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Baloo's Bugle

June Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 11
July 2008 Theme

Theme: H20hhh!
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2

Cubmaster’s Minutes

Three Important Things

Capital Area Council, TX

To the sailor, three things were essential - a compass, a sextant, and a flag.  The compass to tell them where they were heading during the day.  The sextant to tell them where they were at night,  And the flag to tell them which way the wind is blowing

To Cub Scouts, these three things are important - (show items) a badge, a handbook, and a candle.  The badge tells who you are and where you are going' the handbook tells how to get where you are going, and the candle is a symbol of the light of Scouting.  It is a light that must be kept burning in the heart of every Scout.

Togetherness Closing Thought

Capital Area Council, TX

Summer is a good time for the family to do many thing together and enjoy the beauty about them.  A family that shares a lot of experiences is one that will always be a "together" family, even in later years when you are miles apart.  Think about it!  There's no better feeling than that of belonging.  I am happy to see so many here tonight taking advantage of this summer Pack meeting.  Good night and see you next month.

Captain Of All Scouts

Capital Area Council, TX

Now may the great Captain of all Scouts

Who created the seas and all things that live therein

And Who gave us dominion over them

Be with us till we meet again.

Starfish Cubmaster’s Minute

Capital Area Council, TX

A friend of mine was walking on a beach one day when he saw a native bend down and throw a starfish back into the ocean.  He asked the native why he was doing it.  “You see, it’s low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore.  If I don’t throw them back into the sea, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen.”  “I understand,” my friend replied, “but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach.  You can’t possibly get to all of them.  There are simply too many.  And don’t you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast?  Can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?  “The local native smiled, bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied, “Made a difference to that one!”

Remember to be Grateful

Baltimore Area Council

In this area, everything we do affects the Chesapeake Bay and its wildlife. We should remember that we have a lot to be grateful for. Not only Maryland's natural resources, but also our families, friends, and neighbors. Please remember this as we leave here tonight and we'll all be in a better world.

I am sure there most of us live near a body of water we could use in this minute.  CD



Santa Clara County Council

As we go through life, let us be ever reminded that life is like a river rushing to the sea, flowing sometimes slow, sometimes fast and yet able to go in different directions.  As the water flows, it may stumble but yet continue to flow until it eventually finds its way again.  The water may run clear and clean or dark and dirty.  And so it is in life, except you are given the choice to choose which direction you will go.  Choose wisely.


Santa Clara County Council

Tonight we’ve had a lot of fun at our “H2Ohhhh!” pack meeting.  Here’s a thought to take home with you.

Work while you work, play while you play;

One thing at a time, that is the way.

All that you do, do with all your might;

Things done halfway are not done right.

Now Cub Scouts, go out and do your best!


Santa Clara County Council

When fog prevents a small-boat sailor from seeing the buoy marking the course he wants, he turns his boat rapidly in small circles, knowing that the waves he makes will rock the buoy in the vicinity.  Then he stops, listens and repeats the procedure until he hears the buoy clang.  By making waves, he finds where his course lies.  Often the price of finding these guides is a willingness to take a few risks, to “make a few waves.”  A boat which always stays in the harbor never encounters danger, but it also never gets anywhere.  I challenge each of you to make waves and diligently seek your goals in life.  Set your sails for new and exciting horizons.


Circle Ten Council

"We've had plenty of fun with water tonight, but as we leave, let's take a moment to remember what a precious resource water is, especially in the heat of the summer. We play in it, we bathe in it, and we drink it. We eat the fish that live in it. We use water to irrigate our crops and our lawns. Without water, our earth would be as lifeless as the moon. Let's all do our best this month to help conserve this great natural resource.


Circle Ten Council


Throughout our meeting this evening, this candle, which represents the spirit of Cub Scouting, has burned.  Look steadily at it for a moment.  (Pause)  Now close your eyes.  The image remains with you.  Now open your eyes.  We will blow out the light.  As the image of the light remained in our memory, so will the spirit of Cub Scouting stay with us.  The evening of fun and good cub scouting will not soon be forgotten.



Baltimore Area Council

Mutiny is a word we hear connected with pirates on the waterways. It is the act of insurrection or a refusal to obey the authority of the captain of the ship. It is often the cause of a disastrous end to all involved.

As Cub Scouts, our promise to obey The Law of the Pack and to live up to the Cub Scout Promise can only lead to a better life as a good citizen of this great country of ours.  Let us not be mutineers, but strong supporters of the Boy Scouts of America.


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