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Alummni Award KnotAlumni Award Lapel Pin

Alumni Award

General Information

This award is a recognition program to encourage participation and work in council alumni relations programs; areas of work include alumni identification/promotion, alumni engagement, personal participation, and education.

  • To apply for the Alumni Award, complete the Application for the Alumni Knot Award, based on the requirements below, and submit the application to the National Alumni Task Force for approval.
  • All requirements must have been completed after June 1, 2009.
  • Applicants must be currently registered adult Scouters of the Boy Scouts of America.
  • All applicants must receive the approval of their local council's alumni relations committee chairperson and their council Scout executive.

Specific Requirements

Alumni Identification/Promotion

Complete any 3 of the 5 requirements in this section:

  1. Create and distribute a communications vehicle designed to identify unregistered alumni, that has been approved by the local council alumni committee staff advisor
  2. Assist in planning an alumni activity at the district, council, community, region or national level
  3. Make contact with at least 5 adult alumni, not currently registered with the BSA, engage them in a serious discussion about the Scouting program, provide them each with an Alumni Connection card and follow-up to see if they have visited the web site
  4. Make two presentations to non-Scout groups promoting the BSA, alumni membership and volunteering
  5. Obtain at least two scout profiles or stories, use them in local council alumni promotion and forward a copy of the profiles/stories to the national alumni office

Alumni Engagement

Complete all 4 of the requirements in this section:

  1. Make arrangements for at least two unregistered alumni to attend a Scout activity at the district, council, community, region or national level (must be different than those used below in this section)
  2. Facilitate at least two alumni becoming registered members of the BSA (must be different than those used above in this section)
  3. Personally solicit and obtain Friends of Scouting gifts from at least two unregistered alumni (must be different than those used above in this section)
  4. Recruit at least two unregistered alumni to volunteer at a district, council, community, region or national event (must be different than those used above in this section)

Personal Participation

Complete all four of the requirements below in this section:

  1. Serve on a local council or national alumni or National Eagle Scout Association committee for at least one year
  2. Visit the Alumni Connection web site and complete the alumni scavenger hunt
  3. Upload two of your own Scouting-related photos to the Alumni Scrapbook section of the Alumni web site
  4. Share your favorite Scouting memory through the Rekindle Memories section of the alumni web site and send an ecard to at least five unregistered alumni

All Eagle Scouts must complete one additional requirement in this section::

  • Become a member of the National Eagle Scout Association and register on the NESA web site

Personal Education

Complete any 1 of the 3 requirements in this section

  1. Become an Alumni Ambassador by successfully completing the online alumni volunteer training
  2. Attend an alumni session at the BSA National meeting
  3. Attend an alumni course at the Philmont Training Center

The Award will consist of a certificate and a square knot and lapel pin (shown above). The emblems are restricted, under the control of the Alumni Relations office, and cannot be directly ordered/purchased through the website or at local Scout Shops.

Page updated on: January 18, 2019

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