, one for each station, enough for every person to add a bead each time;

ü  Bell or whistle to mark time to change stations or roll the dice again

Set Up:  Make station signs, including the following possible moves for the water drop:

Soil Station:

 #1 - water absorbed by plant; (plant)

 #2 – Soil saturated, water runs into river; (river)

 #3 – water filters into soil;  (ground water)

#4-water evaporates into clouds; (clouds)

#5-water evaporates into clouds; (clouds)

#6-water stays in puddle on surface; (stay)

Plant Station:

#1, #2, #3, #4:  water leaves the plant thru transpiration, evaporating  (clouds)

#5 , #6:  water is used by the plant (stay)

River Station:

#1-water flows into a lake (lake)

#2-water filters into soil (ground water)

#3-water flows into ocean (ocean)

#4-an animal drinks water (animal)

#5-water evaporates in heat (clouds)

#6-water stays in the river current (stay)

Clouds Station:

#1-water condenses and falls on soil (soil)

#2-water condenses into snow, falls on glacier (glacier)

#3-water condenses, falls into lake (lake)

#4-water condenses, falls into ocean (ocean)

#5-water condenses, falls into ocean (ocean)

#6-water clings to dust particle (stay)

Ocean Station:

#1, #2: water evaporates into clouds (clouds)

#3, #4, #5, #6:  water remains in ocean (ocean)

Lake Station:

#1-water filters into soil (soil)

#2-an animal drinks the water (water)

#3-water flows into a river (river)

#4-water evaporates into clouds (clouds)

#5, #6:  water remains in the lake (lake)

Animal Station:

 #1, #2:  water excreted as feces, urine (soil)

#3, #4, #5:  water is evaporated from body (clouds)

#6-water incorporated into the body (stay)

Ground Water Station:

#1-water filters into a river (river)

#2, #3:  water filters into a lake (lake)

#4, #5, #6:  water stays underground (stay)

Glacier Station:

#1-ice melts and water filters into ground (ground water)

#2-ice evaporates into clouds (clouds)

#3-ice melts and water flows into river (river)

#4, #5, #6: ice stays frozen in glacier (stay)



·         Be sure and explain that this game allows each boy or team to be a single drop of water – using the dice and moving from station to station, the boys will learn all the different ways the water drop can travel. 

·         They will also learn that the drop may stay in the same form, at the same station, such as “clouds,” just as a real drop of water might do. 

·         Divide the group so each one starts at a different station.

·         They pick up a bead and put on their pipe cleaner, then roll the dice to see what the drop of water is going to do next. 

·         The six numbers under each station are the six numbers on the die.  The word in parentheses is the station where the drop of water (Cub Scout) goes next.

·         They must wait for the whistle or bell before moving to the next   station (or picking up another bead and rolling the dice again if there water drop was told to stay in the same form).

·         Remind the boys that they must do whatever the number on the dice tells them to do, even if that means they stay at the same station for another turn – if that happens, they get another bead of the same color, then roll the dice again.

·         Now, if you are used to boys, you will expect quite a reaction to the Animal Station, #1 and #2 – that whole “bathroom humor” thing.  But just remind them that all animals, including Scouts, must have water to survive!

·         Be SURE to demonstrate playing this game, starting at a station, adding a bead, rolling the dice and the various instructions the boys might have to follow – make sure everyone understands so they can have fun and learn! 

·         You may want to set a specific time limit of 10 minutes, or you might let the boys keep playing till everyone has had a chance to move around to most stations.

·         After the game, let everyone compare their bead bracelet and talk about why there was a difference between stations – do they think their water drop moved in a way a real one might?

·         Lead a discussion about why they may have stayed in a location more than one turn – do they think that would happen in real life?

Go to the Project WET website,  for more great ideas!!

Giant Wind-Up Water Bug

Baltimore Area Council

Materials: Two Styrofoam meat trays, 3" long light thin rubber bands, pencils, scissors, white glue, sharpie marker, colored pencils or markers.


1.      Cut the bottoms of the meat trays out and glue them together, making sure that one of the trays has the smooth side out.

2.      Transfer the bug and paddle wheel patterns to the smooth side. Use carbon paper or trace to another sheet of paper, blacken the backside of the tracing with a #2 pencil or crayon and then trace over the pattern with a dull pencil.

3.      Cut your bug out of the Styrofoam being sure to include the notches in the legs for the rubber band.


4.      Decorate the bug with colored markers or pencils.

5.      Stretch the rubber band between the legs. A thin rubber band that fits without stretching much is essential.

6.      Slip the paddle wheel in the middle of the rubber band loop and wind up gently. Placing the paddle wheel off center will cause the bug to travel in circles.

7.      A toddler's swimming pool is the ideal place to release your bugs. Try having a Den race.

4 Hats, One “River”

Alice, Golden Empire Council


·         Four sets of cards as above, including some blank ones, based on whatever body of water is most common in your area.

·         Four hats to represent four different kinds of people who would use the water. The farmer could wear a straw hat, the fisherman a cloth hat with lures on it, the recreational user could wear a baseball cap, and the industrial user would wear a hard hat.


ü  Divide the group into four sections; each one chooses a spokesman, who wears their hat. 

ü  The group gets a set of the cards, plus some blank ones they can fill in themselves. 

ü  Each group can decide what features would be good for their use, and what would be harmful. 

ü  After 5 minutes, each spokesman can report on what the group decided.

ü  To use the cards as part of competition between groups, each person chooses a card when it's their turn to wear the hat, then posts the card on the wall, and the other groups get a chance to compete to tell whether the card represents something good or bad for the group represented by the hat;  they have to also tell why. 

ü  If there isn't anyone in the other three groups that can supply an answer, the group that chose the card gets a point.

ü  After each boy has had a turn to wear the hat and ask for answers, tally the points to find the winner.

This could also be used as a den game.
This is how Alice did it -

When I did it as a Den Game, Each boy got a turn to wear the hat for his group, and chose a card for their river or stream or whatever.  Then they told the group why it was a good thing or a bad thing for their water environment. 

Another way to play would be to have each boy in the den have a turn to pick a hat to wear.  Then he chooses a card and explains why it would be good or bad for the fisherman, farmer, recreational user or industrial user of water (whatever hat is wearing)

Octopus Tie Slide

Baltimore Area Council


Materials: English walnut shell carefully halved; small wiggle eyes; black chenille stems, black tamper evident ring from a soda bottle; hot glue; craft glue; black acrylic paint.


1.      Paint the exterior of half a walnut shell black. Let dry.

2.      Consider the pointed end of the shell as the top and use craft glue to attach the eyes approximately a fourth of the way up from the bottom. Let dry.

3.      Cut 4 chenille stems in half. Bend each piece in half. Hang them on the soda ring. Put some hot glue into the shell. And carefully press the eight legs and ring into the glue, extending them from the rounded end.

4.      When the glue is dry, fill the rest of the shell with hot glue.

Balloon Powered Boat

Longhorn Council

You will need: 1/2 gallon milk carton (need 1/2 for each boat); A drinking straw that bends; Heavy-duty tape; A long balloon; Scissors; A nail.

  1. Cut one side from the carton to make the boat.
  2. Trim the straw so the part that bends is exactly in the middle. The straight parts should be about 2 inches each.
  3. Tape one end of the straw inside the balloon. Secure the tape tightly but don’t collapse the straw.
  4. Using the nail, poke a hole in the bottom of the carton (the stern of the boat).
  5. Insert the balloon straw “ari jet” through the hole in the stern. Pull the straw through and bend it at a ninety-degree angle.
  6. Blow up the balloon. Then hold the end of the straw with a finger. Launch the balloon boat in the water.


Bubble Fun

Capital Area Council, TX

Blow a soap bubble and watch it float in the air.  Blow gently to keep it aloft without popping it.  Have a contest to see who can keep a bubble in the air longest, or how far you can blow your bubble before it bursts.

Basic Bubble Solution

1 cup Joy or Dawn

3-4 Tablespoons glycerin (optional, available at drugstore)

10 cups clean cold water (up to 50% more on dry days)


ü  In a clean pail, mix the ingredients well. 

ü  Do not stir too much, you don't want froth on the top. 

ü  Leave it overnight if you have time. 

ü  You don't have to have glycerin but it makes the bubbles last longer and you get larger without breaking.

Giant Bubble Wand

ü  Thread the string through both of the straws and knot the ends. 

ü  Lay the straws and string down in the BUBBLE SOLUTION. 

ü  Gently lift up the straws, one in each hand. 

ü  Spread the straws apart as you lift, and a giant bubble will form. 

ü  Wave your arms across in the air, and it will be set free, to float up, up, and away!

Assorted Wands

ü  Twist thin wire (from hangers?? CD) into fun shapes.

ü  Use beads for handles for smaller wands.

Tub Time Toy

A tub-time toy that doesn’t need batteries.

It does move on its own.

Longhorn Council

You will need: Waxed cardboard (e.g. milk or ice-cream cartons, butter boxes); Scissors; Pencil; Ruler; Waterproof tape (duct tape or strong packing tape); Bar of Ivory soap.

  1. If you are using cardboard from food container, wash out the carton well.
  2. Cut a 2" by 3" rectangle out of one side of your carton. Find the center of a short side of the rectangle, and then use a ruler to mark a straight line from this center point to the corners at the opposite end. Fold up along these lines.
  3. Tape up the end of the boat with the waterproof tape.
  4. Cut a very small wedge from the soap. Then cut a hole in the back of your boat, making it smaller than the wedge.
  5. Put the boat in a half-full sink, bathtub or other quiet water. Place the soap wedge into the hole in the boat so that the point of the wedge is toughing the water. The rest of the wedge sits on top of the boat. Now watch your boat move forward.


No Care Aquarium

Longhorn Council

You will need: Two 9" paper plates; Small amount of sand or aquarium gravel; Two shades of green construction paper; 8" square of clear sandwich wrap; Glue; Scissors.

  1. Cut center out of one plate and glue clear sandwich wrap on inside.
  2. Cut a circle of green construction paper and glue it inside the other plate.
  3. Spread a light coat of glue over a 1” strip at the bottom of the green circle. Sprinkle sand over the glue. Let dry and shake off excess sand. Optionally, you may want to use aquarium gravel (you will need more glue for gravel).
  4. Draw several fish or cut out some pictures of fish from a magazine. Glue them above the sand on the green circle. Use lighter shade of green for seaweed. A few wavy lines made with a dark green marker will make the water look as though it’s moving.
  5. Staple the plates together or sew them together with colored yarn.
  6. Now you can see the aquarium picture through the clear sandwich wrap.

VARIATION: In place of clear wrap, use clear blue cello wrap (used to wrap fruit baskets and the like, available at a craft store). You will not have to use the construction paper circle.

Beach Ball Neckerchief Slide

Santa Clara County Council


You will need:

One half-ball-shaped wood piece 1 1/2" diameter* (available at a craft store);

Acrylic paint or permanent markers;

1/2" section of 1/2" PVC pipe;

Thick craft glue or low temp glue gun.

*If you cannot find half-ball shapes, cut a wooden ball in half. Be careful, it is small and craft wood shapes are usually hardwood. Adult should do this.

  1. Paint the wood piece like a beach ball.
  2. Let it dry.
  3. Glue the PVC pipe section onto the flat side of the 'beach ball'.


Rope Neckerchief Slide

Santa Clara County Council


You will need a piece of rope about 8-inches long and a whipping cord.

Whip both ends of the rope (Bear Achievement 22).

Lay a bead of low temp glue along the rope and coil the rope in a circle. It may be easier if you wrap the rope around a 1/2" dowel, being careful not to glue the rope to the dowel.

Buoy Key Ring

Longhorn Council

You will need a large enough piece of cork and twist ties

It floats, so it’s a good gift for anglers and boaters.

  1. Drill a hole through the middle of a cork.
  2. Insert a large plastic coated twist tie through the hole in the cork.
  3. Thread the key onto one end and securely twist the ties together.
  4. Test for buoyancy in a sink filled with water. If it sinks, try a larger cork or add another one.

Footprints in the Sand

Santa Clara County Council


Capture that barefoot-on-the-beach feeling -- and a record of your feet -- with this simple plaster-casting project.

Supplies:  Plaster of Paris, small bucket, freshwater, 4-inch lengths of string (optional)


Choose a site to cast your molds -- the moist, hard-packed sand near the water's edge works best.

Firmly press both feet into the sand. The prints should be about 1/2 inch to 2 inches deep. (If your child can't press down that hard, he can use his finger to dig down into the print, following its shape.)

Mix up the plaster, according to the directions on the package, so that it has a thick, creamy consistency. Pour the wet plaster gently into the footprints.

To make hangers, tie a knot about a half-inch in from each end of the pieces of string. As the plaster begins to harden, push the knotted ends into the plaster and let dry.

After 20 to 25 minutes, gently dig the footprints out of the molds and brush away any excess sand. Set sole-side up in the sun for about an hour to let harden.


Jet Boat I

Santa Clara County Council


Kids will love being the captain of this balloon-powered jet boat - perfect for racing in pools, ponds and bathtubs.

Supplies:  Plastic pipe elbow, 1/2 inch in diameter, and its accompanying plastic nut (ask at your local hardware store); Two 5 1/2 x 8-inch Styrofoam food trays; Balloon; Rubber band


Thread the nut on the plastic pipe elbow. Then cut a hole in the bottom of one of the trays and push through the elbow's non-threaded end.

Stretch the balloon over the threaded end. Next, secure the elbow underneath the tray with the rubber band, wrapping it around several times.

Cut a rudder from the other tray, and insert it through a slit cut in the stern of the boat.

Tips:   To operate the vessel, inflate the balloon by blowing into the elbow. Block the end of the pipe with your finger as you set the boat in the water, then release it and watch the boat zip away.

Yacht Tie Slide

Baltimore Area Council


ü  The hull is whittled from white pine or balsa. The mast is a burned match. The boom is a toothpick. The sail is a triangle of white or red fabric.

ü  Whittle and sand hull, It is flat on back and curved on front,.

ü  Drill 3 holes, one in top for match mast, 2 in back for plastic or metal ring cut in half.

ü  Glue mast in place. Glue boom to lower edge of sail.

ü  Glue sail and boom mast and let glue dry,

ü  Glue ring in place, While it is drying, make small flag for stern from construction paper triangle (tiny) glued to straight pin,.

Build a Boat

Baltimore Area Council

Materials:  Wood shingle, lollipop stick, colored paper, rubber bands, glue


ü  Cut Cardboard template

ü  Trace on to Shingle

ü  Cut out boat outline

ü  Make Paddle



ü  Drill holes for the Rubber Bands

ü  Drill Hole for Mast

ü  Mount Mast

ü  Cut out flag, attach to stick, & Glue

ü  Wind Paddle Up


Leather and Button Puzzle

Baltimore Area Council


Trick:    Remove string and button without untying buttons.


Trace the ship pattern on vinyl. Make 2 parallel cuts as per diagram) in center of strip of vinyl.  At end cut hole, slightly larger then the width between the slits. Pass heavy string under slits, through the hole, and fasten buttons to loose ends of string.  Buttons need to be too large to fit through the hole

To solve the puzzle, fold the vinyl, pulling the slit away from the body of the vinyl.  Fold the slit material in half and pass it through the hole with the string pinched at the end of the folded slit.  Once the slit and string are through the hole, the button on the end of the string can be pulled through the loop of vinyl and removed.  Reassemble by reversing the process.


Jet Boat II

Baltimore Area Council


Quart milk carton                                      Tape
Scissors                                                   Balloon

Cut carton on dotted lines as shown and remove cut section. Make slit near front bottom for rudder, made from cut out section, and notch in rear as shown. Tape rudder in place. Place blown up balloon in boat and watch it go!


Baltimore Area Council


2 Plastic bottles                                                     Scissors

Adhesive tape                       12” Piece of plastic tubing

24” Piece of plastic tubing                                        Clay



ü  Remove cap from bottle.

ü  Cut around bottle 2” from bottom.

ü  Push both pieces of tubing into the bottle through the neck and secure as shown.

ü  Bend the short piece around and tape it to the outside of the bottle.

ü  To make it float properly add a large wad of clay inside bottle as shown. Be careful not to plug tubes.

ü  Use a second piece of clay to make the top air-tight.

ü  Replace bottom of bottle and tape tightly.

ü  Use second bottle to make conning tower, tape in place.

ü  Place sub in water.

ü  Blow into long tube to make it rise and suck air out to make it sink.

Wave Maker

Circle Ten Council

Fill a clean, empty, clear plastic soda bottle half full of water.  Add some blue and/or green food coloring, twist on the lid and shake it to mix the coloring well.  Now add vegetable oil nearly to the top (leave about 1” air space).  Swirl the bottle while it is standing up or lay it on its side to watch the waves.  Try creating large bubbles by turning the bottle over and over a few times.  Really shake it up to create millions of tiny bubbles. 

Sand Paperweight

Circle Ten Council

Mix some small shells and colored aquarium gravel into some sand.  Pour this mix into a clean baby food jar.  Spray paint the lid and screw it on tight.  Set jar upside down on the lid for a paperweight.

Fish Tank Neckerchief Slide

Baltimore Area Council


Materials needed:  Empty Tic Tac container, construction paper, glue, scissors, colored fish tank beads or plastic gravel or craft melting beads, PVC pipe ring.


ü  Carefully remove lid from Tic Tac container.

ü  Inside glue blue construction paper to the back.

ü  Spread glue on the bottom of the container and put in the colored fish tank beads or plastic gravel or craft melting beads as a colorful base.

ü  Use construction paper to make small fish and underwater plants.

ü  Glue the plants and some of the fish to the inside of the box. Put them on both the front and back of the box to give the tank a dimensional look.

ü  Glue PVC pipe ring to the back.

Huck Finn’s Log Raft

Baltimore Area Council


11 twigs of equal thickness                  liquid white glue

1 sheet of white paper       colored crayons or markers

wax paper.



ü  Cut twigs a little longer than logs shown In illustration,

ü  Place six twigs on sheet of wax paper.

ü  Clue the twigs together with glue to form raft.

ü  Cut two twigs to fit the width of the six glued twigs.

ü  Glue these two twigs near the ends of the raft.

ü  Let the raft dry overnight. When dry turn upside down.

ü  Cut a twig to form the mast and glue it standing up to the center of the raft.

ü  Cut a twig to form the last two twigs to fit the width of the raft.

ü  Clue the remaining two twigs to both sides of the mast.

ü  Dry overnight.

ü  Cut the sail from white paper, decorate. Push sail through standing twig.

ü  Have a Den race with the boats in your Raingutter Regatta track.


Make a Paper Boat (and tell a story!)

Baltimore Area Council


Folding Instructions: Take a full sheet of newspaper, folded on the center crease with the folded edge away from you. Take the two upper corners and fold them so that they meet at exact center. Fold the remaining flaps up, one on each side. Fold and tuck in the remaining points. Continue refolding following the illustrations outlined below to make two hats, then the boat.

After completing the boat, you can tell a funny story as you tear the boat apart (as shown in the last two steps).

“It was a dark and stormy night, and a ship was being tossed around off shore. The ship hit a rock, and the bow was ripped off (tear off one end of the boat as shown). Then it was whipped around, and the stern was demolished (tear off the other end of the boat). To make things worse, a bolt of lightening came and knocked off the mast (tear the top point off the boat). The boat then sank, and all that was ever found (here’s where you unfold the remains of the paper boat) was the Captain’s shirt.”

Practice the story and tearing off the pieces several times by yourself before you try to tell it in front of an audience!


 Sam Houston Area Council


From the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book –

ü  -Water Games – pages 3-42 to 3-47

ü  -Fun with Water and Aquatic Life – pages 4-14 to 4-16

ü  -How to hold a Water Carnival – pages 6-14 to 6-15

ü  -How to hold a Raingutter Regatta – pages 6-32 to 6-33

ü  -How to hold a Fishing Derby – pages 6-37 to 6-38


Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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