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These REQUIREMENTS were in effect in 2004
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- Do THREE of the following:
- Name three types of modern freight trains. Explain why
unit trains are more efficient than mixed freight trains.
- Name one Class I or regional railroad. Explain what
major cities it serves, the locations of major terminals,
service facilities, and crew change points, and the major
commodities it carries.
- Using models or pictures, identify 10 types of railroad
freight or passenger cars. Explain the purpose of each type
of car.
- Explain how a modern diesel or electric locomotive develops
power. Explain the terms dynamic braking and radial steering
- Do the following:
- Explain the purpose and formation of Amtrak. Explain,
by the use of a timetable, a plan for making a trip by rail
between two cities at least 500 miles apart. List the times
of departure and arrival at your destination, the train
number, and the type of service you want.
- List and explain the various forms of public/mass transit
using rail as the fixed guide path.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Name four departments of a railroad company. Describe
what each department does.
- Tell about the opportunities in railroading that interest
you most and why.
- Name four rail support industries, Describe the function
of each one.
- With your parent's and counselor's approval, interview
someone employed in the rail industry. Learn what that person
does and how this person became interested in railroading.
Find out what type of schooling and training are required
for this position.
- Explain the purpose of Operation Lifesaver and its mission.
- Do THREE of the following:
- List five safety precautions that help make trains safer
for workers and passengers.
- Explain to your merit badge counselor why railroad rights-of-way
are important for safety.
- List 10 safety tips to remember when you are near a
railroad track (either on the ground or on a station platform)
or aboard a train.
- Tell your counselor about the guidelines for conduct
that should be followed when you are near or on railroad
property. Explain the dangers of trespassing on railroad
- Tell what an automobile driver can do to safely operate
a car at grade crossings, and list three things an automobile
driver should never do at a grade crossing.
- Tell how to report a malfunction of grade crossing warning
- List safety precautions a pedestrian should follow at
a public crossing.
- Explain the appearance and meaning of the following warning
signs and devices: advance warning sign, pavement markings,
crossbucks, flashing red lights, crossing gates.
- Do EACH of the following:
- Explain how railroad signals operate and show two basic
signal tyes using color and configuration.
- Explain the meaning of three whistle signals.
- Describe a way to signal a train for an emergency stop.
- Explain the use and function of the EOTD (end-of-train
device) or FRED (Flashing rear end device) used on the last
car of most trains.
- Select ONE of the following special-interest areas and complete
the requirements:
- Model Railroading
With your parent's and counselor's approval, do TWO of the
- Draw a layout of your own model railroad; or one
that could be built in your home. Design a point-to-point
track or loop with different routings. Include one of
the following: turnaround or terminal or yard or siding.
- Build one model railroad car kit or one locomotive
- Name the scale of four popular model railroad gauges.
Identify the scale of four model cars or locomotives.
- Locate the Web site of four model railroad - related
manufacturers or magazine publishers. Print information
on their products and services and discuss the information
with your counselor.
- Build one railroad structure (from scratch or using
a kit), paint and weather the structure, mount it on
your layout or diorama, and make the surrounding area
on a diorama scenic.
- Alone or with others, build a model railroad or
modular layout, including ballast and scenery. Make
electrical connections and operate a train. Describe
what you enjoyed most.
- Participate in a National Model Railroad Association
switching contest on a timesaver layout and record your
- Railfanning
With your parent's and counselor's approval, do TWO of the
- Visit a railroad museum, historical display, or
a prototype railroad-sponsored public event. With permission,
photograph, videotape, or sketch items of interest.
Explain what you saw and describe your photos, sketches,
or videotape.
- Purchase tickets and ride a scenic or historic railroad.
Under supervision, photograph the equipment and discuss
with your counselor the historic significance of the
- Locate the Web site of four rail historical groups,
then find information on the history of the rail preservation
operations and purpose of each group. Talk with a member
of one of the groups and find out how you might help.
- Plan a trip by rail between two points. Obtain a
schedule and explain when the train should arrive at
two intermediate points. Purchase the tickets and make
the trip. Explain to your counselor what you saw.
BSA Advancement ID#: 94
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2003
Requirements last revised in 2004