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Baloo's Bugle

August 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 1
September 2008 Theme

Theme: New Buddies
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 1



Sam Houston Area Council

Props:        Draw frogs on poster board; cut holes for faces

Scene:        Three frogs are sitting to the side of the stage facing the audience.

As the Curtain Rises:

The first frog softly says, “Cub.”

The second frog says, “Scou.”

The third frog says, “Ting.”

Frogs continue as the skit begins, getting progressively louder throughout the skit.

Cub 1:   I wish there were something exciting to do.

Cub 2:   Me too. Like outside in the woods, maybe.

Cub 3:   Yeah, like going fishing too.

Cub 4:   Or going on a campout.

Cub 5:   Hey, maybe we could join that group of kids we saw the other day.

Cub 1:   What group of kids?

Cub 5:   Let me think a minute – I’ll remember. [The frogs slowly get a little louder and faster saying their lines at this point. After about three or four times, the Cub speaks again.]

Cub 2:   Why can’t we think of it?

Cub 3:   It’s right on the top of my tongue.

Cub 4:   It’s like I can hear it. [The frogs say “Cub-Scou-Ting” with a normal speaking voice two or three times. Then the Cub speaks again.]

Cub 5:   That’s it! We need to join Cub Scouting!

Cub Scout Stew 

Sam Houston Area Council


ü  On stage is a huge pot, made from a cardboard carton. The pot could be painted on the side of the carton.

ü  Boys in the pot, pile on top of each other face down.

ü  Boy with chef's hat is stirring in pot with a broomstick.

Chef:          (Pretends to taste) Hmmm-mm. Tastes like a well-rounded den to me.

DL:             What did you put in it?

Chef:          (reading from oversized card marked “Recipe”) Cub Scouts that do their best. (Any number of uniformed Cubs climb into pot)

                    “A sense of humor”  (Grinning Cub wearing sign “Humor” climbs in pot)

                    “A pinch of wanting to please”  (Cub wearing sign, “I want to please” climbs into pot)

                    “A dash of mischief”  (Cub wearing sign “Mischief”' climbs into pot)

                    “A bit of Obedience”  (Cub wearing sign “Obedience” climbs into pot)

                    “A bundle of sunshine”  (Cub wearing “Sunshine” sign climbs into pot)

                    "And a ton of energy”  (Cub wearing “Energy” sign scampers into pot)

                    “Stir well and you have Cub Scout Stew”.

DL:             (Pretends to taste) Hmmm-mm. A few parents and a Den Chief and it will be absolutely perfect!

Cub Scouting is Many Things

Simon Kenton Council

This can be used as an opening or a skit.  Each of 12 Cubs (or adults) holds a candle, which is lighted as he gives his message.  The room lights are turned off.

Cub # 1:       Cub Scouting Is A Boy, He is somewhere between 7 and 11 years old.  He is just an average boy - energetic, inquisitive, noisy and eager to explore the world around him.

Cub # 2:       Cub Scouting Is Parents Who Love This Boy, and care about him.  They want him to grow up to be a well-rounded individual who can live and work in an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation.

Cub # 3:       Cub Scouting Is A Den Leader, who opens their home and heart to this boy and 5, 6 or 7 others just like him, so they may learn to do things in a group, rather than individually, and learn to share the limelight with others.

Cub # 4:       Cub Scouting Is A Den Chief, a Boy Scout who works into his busy schedule the time for the younger boy, so he may encourage him to stay on the Scouting trail for many years.

Cub # 5:       Cub Scouting Is A Cubmaster, who gives of his spare time, and sometimes much more, to provide a program that will bring Cub Scouting to this boy.

Cub # 6:       Cub Scouting Is A Committee, made up of interested parents who back up the Cubmaster and who serve willingly to carry out pack goals.

Cub # 7:       Cub Scouting is a Nationwide organization a little brother to Boy Scouting, provided by the Boy Scouts of America for the 7, 8, 9 and 10 year old.

Cub # 8:       Cub Scouting Is Fun, for the boy, his parents and his leaders.

Cub # 9:       Cub Scouting is Fellowship, with the boy in your class at school, your neighbor and other people you might never meet, except through Cub Scouting.

Cub # 10:   Cub Scouting Is Citizenship, teaching the young boy respect for God and country.  He learns his moral obligation to himself and his fellow man.

Cub # 11:   Cub Scouting Is A Challenge, to all who become involved - a challenge to live up to high ideals, bring forth creative ideas, express yourself.  It is also a challenge to learn to accept the ideas of others who may not agree with you and learn to compromise and work out differences.

Cub # 12:   Cub Scouting Is Achieving, by boys and parents, as they work together in advancement in the boy's book.  Leaders achieve as they carry out the den and pack programs successfully.

Emcee:      As you can see, Cub Scouting is many things - each one important and shining forth in its own way.  If we keep all these lights burning brightly in our pack, our radiance will be seen by many people.  THIS IS CUB SCOUTING!  (Pause - the lights on, candles are blown out, and readers exit.)


Making A Cub Scout

Viking Council

An excellent opening for the induction of
 new Cub Scouts into the pack

Characters:  Child, Two Leaders, Two Parents


·         You will need a large table for the child to lie on during the “operation.”

·         The “doctor” can carry a large cardboard knife.

·         Props to be “removed” are tacked to back of table, out of sight.

·         Those to be “put in” can be placed nearby. (Props are listed where used.)

Narrator: We are about to instruct you in the method of making a Cub Scout. To complete this project, you will need one small eager boy, two interested parents, one patient Den Leader, and one courageous Cubmaster.

(Each character enters as his name is spoken. Boy wears uniform under a large loose-fitting shirt and climbs up on the table. Others don surgical masks. As the narrator continues, the operation proceeds, with Cubmaster acting as doctor. Den Leader and parents hand him the things to be put in and take the things removed. When the boy is hidden under a sheet, he removes his shirt.)

Narrator:  Cover him with fun and good times 

(Hold up posters labeled “FUN” and
“GOOD TIMES” and cover boy)

We use laughing gas for anesthetic.

(Use a tire pump labeled “Laughing Gas.”)

Take out hate and put in Love.

(Hate - lump of paper, so labeled.
 Love - big paper heart, labeled).

Take out selfishness, put in cooperation.

(Sign “I,” sign “WE).

Take out idle hands, put in busy fingers.

(Idle - empty rubber gloves. Busy - glove full of flour.)

Take out laziness, put in ambition.

(Laziness - rag;
Ambition - blown up balloon.)

After this pleasant operation, we have a “CUB SCOUT.”

(Remove the sheet.
Boy, in uniform, stands up and
gives the Cub Scout sign.)

The Singing Den Leaders

Song: I've Got That Cub Scout Spirit
(in the Cub Scout Songbook)

Simon Kenton Council

Props: An Ace bandage, a phony arrow and tape, crutches, a paint brush and some old clothes with paint splotches.

Scene: All den leaders stand in a semicircle around the microphone.  They can start each stanza in unison with the appropriately attired den leader merely stepping forward, or that den leader can start the stanza with the others joining in after the first line.

1st DL:          Steps forward, her (or his) head wrapped in an Ace bandage.  She sings: I've got that Cub Scout Spirit up in my head," and is then joined by the other den leaders to finish the stanza.

2nd DL:       Steps forward with the phony arrow "through her heart" ) or the cardboard arrow taped at a 90 degree angle to her heart).  She sings: "I've got that Cub Scout Spirit deep in my heart".  The others join in to finish the stanza.

3rd DL:        Steps forward.  He is on crutches.  He sings: "I've got that Cub Scout Spirit down in my feet." And is joined by the others.

4th DL:         Steps forward.  His clothes are covered with paint, and he carries a paintbrush.  He sings: "I've got that Cub Scout spirit all over me," and is joined by the others.


Circle 10 Council

Preparation: The following answers and questions can be used in a Cubnac presentation (based on the Johnny Carson "Carnac" routine.) A Cub Scout dresses in a turban and cape and his assistant (or use a different assistant for each question)  carries in envelopes with questions inside. After Cubnac holds each envelope to his forehead in order to “telepathically” come up with the answer (it is written on the outside of each envelope), he states the answer out loud, opens the envelope and reads the question. The boys can ham this up as much as they want.

Answer          Dances with Wolves

Question       What would you call a den leader who square dances with her den?

Answer          I Can Bear No More

Question       What does a new Webelos Scout say?

Answer          Bobcat

Question       What would you call Robert Cat if you were a close friend?

Answer          Bear, Aaron, and Wells Fargo

Question       Name a rank, a Hank, and a bank.

Answer          Rankled

Question       What happens to patches on your uniform after washing?

Answer          Arrow of Light

Question       What would you call 20 candles in a straight line?

Answer          Tiger Paws

Question               What do you call a group of Tiger fathers?



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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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