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Baloo's Bugle

April 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 9
May 2008 Theme

Theme: Leaf It to Cubs
Webelos: Outdoorsman & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities


The Three Trees
Capital Area Council

Divide audience into seven groups. 
Assign each group a word and a response. 
Practice as you make assignments.

Big Tree                            Plunk
Middle Sized Tree                Plink
Baby Tree                            Pink
Babbling Brook      Gurgle, Gurgle
Rabbit                     Clippety clip
Hunters                        Bugle call
Gun                                   Bang

Once upon a time in the deep, dark woods there stood three TREES, the BIGTREE, the MIDDLETREE and the wee BABYTREE--and through the TREES ran a BABBLINGBROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.

One day a group of HUNTERS came into the forest where stood the three trees--the BIGTREE, the MIDDLESIZEDTREE and the little BABYTREE--and through the trees ran the BABBLINGBROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.

As the HUNTERS wandered through the forest, in which stood the three trees--the BIGTREE, the MIDDLESIZEDTREE and the little BABYTREE --and through the TREES (All three respond) ran the BABBLINGBROOK and hopped the little RABBIT--one of the HUNTERS spied the little RABBIT.  He raised his gun at the little RABBIT, and sadness reigned in the forest, in which stood the three trees-- the BIGTREE, the MIDDLESIZEDTREE and the little BABYTREE--and through the trees ran the BABBLINGBROOK, but no longer the little RABBIT.

The BIGTREE, the MIDDLESIZEDTREE and the little BABYTREE were all very sad.  Even the BABBLINGBROOK was sad.  But all of a sudden out from the thicket hopped the little RABBIT.  The HUNTER'SGUN had missed.

And once again happiness reigned in the forest where the three trees - the BIGTREE, the MIDDLESIZED  TREE and the LITTLEBABYTREE --and through the trees ran the BABBLINGBROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.

The Happy Hikers
Capital Area Council

Before you just start using this as it's presented, make sure you try it at home and check the time it takes to run all the way through it.  If it takes too long, just cut out some of the scenery!

Narrator: We’re going on a hike. Just repeat after me and do what I do.  Listen carefully!! (Begin walking in place)

  • Here we go on a hike through the woods and over the mountains. Come along with me. (Smile, wave to group, and hike in place)
  • We’re coming to a steep hill. (Bend over as if climbing)
  • Now we’re on top. What a lovely view! (Shade eyes and look around)
  • Now, we’ll have to go down. (Move hand like going down a roller coaster and say “swoosh”)
  • Boy, we’re out of breath. (Breathe heavily)
  • Now, we’re passing through a meadow. (Hike in place)
  • What’s that I see? (Stop, look to one side)
  • It’s a rabbit! And a meadowlark. (Look up)
  • And a bumble bee! (Run swiftly in place, waving arms as if fighting off a bee)
  • We’re happy hikers. (Hike in place)
  • We’re happy because of the beautiful mountains we see. (Shade eyes and smile)
  • And because of all that clean fresh air we are breathing. (Breathe heavily) and especially because we got away from the buzzing bee. (Smile, turn head to look behind you and wave “bye” to bee)
  • Now we’re getting tired. (Slow pace, walk droopily)
  • There’s what we need! (Point)
  • A cool refreshing drink from the river. (Pick up pace, kneel down and scoop water to mouth)
  • Ahhh, how refreshing. Let’s be on our way, (Hike in place)
  • Now let’s try to jump over the river without getting our feet wet. (Take big step, get feet wet, shake them off)
  • Oh, well, don’t feel too bad about not making it. That was a wide river. At least we have cool toes. (Shake feet again)
  • We’d better stop for lunch. (Stop, reach in pocket, bring out sandwich, start eating, take handkerchief from pocket, wipe mouth, replace handkerchief, resume hiking in place)
  • Ummmm, that feels better. Look, there’s a lovely lake. (Point)
  • Let’s swim across. (Swim strokes)
  • That was great! (Resume hiking in place)
  • Look at that crooked trail ahead. (Point)
  • It’s nothing but twists and turns. (Continue hiking -- twisting and turning)
  • I’m glad that’s over. I was getting dizzy. (Stagger)
  • Looks like we have come to the end of the trail. (Stop)
  • What do we do now? Are you tired? (Shake head YES!)
  • So am I. (Sit down, wipe brow.)