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Introduction to Advancement Topics

Advancement Documents

A number of Scouters have provided various Spreadsheets, Word Documents, PDF Files, etc. for use by other Scouters for tracking advancements in the various Scouting sections.  That list of available documents can be accessed by clicking on the link above.

Scouts BSA Advancement requirements are found in the Scouts BSA Requirements book, which is issued annually. Copies of the information in that book, including information on recent changes to the requirements, are posted on this system. Until the end of 2017, older boys (14-18) could participate in a separate program called Varsity Scouting, in units called Varsity Scout Teams.  The Varsity program was discontinued at the end of 2017. Girls became eligible to join Scouts BSA on February 1, 2019.

Cub Scout Advancement requirements are found in the Lion Cub Scout Den Leader Guide, the Tiger Handbook, the Wolf Handbook, the Bear Handbook, and the Webelos Handbook. Copies of the Cub Scout requirements taken from those books are available on this system.

Definitions of "Month", "Active Participation", "Demonstrate Scout Spirit", and
"Serve Actively ... in ... Positions of Responsibility"

The 2021 edition of the Guide to Advancement (Publication #33088, SKU 648216) contains information on each of these terms.

How is a "Month" Defined?

A month is a month regardless how many days it has. It is not defined as 30 days or four weeks. February 2 up to August 2, or August 31 up to February 28 (or 29th if leap year) are examples of six-month periods. Six months does not mean 180 days.

Active Participation:

The requirements for Star, Life, Eagle, and Eagle Palms all include a requirement to "Be active in your troop and patrol ..." The Guide to Advancement now contains an extensive section ( on how to determine whether the Scout has met the requirement. Rather than duplicate that information here, please click here to see the information.

Demonstrate Scout Spirit:

The requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle Palms all include a clause to "Be active in your troop and patrol ...", and the requirements for Eagle contain a similar clause, "Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law ...." The Guide to Advancement now also contains an section on how to determine whether the Scout has met this requirement, too. Rather than duplicate that information here, please click here to see the information.;

Serve Actively ... in ... Positions of Responsibility

The requirements for Star, Life, and Eagle all include a requirement to "Serve Actively ... in ... Positions of Responsibility" The Guide to Advancement now contains an extensive section on how to determine whether the Scout has met this requirement as well. Rather than duplicate that information here, please click here to see the information.

On August 1, 1998, BSA split the former BSA Exploring program into two separate organizations. Explorer Posts in the following areas were transferred to the new Venturing Division of BSA and became Venturing Crews. Sea Exploring Ships became Sea Scouting Ships. In 2017, Sea Scouting and Venturing became completely separate programs.

  • Arts and Hobbies
  • Outdoor,
  • Sea Scouting,
  • Sports, and
  • Religious Life (formerly called Youth Ministries)

All other Explorer Posts and their members were transferred to the Exploring Program in Learning for Life, which is a separate subsidiary corporation of BSA. Explorers are NOT eligible for Boy Scouting, Sea Scouting, or Venturing Advancements unless they are also members of BSA as registered Boy Scouts, Venturers, or Sea Scouts..

Venturing Advancement consists of four separate Advancement tracks:

  • The Venturing, Discovery, Pathfinder, and Summit Awards are available to all youth (male and female) in the Venturing program.
  • The Ranger Award, for Outdoor/High Adventure activity, the TRUST Award for Religious Life activities, and the Quest Award, for Fitness and Sports activities are also available to all youth (male and female) in the Venturing program.

Sea Scouting has its own Advancement Program for youth members (male and female) of Sea Scouting Ships.

Scouts BSA Advancements - Any male Venturer or Sea Scout who has achieved the First Class rank as a Scout in a troop, (as a Varsity Scout in a team), or as a Lone Scout may continue advancement toward Star, Life and Eagle Scout ranks and Eagle Palms up to the Scout's 18th birthday.

Advancement by Explorers ended on December 31, 1999

Page updated on: October 05, 2021

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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