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Baloo's Bugle

September 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 2
October 2007 Theme

Theme: Down on the Farm
Webelos: Citizen & Showman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 1


Tiger Cub Program

Kevin in Norman, Oklahoma posted this on the Cub Scout Roundtable E-mail Exchange

There were a number of changes to the Tiger Cub Program last year.  By now most boys should have the new books Please check that all your new Tigers either have books that have the program changes or you can update their parents so they know what about them. 

Most importantly is the requirement that Tigers earn their Bobcat first and use the Cub Scout motto. And that Tigers wear the blue uniform.  (And those designed to grow with them S2 zip off pants!!!)

Other important program points:

Search, Discover and Share is the Tiger Cub CONCEPT or IDEA.  There is no Tiger Cub Motto, they are Cub Scouts and use the Cub Scout motto, Do Your Best.

Requirements for the Tiger Cub Immediate Recognition Emblem
* Learn the Cub Scout motto:  Do Your Best.
* Learn the Cub Scout sign (see page 156)
* Learn the Cub Scout salute (see page 158)

Kevin’s letter was in response to a question about when to award the Tiger cub totem, suggested

It appears that a Tiger Cub must finish Bobcat before beginning to earn his Tiger Cub rank or his Immediate Recognition Emblem.  But hey, guess what, once he has learned the cub motto, sign and salute, the Immediate Recognition Emblem is already earned, it's a done deal except for the presentation.  So even if the law of the pack or the promise that's a bit longer, the Immediate Recognition Emblem requirements are in fact already done.  Applying a bucket of common sense, and as we favor instant recognition in Cubs, I would say go ahead and do the Immediate Recognition Emblem either that day in the den meeting, or at the latest the next pack meeting, even if Bobcat is not yet completed.  I don’t think anyone will sic the uniform cops on you.

An alternative view, which I also won't quibble with, because it's at least equally right and perhaps a tad more so, is this:  the Scout must earn Bobcat first, so the pack recognizes the fob requirements are inherent in the Bobcat, but elects to not present the Immediate Recognition Emblem until the Bobcat is fully earned, similar to how arrow points get worked on but not awarded before Wolf badge, and how tiger tracks get worked on, but not awarded until Tiger rank badge is complete.

My take, unofficial as it is, says pick either one of those, use it in your pack, stay with it until there is something else by BSA in print, and don't spend a lot of time fretting over the decision because both are reasonable in the outcome.

If you want more information, go to Tiger Cub Leader Fast Start (online version, see - under Cub Scout Leader Fast Start)  It's worth a look  through, even if you are not a Tiger leader, to help get up to speed so you can help Tiger leaders in your unit, district and online.


After earning his Bobcat Badge, the Tiger Cub must then complete one Den Activity, one Family Activity, and one Go See It Activity within each of the five achievement areas to earn the Tiger Cub rank.  He works with his adult partner to do this.  As he completes each of the 15 requirements, he receives the appropriate  orange, white, or black bead at the next den meeting to add to his totem.

Achievement #1 Making My Family Special

1F Family Activity

During the time the Tigers are learning the Tiger Cub Motto, the Cub Scout Sign and Salute you can also work on this Achievement.  The Tiger Cub, along with his adult partner can make a chart using poster board outlining family activities, job and fun activities.  Allow the Tiger Cub to assign some jobs.  This will give the adult partner and the Tiger to a chance to plan ways to keep things clean and tidy in their home.  For example, the Tiger can clean his room or take out the trash.  Let the Tiger assign a chore and a fun activity to plan with his adult partner, remember this is a growing up process for them.  Working together can reinforce in your Tiger the importance of the family and how every family member plays an important part in keeping their home in good shape.

Den Activity 1D

Make a family scrapbook

Materials:  Three-prong folder for each boy; 3-hole-punched typing paper; markers, crayons, stickers and other materials to decorate the cover.

Directions:  Have the Tiger Cubs decorate the folder and fasten the paper into it.

These scrapbooks are great if the Leader can keep them while the boys progress through the program.  They can add many projects to their scrapbook, even though it is a Family Scrapbook.  Discuss with the adult partners whether they want the Tigers to get the books upon graduation from Tigers or from Cubs or presented earlier for the families to take home and keep up.  Another thought may be to have enough material for 2 scrapbooks.  Then have the Tigers make one to be a Cub Scout Scrapbook and one to be a Family Scrapbook.  In the Family Scrapbook the Tiger can put items in there that remind him of special memories of things he has done with his family.

Go and See It-1G

Go to a library, historical society, museum, old farm, historical building or visit an older person in your community.  Discover how life was the same, and how it was different for a boy your age many years ago.

The following ideas come from the York Adams Council Pow Wow book.

1.     Share the family photo album. Identify special family members.

2.     Share family histories and traditions.

3.     Have a ‘families’ picnic. Get to know one another.

4.     Have a group party. Use a holiday for theme.  How about a Valentines Party in October?

5.     Design and make a family tree. Share it with others in your den.

6.     Design a family coat of arms. Have the Tiger include special areas of the family’s past.

7.     Conduct your own ‘Family’ activity.


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