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United States Power Squadrons
Raymond A. Finley, Jr.
Sea Scout Service Award

Community Organizations Award Knot

Raymond A Finley, Jr. Sea Scout Service Award Medal


The USPS Finley Sea Scout Service Award recognizes those members and honorees of the US Power Squadrons who are also youth or adult Sea Scout leaders, and who have provided outstanding civic, educational, and fraternal leadership to both the Sea Scouts and the US Power Squadrons, through civic involvement, educational achievement, and active participation in both programs.

The service award is named for Past Chief Commander Raymond A. Finley, Jr., who became a Sea Scout in 1935, and earned the highest achievement recognition in Sea Scouting, the Quartermaster Award, in 1939. Upon entering the Navy during World War II, Finley's Sea Scouting background and his engineering training at Rutgers University helped him become an instructor at Midshipman School, teaching engineering, knots, and basic seamanship. During 1982-83 he served as Chief Commander of the United States Power Squadrons.


At each USPS National Meeting, all qualifying recipients will be individually recognized during the Open Administrative Department meeting, and will be presented with a Plaque and Certificate of recognition, together with a USPS Sea Scout Service Award medal, shown above. The ribbon design is based upon the vertical blue and white striping of the USPS Ensign, with the medal fashioned after the USPS ensign and ship's wheel registered logo.

Awardees must be present at a USPS National Meeting in order to be recognized. Once recognized at a USPS National Meeting, similar recognition - in person - at the recipient's District Conference and Squadron Change of Watch awards ceremony, is also appropriate. Additionally, it is intended that each recipient will also be similarly recognized at the immediately following BSA National Meeting, with presentation of the Community Service Award Certificate and uniform knot (with the USPS membership pin device), during the National Sea Scout and Venturing Bridge of Honor and Reception.


Quartermaster (Youth) Recipients:

  1. USPS Requirements
    1. USPS Apprentice Sea Scout Membership (or, Active Membership, if between the ages of 18 and 21).
    2. Attain Advanced Grade of Seamanship (S)
    3. Earn at least one Merit Mark for Service to USPS
  2. Sea Scouting Requirements
    1. Quartermaster Award Recipient
    2. Serve in a Leadership position as a Sea Scout or Venturer
    3. Participate in a USPS / Sea Scout joint civic, educational, boating, and/or social activity

Adult Leader Recipients (no Quartermaster earned as a youth):

  1. USPS Requirements
    1. USPS Active Membership
    2. Attain Advanced Grade of Pilot (P)
    3. Earn at least three Merit Marks for Service to USPS
    4. Participate in a joint USPS / Sea Scout civic, educational, boating, and/or social activity
  2. Sea Scouting Requirements
    1. a. Earn the Sea Scout Adult Leader Training Award
    2. b. Attend and complete SEABADGE Conference requirements
    3. Serve in an active leader capacity in Sea Scouting for a minimum of three years, as a Registered Adult Leader
      1. Ship, Council, or Regional Committee member
      2. Skipper or Mate of a Sea Scout Ship
      3. Active Consultant, with Ship Committee proposal and letter of recommendation
    4. Participate in a USPS / Sea Scout joint activity

USPS Honoree Recipients:

Upon the request of the National Administrative Officer (NAO), as ratified by the Operating Committee and the Governing Board, a maximum of three Awards per year may be presented by the Chief Commander to honorary USPS members and/or honored guests of the National Bridge during the USPS National Annual Meeting, or during USPS National Governing Board meetings.


An Application Form can be downloaded from the Sea Scouting Website at

A Finley Award Review Committee, comprised of a group of previous Finley Award recipients, USPS Membership Committee and Youth Activities Team members, and USPS District Sea Scout Liaisons has been established to review all applications and nominations submitted. Awardees will be notified in advance of the USPS National Governing Board Meeting or Annual National Meeting where their presentation will take place, and asked to confirm their attendance.

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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