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Youth Religious Award

For a summary of requirements for individual religious emblems, please visit
Requirements are listed by religion.
You may also want to look at either our
Religious Emblems for Cub Scouts and
Webelos Scouts page, or our Religious
Emblems for Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers page, for a
list of the faiths which issue the awards, and which awards are available.
This knot may be worn by any Scout or Scouter that completed a religious emblem
program as a youth member. (Similar programs are administered by the religious organizations
for Girl Scouting USA, 4-H, and Campfire) The actual administration of religious
emblem programs is conducted by the Scout's religious organization. The religious
organization usually presents the religious emblem upon completion of the religious
emblem program. Units frequently honor the recipient with a presentation of the
Universal Youth Religious Emblem Square Knot. Only one youth award square knot is
worn, no matter how many times the holder earns a second or subsequent religious
award as a youth member. For subsequent awards, the Scout wears the appropriate
devices on his square knot to indicate multiple awards.

The above knot is the old version of the same knot. The difference is that the
background purple was not fully embroidered and appears to be a slightly different
shade of purple.
Credits: Knot scan courtesy of Mike Walton
Page updated on:
February 23, 2019