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Baloo's Bugle

April 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 9
May 2008 Theme

Theme: Leaf It to Cubs
Webelos: Outdoorsman & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities


Recruiting New Leaders

Excerpts from “Selecting Cub Scout Leadership,” No. 13-500.
Be sure to read the whole pamphlet!!

The Key Three of your pack (The Chartered Organization Representative, the Committee Chair, and the Cubmaster) as well as all the members of the committee should be familiar with the steps of selecting and recruiting quality leaders for your Pack. The key to the process is found on the pamphlet, “Selecting Cub Scout Leadership,” No. 13-500.

The quality of any program, whether it's a Scouting program or any other program, is directly related to the leadership. The stronger the leader, the stronger the program.  Selection of leaders is the responsibility of the unit committee and chartered organization.  This shown by the requirement to have the Committee Chair and the Chartered Organization Representative sign the new leaders application prior to submission to the local council.  The Chartered Organization (as well as the Committee) may seek advice from the BSA local council about the process.  Your Unit Commissioner should be actively helping you in this process.

How does a committee or an organization actually go about selecting and recruiting the best person for the job?

Step 1—   Gather a Selection Committee
The head of the organization or COR appoints a selection committee. In the case of an existing unit, the unit committee is the logical starting place. However, parents and others may be invited to participate in the process.

Step 2 —  List the Qualifications
After a committee is brought together, they then make a list of qualifications the candidate should possess. These traits should be listed on a flip chart for all to see.

Step 3 —  List the Candidates
With the qualifications agreed upon, the committee then brainstorms a list of all possible candidates. All candidates mentioned are placed on the list and no committee member may disqualify candidates at this time. With the candidate list developed, the committee then numerically prioritizes the list.

Step 4 —  Organization Approval
Since the leadership is the responsibility of the chartering organization, the institution head should provide his approval of the committee's selection.

Step 5 —  Call on the Prospect
Now the committee selects a visitation team (usually three people) to visit the number one prospect on the list.

The committee should consist of someone knowledgeable about the Scouting program, someone representing the organization, and someone who has influence with the prospect.

Step 6 —  Approach the Prospect
The interview should occur at the prospect's home. After a presentation is made to the prospect, the influential person should ask the prospect to serve. If the prospect is unable to serve, an alternate position should be offered.

If the number one prospect has declined, the number two prospect becomes the top prospect and the process begins again with the institution head.

When the prospect Says Yes; Now What?

Once the prospect has said yes, three things need to occur. First, an application is completed. Second, immediate training should occur. This may be Fast Start or some sort of personal coaching. This needs to occur within 48 hours of his commitment to do the job. Third, an announcement should be made to the organization, other leaders of the unit, and parents as to the prospect's acceptance of the position.

Be sure to get your own copies of Selecting Cub Scout Leaders, No. 13-500; and Selecting Quality Leaders, No. 18-981.

Comment from commissioner Dave –

My personal Rule #1 – Do NOT beg, you are offering this person a tremendous opportunity to help youth grow to succeed in our world.  Approach them on a high plane.  Keep the conversation upbeat.

When you say to someone that they are your last hope, you are telling them they were not your first choice.  It is not a compliment. 

Tell them will not be alone.  There are other leaders.  There is an almost infinite amount of literature.  Both written on paper and on the web.  There is training for new leaders, Cub Scout Position Specific, and continuing training, Roundtables.  Also, supplemental, Pow Wow, Danger Zone, Philmont Training Center, and more, there is advanced training, Wood Badge.

And you get to wear a snazzy uniform!!! J