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Baloo's Bugle

June Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 11
July 2008 Theme

Theme: H20hhh!
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2


Cub Scout Monthly Themes for 2008-2009


Character Connection: Cooperation

Wonderful opportunities are waiting! The new school year brings possibilities of new friends. This month a Cub Scout can invite a new buddy to join the fun and adventure of Cub Scouting! This single act can influence the lives of many others. The boys will make new friends while keeping the old by learning to share and treat buddies with kindness. In the den meeting the boys can learn the value of friendship, cooperation, and respect through games and activities. This new team of buddies can develop secret codes and write messages to each other. They will all learn the Cub Scout handshake and motto which will signify belonging to that special group. The boys can practice the buddy system as they go on hikes, work on projects, play games, and participate in sports. This is a great month for boys to earn a Cub Scout Academics or Sports belt loop or pin as they work and play together with an interest they all share.


Character Connection: Courage

What great adventures come in books? Let’s discover some this month. Visit the library and learn to navigate your way through the “card catalog computer,” down the aisles of many adventures, and to an adventure of your own choice. Sign up for your library card while on your visit. Create your own outdoor epic adventure on a hike, campout, or maybe at a ball field or park. Make a costume for one of the characters from your favorite story. At the pack meeting the boys can perform some of their favorite stories and share some of their adventures with the pack. Take part in Pedro’s “Say Yes to Reading” program in Boy’s Life. This might also be a good month to work on the Communication or Computer belt loop and pin. Encourage the boys to have the courage to search for, discover, and share adventure this month.


Character Connection: Compassion

 As we approach Thanksgiving, let us spread seeds of kindness in the form of multiple small service projects. Helping others gives the boys the opportunity to see the bounty produced by spreading many small seeds of kindness and encourages compassion. The boys can discover that just as the large strong oak tree came from the small acorn, big things can happen from spreading small seeds of kindness and charity. Conduct a food drive or collect coats and gloves for those in need; report your hours to Good Turn for America. Work on the Citizenship belt loop and pin.           


Character Connection: Faith

The Star of Bethlehem, the Miracle of the Lamp, the Morning Star that enlightened Buddha, the bonfires of Yule: many of our holiday traditions this month involve lights. Share your holiday traditions with your pack and den: lights on a Christmas tree, candles on a Menorah for Chanukah, or on a Kinara for Kwanzaa. Boys can be stars this month by brightening someone’s holiday season with a gift of compassion. As a pack or den, visit a nursing home, preschool, or children’s ward and sing holiday favorites. End your outing by sharing cookies that the boys decorated. Help those less fortunate with a service project or toy drive. How about a holiday campfire at your pack meeting? This is great month to work on the Language and Culture belt loop and pin or the Heritages belt loop and pin.


Character Connection: Honesty

January is a good time for indoor fun. Make and solve puzzles. Stump your friends with riddles. Build a maze, do crossword puzzles, and word searches. Have a pack games night in which your family joins in for relays, board games, and other cooperative games. Play Cub Scout Jeopardy; how much do you know about Cub Scouting? Rediscover some of the games that your parents and your grandparents could have played and work on the Heritages belt loop and pin. Discuss why playing by the rules is important. The pinewood derby is a good opportunity to learn about rules and good sportsmanship. Why not work on the Chess belt loop and pin.


Character Connection: Citizenship

Take a personalized tour of the USA by the letters: Austin, Baton Rouge and Cambridge to Xenia, York and Zion. Our country contains an endless variety of scenic and historic places. What is special about these places? This month we'll find out by visiting historic places, theme parks, museums, and zoos. Choose a city or an historical site to highlight. Invite a guest speaker who can share something special about the places your Cub Scouts have picked to discover. Use maps or collect tourist brochures to learn more about places to visit. Your local historical society or public library is a great place to get started. Celebrate your blue and gold banquet with local foods from your choices of the ABCs and decorate to highlight your choice. This would be a good month to work on the Citizenship belt loop or pin or the Geography belt loop or pin.


Character Connection: Positive Attitude

Explore career possibilities of the 21st century this month. Host a pack career fair, inviting several adults to share what they do for a living and how these career opportunities might change as you grow up and technology advances. Discover how having a positive attitude is essential in reaching career goals. Den meeting plans could include field trips to learn about different occupations of interest to the boys and playing games centered on different jobs. This would be a good month to work on any of the Cub Scout Academics and Sports belt loops and pins – let the boys vote on the one that fits best with what they want to be when they grow up. For those future astronauts this month is a perfect time for a space derby!


Character Connection: Resourcefulness

Explore the land before time! Imagine living in a time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. What have paleontologists learned about the great beasts that roamed the Earth millions of years ago? Did any dinosaurs live where you do now? Find out what they ate, where they lived, and how they moved. What could we learn of these creatures that lived so long ago?  Make a model of a dinosaur or visit a museum where dinosaur fossils can be seen. Make your own “dinosaur footprints” or “fossils” in plaster. Take a "dinosaur" scavenger hike by going on a hike and looking for things that might have been found during the Jurassic era. This would be a great time to work on the Geology belt loop and pin.


Character Connection: Responsibility

Warm weather is a perfect time for outdoor adventure, complete with den hikes in the neighborhood, park, or on local trails. As we enjoy our outdoor world, we should strive to take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. Learn about Leave No Trace Front Country guidelines and ways we can minimize our impact on the environment. Take a backyard hike and practice the Leave No Trace Front Country guidelines. Have a contest to see who can take the best wildlife photograph. Earn the Cub Scout Leave No Trace Awareness Award. Do your Good Turn and leave these areas cleaner then you found them. Remember to record your service with Good Turn for America. The end of the month has all dens moving up the Cub Scout trail. You might want to consider working on the Wildlife Conservation belt loop and pin this month.


Character Connection: Health and Fitness

This month Cub Scouts go camping! Have a backyard campout with your family. Pitch a tent or sleep out under the stars! Conduct a pack campout at a nearby Scout camp, state park, or even the local museum. An outdoor pack meeting might include a nature observation hunt, followed by an evening around the “campfire”. Attend your council’s Cub Scout or Webelos Scout resident camp as a den or pack or the council’s family camp with your whole family. Camping doesn’t always mean overnight; day camp is always lots of fun. Get those boys outdoors and let them discover the fun of camping while working on their Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award. Whatever you do, do it outside and find out what the outing in Scouting is all about. While out on the trail, you can work on the Map and Compass belt loop and pin or the Astronomy belt loop and pin.


Character Connection: Perseverance

Not only is it important to do your best when you try new sports but it is important to understand the rules of being a “good sport” no matter how the game goes. Play ball, soccer, tennis, or any sport! Learn about a sport that you’ve never played before. Have a sports competition with another Cub Scout pack in your area. Have athletes from a local high school or college speak at your den or pack meeting. Ask them to teach you about their sport. Learn a sport you can play with your family: golf, tennis, bowling, swimming, or skating. Have a pack sports day. Cub Scouts can create an obstacle course for the pack to enjoy while earning the belt loop and pin for Physical Fitness or any of the many Cub Scout Sports subjects. 


Character Connection: Respect

Let’s go outside and have fun in the sun. Plan some outdoor activities this month that will encourage dens to meet and make preparations together for your pack event. It’s a great time for a pack picnic, with each den planning a game or activity. Have a Cubanapolis derby with dens preparing their vehicle and practicing maneuvers during den meetings. Stress good sportsmanship and team building during the planning stages, as well as during the actual event. Create kites in your dens and have a kite flying derby or a family picnic to show off your creations! This might be a great month to work on the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award or a Cub Scout Sports belt loop or pin.


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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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