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Baloo's Bugle

August 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 1
September 2008 Theme

Theme: New Buddies
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 1

Cubmaster’s Minutes

The Ruler

Southern NJ Council

Props - Show an ordinary ruler

What do I have here? Right, it's a ruler. Some people call it a rule. This one isn't golden but it does remind me of the Golden Rule. Do you know what the Golden Rule is?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's a great guide for living, Scouts. If we always followed that rule, we would always be kind to others because no one wants unkindness done to him.

The trouble is, we aren't saints. And so we don't always follow the Scout Law - A Scout is kind" - or the Golden Rule. Some of us follow the Golden Rule for about three inches. Others make it eight inches. A few of us might make it all the way to eleven inches.

How far do you go on the Golden Rule? Probably not as far as you could. So the next time you're tempted to do something unkind, or say something that will hurt someone, stop and think. What will it do to your place on the Golden Rule?


Getting to Know You

Southern NJ Council

In these times of gas shortages and economic problems, our neighborhood has become more important to us than ever before.  We’ve all heard stories from our grandparents about the good old days when people sat in their yards and visited and got to know each other better.  There are some of us here tonight who really don’t know each other even though our sons share a common experience.  Let’s take a few minutes right now to introduce ourselves to each other.

(CM start going around so others get the idea.  You may want to have a few plants in the audience who know this is coming to help get it going.)

Den ____ will retire the colors for us.

Cub Scout Prayer

Southern NJ Council

The air we breathe, the friends we meet,

The walk to use our eyes and feet,

The things around us make us say,

Thank you, Creator, for each new day!

A Smile

Southern NJ Council

A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It happens in a flash, but the memory sometimes lasts forever. It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, nor stolen, but is something that is of no earthly good to anyone unless it is given away. So, if in you hurry and rush, you meet someone who is too weary to give you a smile, leave one of yours. No one needs a smile quite as much as he who has none left to give.

Heart of America Council suggests dividing this up amongst seven Cubs, each saying a part.  Your choice.  CD

National Treasure Closing

Southern NJ Council

Of all the National Treasures in our country, some of the most important are our families and friends.  They are what make life fun.  Our Pack is a great treasure also.  Remember this as we leave and go back to our homes.  Please stand as we retire our colors.

All rise (Go through usual flag protocol)

Closing Thought

Greater St. Louis Area Council

There are times when a man gropes for words and nothing seems to come.  We get a little flustered taking tests, reciting poetry, thanking our leaders, etc. 

But, if we take our time the words for all those things soon come just as these words will come to help complete this message for you.

If you want to touch the past: touch a STONE.
If you want to touch the present: touch a ROSE.
If you want to touch the future: touch the life of a BOY.





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