These were the REQUIREMENTS
before the REVISIONS made on January 1, 2001
Click Here for
the new requirements.
- Do the following:
- Describe how aviation has affected our world.
- Define "aircraft". Describe some kinds of aircraft in
use today.
- List at least 10 uses of aircraft.
- Do the following:
- Point out on a model plane the forces that act on an
airplane in flight.
- Applying Bernoulli's Principle, explain how an airfoil
generates lift, how the primary control surfaces (ailerons,
elevator, and rudder) affect the aircraft's attitude, and
how a propeller produces thrust.
- Show how the control surfaces of an airplane are used for
takeoff, straight climb, level turn, climbing turn, descending
turn, straight descent, and landing.
- Identify the following aircraft instruments and explain
the purposes of each: attitude indicator, altimeter, airspeed
indicator, compass, turn and bank indicator, tachometer, oil
pressure gauge, and temperature gauge.
- Explain the differences in the operation of piston, turbojet,
turboprop, and turbofan engines.
- Tell six rules of safety to follow around airplanes and
- Do TWO of the following:
- Take a flight in an aircraft. Record the date, place,
type of aircraft, duration of flight, and your impressions
of the flight.
- On a map mark a route for an imaginary trip of at least
3,000 miles. Start from the commercial airport nearest your
home. Travel three or more different airlines. From timetables,
decide from when you will get to and leave from all connecting
- Visit a modern airport. After the visit tell how the
facilities are used.
- Under supervision, perform a preflight inspection of
a light plane.
- Learn how to read an aeronautical chart. Measure a true
course on the chart. Correct it for magnetic variation,
compass deviation, and wind drift. Arrive at a compass heading.
- Build and fly a fuel-driven model airplane. Describe
safety rules for building and flying model airplanes. Tell
safety rules for use of glue, dope, paint, and plastics.
- Find out what job opportunities there are in aviation.
Describe the qualifications and working conditions on one
job in which you are interested. Tell what it offers for
reaching your goal in life.
BSA Advancement ID#: 25
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2000
Requirements last updated in 1987