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Baloo's Bugle

April 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 9
May 2008 Theme

Theme: Leaf It to Cubs
Webelos: Outdoorsman & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities


Plant websites of BOY interest:
Grand Teton Area Council

For More Information
Utah National Parks Council

Daniel Boone Homestead in Birdsboro, PA

Here is the website for the Daniel Boone Homestead youth camping info.  Our pack usually camps there in May.  We meet Saturday at 10:00, get there by noon, then leave Sunday around 10:00 a.m.  They have a full kitchen and we make the buffet at the Marriott look weak!!  Bacon, eggs, pancakes, you name it, we make it, and eat it!

Wooden Kits

Here is a source for wooden model kits for your Cubs to build.  I usually do not plug manufacturers but this is a Scouter trying to help other Scouters and he comes recommended to me.  He has been designing and creating wood model kits for group projects for a few years.  They are sold essentially at cost.  These are great for group skills learning projects and take approximately 1/2 hour to construct.  Sample kits can be provided to Pack/Den leaders for the cost of shipping.  Or local pickup in the Plano Texas area.  Please send me your opinion if you order something.

The website is

Traffic sign website from Christine in Minnesota.

Christine works at the Tesseract School in Minnesota.  From their website it is an exciting and challenging place for children ( I love the hand drawn Tesseract Mazes, although they are hard to find on the web, it is worth the search.  I wonder of the maze maker and the school name are connected?? There is also a in Arizona. CD.