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Baloo's Bugle

August 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 1
September 2008 Theme

Theme: New Buddies
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 1


Survival Kit for Leaders

Baloo's Archives


One New Leader’s Survival Kit for each new leader (You can adapt this to install all your leader’s for the new year.)

Will (names) please come forward.  These are our (new) leaders for the upcoming Scouting season.  As we all know Cub Scouting is a year round sport but there are different seasons through out the year.  In the fall we recruit and go outdoors, everyone is anxious to start earning his rank badge.  In the winter we do more inside and prepare for the Pinewood Derby and our big birthday party, the Blue and Gold Banquet.  Then spring comes and we are back outside, earning electives and family camping.  Then in the summer it is off to camp and swimming and outdoor games and activities.  

Cub Scouting is unique with many adults volunteering their time and talents to help the association, our Pack, the teams, our Dens, and our players, the Cubs to success.  Success is not just a one-time victory in Cubs, it is the successful development of boys into youths who have good character and recognize there is a God, are good citizens, and are mentally and physically fit.

When a sports team signs a new player you see them presenting the player with his uniform and equipment to ensure his success and safety.  So to in Cub Scouts, we want our leaders to “be Prepared.”  So here is the emblem of your position (show position patches) and a “Survival Kit” to help you succeed.  (Hold up one survival kit and go through contents)

Rubber Band:  To remind you to be flexible.

Glue Stick:       To help you to stick with it.

Sandpaper:      To help you smooth out the rough edges.

Starburst:         A star burst to give you a burst of energy on the days you don't.

Yeast Packet:   To help you rise to the occasion.

Safety Pin:       To help you hold it all together.

Marbles:           To replace the ones you may lose along the way.

A Match:           To light your fire when you are burned out.

Hershey Kiss:  A kiss to remind you that you are loved.

(We give kisses and hugs!!!  CD)

Alternate Words:

Just as a sports team has many coaches each with a specialty, our pack needs volunteers with may skills, administrative, leadership, teaching, encouraging, spirit and more.  (Present patches and kits to (new) leaders as you call out their names and positions)

Cub Scout Leaders’ Sanity Kit

Heart of America Council

Make a kit with items like those listed below and present it to the new leaders.  Be sure to explain everything to the group.

Sheriff star:  Use to deputize parents--don’t try to do everything yourself.

Sponge:         To help you soak up all the Cub scouting information you need.

Smarties:      To remind yourself that you are smart enough to do the job right.

Smiley Face: To remind yourself to smile and keep your spirit up!

Heart:           To remind yourself that volunteer leaders are the heart of Scouting; you are also all heart!

Kazoo:          To help you keep a song in your Cub Scouting heart.

2 Pennies:     When people say, “Oh, no! You’re a den leader??? Have you lost your good sense?” you can say, “Why, no, here they are!” (marbles work well too.)

Knotted rope:      When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!

Lifesaver:    When things are tough, the boys make you crazy, the parents don’t help, nothing works the way you planned, and you’re at the end of your rope and even the knot is slipping through your hands, just reach out and grab that life saver, make that phone call, get some help, and just hold on a little longer ‘cuz those boys are really counting on you.

Fun Ways To Say Thank You to Leaders and Parents

Heart of America Council

Bouncy ball:   “You put a lot of bounce into our pack program.”

Eraser:             “Cub Scouting rubs off on you.”

Wiggle eyes glued to ribbon:
“Our eyes are on you” or
“We love looking at the result of your work!”

For the leader who sets the example.

«  Box of Total:       For being totally awesome.

«  Box of Cheer:      For being the official cheerleader. or
                                For always being cheerful.

New Pack Leaders Welcome

Heart of America Council

Personnel:        Cubmaster, Committee Chairman or Pack Trainer

Equipment:      Kentucky Fried Chicken box containing a rib, thigh, breast and a wing.

Setting:              Call forward all who you wish to welcome.

The narrator performs the whole thing.  It will take a little hamming up to help the audience get all the double meanings.  CD

It's not easy being the BEST.  You start out by doing that thing until you do it better than anyone else.  Here in pack                 we do one thing, and we do it RIGHT

We start out by using only the BEST INGREDIENTS and it's our SECRET RECIPE (Colonel Sanders is a secret, too) that keeps making our pack #1.

So here's to you!  We don't mean to RIB you.  (Pull Rib piece out of box).  We just want to say that you're a welcome addition to our ORIGINAL STAFF

When you agreed to join us, we breathed a THIGH of relief!  (Pull Thigh piece out of box).  You add SPICE (Point to box and mention KFC's the 11 herbs and spices) to our program. 

You help keep us a-BREAST (Pull breast piece out of box) of the latest Scouting news. 

We can count on you to CARRY OUT (The box is a carry out)  any assignment and know that it will be WELL DONE.  (just like our chicken)

When you're asked to do something, even at the last minute you pitch right in and WING it. (pull wing piece out of box)

Yes, we pick only the BEST and we SERVE the BEST because ONLY THE BEST WILL DO!  That's why we're #1 because WE DO PICKIN' RIGHT!


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