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Baloo's Bugle

August 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 1
September 2008 Theme

Theme: New Buddies
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 1


Be sure to check out the opening audience stunt under
 Stunts and Applauses.  CD

Do Your Best Opening 

Sam Houston Area Council

Materials: 10 cards with the letters to spell out “Do Your Best”. The part to be read can be written on the back of the cards in LARGE letters.

Narrator:  Welcome to our night of making new friends, new buddies! Cub Scouts truly are wonderful because of their attitude, their determination, and their keeping the Cub Scout Motto.

Cub # 1:       D – Doing for others in need

Cub # 2:       O – One country, allegiance and creed

Cub # 3:       Y – Yes, a response we give

Cub # 4:       O– Oath that we pledge to live

Cub # 5:       U – Under one flag we all stand

Cub # 6:       R – Ready to defend our great land

Cub # 7:       B – Beauty, we see it each day

Cub # 8:       E – Eagerness we all should display

Cub # 9:       S – Service, and love toward others

Cub # 10:   T – Thankfulness for making us brothers.

Narrator   Have a Color Guard present the flags and invite the audience to stand and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Friendship Circle Opening or Closing

Sam Houston Area Council

Set Up:   Each Cub has a 3 foot section of rope joined with a square knot to that of the boy on his left.

The Ceremony:

P The boys form a circle

P Then they tie the knots

P Then the boys hold the rope with their left hands and pull back to form a taut circle.

Cubmaster:      You are now a part of a group of close friends, held together by a square knot, a symbol of friendship.

Asst CM            Let us give our “Cub Scout Promise” followed by the “Pledge of Allegiance".

Sam Houston also had this in their book as a
closing ending with these words instead of
the Pledge of Allegiance:

Instruct the boys to either untie their knot or everyone may place the circle on the floor and step back to be dismissed. As a final word, the Cubmaster might ask them to say the Cub Scout Motto: Do Your Best.


Southern NJ Council

Equipment: 7 large colored cardboard cutouts of balloons which have the letters W-E-L-C-O-M-E on them. 

Set Up:

ü  Boys hold balloons with letters away from audience.

ü  As each boy says his lines, he turns over his balloon to reveal the letter.

Cub # 1:       Welcome to each and everyone.

Cub # 2:       We're going to have lots of fun.

Cub # 3:       Let's now officially open our meeting.

Cub # 4:       We give to you a friendly greeting.

Cub # 5:       Our displays today you will enjoy.

Cub # 6:       There's something here for every adult and boy.

Cub # 7:       Now we ask that you please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A Friend Flag Ceremony

Southern NJ Council

Cub # 1:       Many of us have heard the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. 

Cub # 2:       "Our country is often the friend who helps us in need.  Immigrants coming to America find helpful neighbors and useful programs to make their move easier.

Cub # 3:       As Americans we have many rights and privileges. 

Cub # 4:       Our system of government provides schools, libraries, roads, and other services to make our lives better.

Cub # 5:       Along with these rights and privileges comes obligations. America needs us to be her friend. 

Cub # 6:       As Cub Scouts we can be America' s friend through service. 

Cub # 7:       As we now stand and pledge allegiance to the flag, let's remember how America is our friend.


Welcome Back

Southern NJ Council

Eight Cub Scouts stand side by side.  In turn each steps forward and recites his assigned verse.  You may to be sure each boy has a big card with an appropriate picture for his verse on front and his part in LARGE letters on back.

Cub # 1:       Another year is starting
And we'd like to welcome you.
And tell you what our purpose is
And what we hope to do.

Cub # 2:       Cub Scouts is a group of boys.
It helps us grow up strong.
And teaches us to do what's right
And fight against what's wrong.

Cub # 3:       It shows us how much we can do
If we just work as a team.
Then we'll have fun and jobs won't be
As hard as they first seemed.

Cub # 4:       We'll go on hikes and field trips
To learn of nature's wonders.
So we'll respect her when we're grown
And not make any blunders.

Cub # 5:       And we'll be shown in many ways
That each man is our brother;
And we will see the joy there is
In helping one another.

Cub # 6:       We'll learn to be good citizens
And, hopefully, we'll see
That laws are made for everyone
So each one can be free.

Cub # 7:       To do all this the Cub Scouts need
Good leaders; this is true.
That means we'll need the help of all
Of you, and you, and you!
[Cubs point to everyone in the audience]

Cub # 8:       And now to start the year off right
In good and proper manner,
We'd like you all to rise and sing
Our own "Star Spangled Banner."

A Cub Scout Greeting

Southern NJ Council

This is a good opening for a month when you have lots of New Cub Scouts.

Cub # 1:       Come one, come all, come join our pack.
It’s so much fun, we keep coming back.

Cub # 2:       We play some games and get together,
No matter what kind of weather.

Cub # 3:       We wear the colors blue and gold,
Faith and love in our hearts we hold.

Cub # 4:       We love our country and our liberty.
On this all Cub Scouts will agree.

Cub # 5:       We’re true Cub Scouts in every way.
We “Do Our Best” and we obey.

Cub # 6:       We know the Promise, Salute, and the Law,
But the Pledge of Allegiance we know above all

Cub # 7:       Come – Father, mother, sister and brother –
Come join the fun, it’s like no other,

Cub # 8:       So on this year of celebration
We pledge our love and dedication

Cub # 9:       To ourselves, our family, and our nation.
Now, please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A Friend Flag Ceremony

Southern NJ Council

Cub # 8:       Many of us have heard the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. 

Cub # 9:       "Our country is often the friend who helps us in need.  Immigrants coming to America find helpful neighbors and useful programs to make their move easier.

Cub # 10:   As Americans we have many rights and privileges. 

Cub # 11:   Our system of government provides schools, libraries, roads, and other services to make our lives better.

Cub # 12:   Along with these rights and privileges comes obligations. America needs us to be her friend. 

Cub # 13:   As Cub Scouts we can be America' s friend through service. 

Cub # 14:   As we now stand and pledge allegiance to the flag, let's remember how America is our friend.

Cub Scouts Are …  Opening

Southern NJ Council

Setting: 8 Cub Scouts hold cards with the letters spelling 'Cub Scout' on the front and their part in LARGE letters on the back.  They say their lines in turn.

Cub # 1:       C is for comradeship - we learn to get along.

Cub # 2:       U is for unity - together we are strong.

Cub # 3:       B is for Boys - wild and wooly, but nice.

Cub # 4:       S is for socials - you needn't ask us twice.

Cub # 5:       C is for courtesy, which all of us should know.

Cub # 6:       O is for outings - we're ready to go.

Cub # 7:       U is for universal - Scouts are in every land.

Cub # 8:       T is for teamwork - we'll lend a helping hand.


Southern NJ Council

Make up large cards with C, U, B, and S on them for the boys to hold up high. On the backs of the cards have the following lines (or lines that you make up) for them to read.

Cub # 1:       C stands for Caring. Cub Scouts care about their families and friends.

Cub # 2:       U stands for Unique. Each Cub Scout is different in his own way.

Cub # 3:       B stands for Boys. Frogs and snails, and puppy dog tails!

Cub # 4:       S stands for Super. We will do a super job because we'll Do Our Best!


Beginning Of the Year Opening

Heart of America Council

PROPS: Cubmaster (CM), Assistant CM (CA), 6 Cub Scouts in uniform; they enter stage, one by one, saying their parts. All remain on stage to sing with audience at end.

Cub #1:        Another year is starting and we'd like to welcome you.
And tell you what our purpose is and what we hope to do.

Cub #2:        The Cub Scouts are a group of boys; they help us grow up strong. 
They teach us to do what's right, and fight against what's wrong.

Cub #3:        They show us how much we can do if we work as a team, 
Then we'll have fun and jobs won't be as hard as they first seem.

Cub #4:        We'll go on hikes and field trips, to learn of nature's wonders,
So we'll respect her when we're grown and not make any blunders.

Cub #5:        And we'll be shown in many ways that each man is our brother
And we'll see the joy there is in helping one another.

Cub #6:        We'll learn to be good citizens and hopefully, we'll see,
That laws are made for all the men, so each man can be free.

CM:            To do this, the Cub Scouts need good leaders - that is true That means we need the help of all of you - and you and YOU!

CA:             And now to start our year off right in a good and proper manner, We'd like you all to rise and sing our own "Star Spangled Banner."

(Audience rises. All sing. Cubs exit.)


Heart of America Council

PROPS: Make a banner with the word GREETINGS and artwork that fits the theme. Have as many Cub Scouts as needed hold and recite the lines. Have the audience act out the action that is read.

CM:            Tonight as we welcome you, we need you to remember the Law of the Pack follow Akela.  That is do what are Cubs up front here ask you to do for each letter.  Cubs, please demonstrate each action for our audience after you say it,

Cub #1:        G --Glad to see you here tonight

Cub #2:        R --Reach out your hand to a friend

Cub #3:        E --Everyone smile and shake your hands

Cub #4:        E --Everybody grin and nod at another friend

Cub #5:        T --Together now, stand up on your feet

Cub #6:        I --I’d like you all to take your seat

Cub #7:        N --Now that we’re friends, we’ll start the show

Cub #8:        G --Goodwill is a feeling we all like to know

Cub #9:        S --So now we say greetings to everyone. Spreading goodwill – that’s what we’ve done.

CA:             We'd like you all to rise and salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.



Heart of America Council

Equipment: At his turn each Cub Scout holds up a card with his part written on the front (PROMISE, LAW OF THE PACK, MOTTO, SIGN, etc.) and his lines on the back.

Cub #1:        I have a promise. It has three parts and Cub Scouts all over the nation are brothers and friends in this promise.

Cub #2:        I have a law. It is the Law of the Pack. This law should be used daily in each Cub Scout’s life, in all he does at home, school and play.

Cub #3:        I have a motto, “Do Your Best.” This means that I am willing to try as hard as I can in everything I do.

Cub #4:        I have a sign. This I give whenever I repeat my promise or the Law of the Pack. The two fingers stand for two parts of the Promise and look like a wolf’s ears ready to listen to Akela.

Cub #5:        I have a salute. My salute means that I respect my country and flag. I give my salute like this. (Give salute.)

Cub #6:        I have a handshake. I give it with my right hand. I have two fingers up and two fingers down. This means that I will help others and obey the Law of the Pack. (Give handshake.)

Cub #7:        I have a uniform and am proud to wear it. It must be neat at all times. When in uniform I try even harder than usual to obey the Law of the Pack.

CM:            Will the audience stand and recite the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack?

CA:             Now, we'd like you stay standing and salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.


Heart of America Council

Den Ldr:   Today, in our country, there are over 6 million boys and adults in Scouting, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Explorers, working towards the same goal and that is working to “do their best,” “to help other people” and to “respect God and County.”

Cub #1:        We are the America of tomorrow.

Cub #2:        I may be President.

Cub #3:        I may be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Cub #4:        I may serve in the Senate.

Cub #5:        I may serve in the House of Representative.

Cub #6:        I may become governor of a state.

Cub #7:        We do not know what we will grow up to be.

Cub #8:        But we will all be good citizens of this great nation.

Cub #9:        We will always do our best, help other people, and respect God and Country.

Cub #10:     Tonight we will simply DO OUR BEST to have a great pack meeting.

Cub #11:     Let’s start out our meeting just right as we salute our flag and unite in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Double Circle Opening 

Sam Houston Area Council

ü  Have all present stand in a double circle with Cub Scouts and other boys on the inside and parents and visitors on the outside.

ü  Focus a spotlight on the American Flag held in the center of the circle.

ü  Say the "Pledge of Allegiance"

ü  Then Sing “God Bless America.”



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