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Baloo's Bugle

August 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 1
September 2008 Theme

Theme: New Buddies
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 1


At this time of year there are probably not a lot of rank advancements.  You will have what the boys earned at camp and over the summer.  BUT you will have all your new Bobcats and Leaders.  So this month there are a lot of ceremonies for Bobcats and New Leader Inductions and Appreciations.  CD

Parent Induction Ceremony 

Sam Houston Area Council

Personnel: Cubmaster (CM), 4 pack committee members (MC - Member of Committee) and committee chair (CC).

Equipment: Candle holder with 4 candles

CM:            (to parents) I welcome you and your son to Cub Scout Pack ____. The success of Cub Scouting depends upon the boy’s family relationships. To all the new parents in our pack, we offer a challenge. As members of our pack committee light candles, hear the challenge.

1st MC:         (Lights candle) Learn to have more fun with your boy. Encourage and help him with his accomplishments. Help him progress regularly through Cub Scouting into Scouting.

2nd MC:       (Lights candle) Learn to live together better…as Cub Scouts in a den, as families, as neighborhoods, and as a nation.

3rd MC:       (Lights candle) Become better parents by practicing the Cub Scouting principles of affection, participation, recognition and security, moving your son into Scouting upon graduation from Cub Scouting.

4th MC:        (Lights candle) Extend and strengthen the influence of the institution on boys, parents and the community.

CC:             We welcome you and your family into our pack. Good luck and good Cub Scouting with your son.

The Secret Letters of the Cub Scout Sign
A Parent Induction Ceremony

Baloo's Archives

On your hand you have five fingers.  We use two when we make the Cub Scout sign.   These two upright fingers, like the alert ears of a Wolf, mean TO OBEY, and to HELP OTHER PEOPLE.

The three folded fingers in our Cub Scout sign stand for the three secret letters in our Law, F-H-G. These letters mean Follows, Helps, Gives. As in the Law of the Pack the Cub Scout Follows Akela, Helps the pack go, and Gives Goodwill.  They also mean Fair, Happy, Game. And finally, they can remind us of something each Cub Scout respects, Freedom, Home and God.

All parents and all of our leaders want to do their best to teach Cub Scouts to learn to follow, to help, to give, to be fair and happy whatever the game might be and to respect their freedom, home and God.

Now as part of your induction into the pack as a parent of a Bobcat I ask you to make the Cub Scout sign and repeat after me :

“I (name ) promise to do my best, to help my son and all the Cub Scouts in his den and  pack to do their best, to help other people, and to do their duty to God and their country, and to obey the Law of the Pack”.

As Cubmaster of this pack, I take pleasure in welcoming you into our Scouting family and active participation in Cub Scouting. May your days ahead be happy, game, and fair.

Family Circle (Bobcat Induction)

Southern NJ Council

Personnel:  Cubmaster, Bobcat Candidate and Parents, all Cub Scouts and Parents.

Equipment:  Imitation council fire, Bobcat pins, certificates.

Arrangement:  Bobcat candidates and Parents to be inducted are placed within circle of Cub Scouts and parents.

Cubmaster (CM) Standing at side faces them over the fire.

CM:    You have come tonight seeking admission to the friendship and fun of Cub Scouting.  You have attended a meeting of the den you expect to join.  You have learned, along with your parents who are here with you, those things necessary to become a Bobcat.  Will you give the Cub Scout sign and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise.  (They do so.)

            Parents, we welcome you.  Cub Scouting is for the whole family.  Fun and friendship within this circle come because we have all joined hands, Cub Scouts and Parents.  As parents you have responsibilities in Cub Scouting.  We expect that you will attend the monthly pack meeting and work with your son on his achievements, approving them for him when satisfactorily completed.  When called upon we will expect you to assist, along with the rest of the parents, in various leadership capacities.  Will you accept this responsibility?

Parents respond, "We will."

CM:   Parents will you pin this Bobcat pin on your son making him an official Cub Scout.  (Parents place pins on sons.)  This privilege will be yours for each badge he earns.  We expect that you will work as hard as he on some of the projects (Cubmaster presents membership cards.)  Your boy is now starting up the Cub Scout trail.  May you all be happy with us in this pack.  Cub Scouts, what is our motto?

Cub Scouts (yell back) "Do your best!"

CM:    Give each family the Cub Scout handshake and congratulations

             Lead a cheer

Bobcat Induction

Greater St. Louis Council

Personnel: Cubmaster (CM), Assistant CM (CA), Den Leader (DL), Den Chief (DC), Bobcat candidates and parents

Equipment: Awards

Setting: Cubmaster calls the den leader forward

CM:    Do we have any boys who desire to join our Pack?

DL:     Akela, I have a boy who has shown his desire to join our Pack.

CM:    How has he shown his desire?

DL:     He has studied the Bobcat requirements and understands the purpose of Cub Scouting.

CM:    Does he come alone?

DL:     No, his parents wish to join the Pack also.

CM:    Good, bring him forward.  (Den Chief escorts new Bobcat candidate and his parents to the front). 

            What is your name?  (Boy answers). 

            Do you know the Law of the Pack?  (Boys answers). 

            Are you prepared to try to follow the Cub Scout ideals and obey the law?  (Boy answers). 

            Are you prepared to work hard and to advance in rank?  (Boy answers). 

            Are you willing to do your best?  (Boy answers). 

            Good.  You are about to start on the Cub Scout trail.  Please repeat with me the Law of the Pack.  (CM and boy repeats Law).

CA:     (To parents) Cub Scouting is a family program.  Parents have certain responsibilities too.  They are expected to help their son advance in rank.  They are expected to attend pack meetings with their son, and help at other times when called upon.  Are you willing to do these things to help your son achieve the goals and fun that will be his in Cub Scouting?  (Parents answer).

CM:    (To boy and parents) You are starting the Cub Scout trail which leads to the great game of Scouting.  May each of you be happy in our pack.  (CM shakes hands with boy and parents).

CA:     Welcome to our Pack. Lead Cheer

Bobcat Advancement

Baloo's Archives

Equipment: Oversized key cut out and painted gold, written on it is "Scout Spirit: and an old key on a string.

CM:    We have with us tonight someone who has just joined the Cub Scout program.  Will he and his parents please come forward? 

CA:     In the Cub Scout program will face you with many challenges. You need to attend weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings. You will need to work with leaders and also at home with your parents. In order to achieve your rank each year and the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of light. 

CM:    At times you may get discouraged because the trail seems steep and hard to climb.  There is a key to achieving each of these goals. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what the key is? (Wait for the answer of no and the produce the oversized key.)

CA:     The key to Scouting is "Scout Spirit." "Scout Spirit" includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes that "something special' that makes scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement.  Remember, with this key to Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can now step on the Scouting trail.

CM:    This small key is a reminder of the Key to Cub Scouting.  (hang key around his neck.)  And that first step is rewarded with the Bobcat rank. I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. They may pin it on your uniform. (Do so.)

CA:     Lead Cheer

Immediate Recognition Den Ceremony

Heart of America Council


As a Cub Scout completes achievements for Wolf and/or Bear, the den leader should make sure that a simple recognition ceremony is held in the den meeting.  Use the Cub Scout Immediate Recognition Kit which contains enough materials for a den of Cub Scouts for two years.  This is a motivational device used to encourage each boy to complete the rank for his age. Use a brief ceremony related to the monthly theme, or the one below:

DEN LEADER: We would like to tell you the story behind these wonderful beads. The custom of awarding beads started in the ancient tribes of the Webelos. They were given to braves who did their best to help the tribe and others.

DEN CHIEF: Many moons ago, when the animal world was ruled by wolves and bears, the braves of the Webelos tribe feared these strong beasts.

DEN LEADER: But some braves (names of boys being recognized) still untried, decided that the best way to live without fear was to learn to understand the creatures of the forest.

DEN CHIEF: So they went, disguised as animals, to live with the wolves and bears. The animals accepted them and all their brothers and called them 'cubs' just as if the braves

were their own. This was according to the Law of the Pack.

DEN LEADER: For their bravery and friendliness to the beasts, they were given a thong with colored beads on it. It signified that he knew the ways of the tribe and did his best at everything without worrying if someone else did better. This is the Law which the tribe borrowed from the animals and had the 'cubs' learn. (Ask den to form a living circle and repeat Law of the Pack.)

DEN CHIEF: For doing your best in completing three achievements toward your (Wolf/Bear) badge, I award you (names) this thong and this bead. May you always obey the Law of the Pack.

A History Of Cub Scouting

Sam Houston Area Council

We all know that the Boy Scout movement in America was started by William Boyce after he was directed to an address in London by a boy who refused a tip because he was a Scout. Mr. Boyce was so impressed by his talk with Lord Baden-Powell that he helped incorporate the Boy Scouts of America on February 8, 1910.

Almost as soon as Scouting began, younger boys started clamoring for a chance to participate in Scouting. This resulted in the Wolf Cub program being started in England in 1916. It wasn't until August 1, 1929 that the first demonstration Cub units were started. By 1933, the time had come for promoting Cub Scouting as a part of the Boy Scout program.

As we read in the Wolf book the basis for much of the program came from THE JUNGLE BOOK by Rudyard Kipling. In this book is the story of two wolves who find a man cub who is being hunted by SHERE KHAN, the tiger. They take in the boy, whom they name Mowgli, and raise him as part of their family.

The wolves are part of a pack, which is led by Akela, the great gray Lone Wolf. Once a month, the new cubs are presented to the pack for acceptance. If two members of the pack do not accept them, they are turned out. When Mowgli was presented to the council, none of the other wolves would speak for him.

Just as Mother wolf was ready to give up. Baloo, the kindly brown bear who taught the wolf cubs the Law of the Jungle stood up and said, “I will speak for the man cub.” When no one else spoke, Bagheera, the black panther rose and offered to pay one bull if the man cub would be accepted into the pack. And so it was that Mowgli became a part of the Wolf Pack, for the price of a bull and on Baloo's good word.

In looking back at old Cub Scout books, we are reminded that the Cub Scout program has survived with very little change. In a 1934 Cub Book, the rules for becoming a Bobcat are:

«  -He has taken the Cub Promise.

«  -Explained & repeated the Law of the Pack.

«  -Explained the meaning of the ranks.

«  -Shown the Cub sign and Handclasp.

«  -Given the Cub Motto and Cub Salute.

Today as Bobcats, we must do the same requirements. When Akela says that we are ready, we are presented to the pack for recognition.


(List names of Bobcat recipients and call them with their parents to the front of the room.)

(Hand parents the awards to present to the boys and congratulate them with the Cub Scout handshake. Offer an applause and ask them to take their seats.)

All boys, no matter what rank they join Cub Scouting, must earn the Bobcat rank.

Our newest Cub Scout rank, Tiger, joined the pack in 1982. Tigers are roaring and ready to advance and receive recognition.


(List names of Tiger recipients and call them with their parents to the front of the room.)

(Hand parents the awards to present to the boys and congratulate them with the Cub Scout handshake. Offer an applause and ask them to take their seats.)

Will our Tiger Cubs and Tiger Cub adult partners please come to the front.

Just as the Wolf cubs learned about the world around them by taking short trips into the woods, so have our own Cubs grown in their understanding of nature and of their families.


(List names and invite them with their parents to come forward.)

(Hand out badges to parents to give to the boys. Congratulate them and offer a suitable applause. Have them sit down.)

Originally, only two arrow points could be earned for each rank. The basic rank was called the Bronze Badge. The first ten electives earned the Cub the Gold Rank, and the next ten elective the Silver Rank. Today we award the Gold Arrow Point for the first ten elective and Silver Arrow Points for each ten additional electives.


(List names and invite them with their parents to come forward.)

(Hand out badges to parents to give to the boys. Congratulate them and offer a suitable applause. Have them sit down.)

Just as Baloo the kindly Bear, taught the young Wolves the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds and the language of the air so must each of you help others in you Den in order to meet the requirements for Bear.


(List off Bear candidate names and invite them and their parents to the front of the room.)

(Hand parents the awards to present to the boys and congratulate them. Offer an applause and ask them to take their seats.)

Up until a few years ago, the next rank was Lion. In 1967, this was dropped and the Webelos program expanded to cover an entire year. The Webelos Colors and 15 activity badges were added at this time. A new Webelos Badge was also created and the original Webelos Badge retained as the Arrow of Light.

The Webelos rank is the transition between Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting. Originally the name was derived from the three ranks: Wolf, Bear, Lion and Scouts. Now, Webelos stands for “WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts!” To become a Webelos requires a further expanding of one's horizons.


(List names and invite them forward with their parents)

(Hand parents the awards to present to the boys and congratulate them. Offer an applause and ask them to take their seats.)

The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting. It can also be worn on the Boy Scout uniform in recognition of your achievement. To be standing here tonight, means that you have reached the highest point along the Cub Scout trail. Do not stop here for the trail leads on to Boy Scouting and great new adventures that can only be dreamed about for now.


(List names and invite them forward with their parents)

(Hand boys the parent's Arrow of Light pins to present to their parents. Then give parents the awards to present to the boys and congratulate them. Offer an applause and ask them to take their seats.)



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