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Paul Bunyan Patch

Paul Bunyan Woodsman


This page represents the requirements prior to January 1, 2019
For the current requirements click here.

These requirements were revised in the
1996-1997 Boy Scout Requirements Book

To see the changes which were made in 1996, Click here.

Study the Boy Scout Handbook and the Camping merit badge pamphlet, and demonstrate to your Scoutmaster or other qualified person the following:

  1. Show that you have earned the Totin' Chip.
  2. Help a Scout or patrol earn the Totin' Chip and demonstrate to him (them) the value of proper woods-tools use on a troop camping trip.
  3. With official approval and supervision do ONE of the following:
    1. Clear trails or fire lanes for 2 hours.
    2. Trim a downed tree, cut into 4-foot lengths and stack; make a brush (pile) with branches.
    3. Build a natural retaining wall or irrigation way to aid in a planned conservation effort.

In addition to the Patch shown at the top of this page, a wallet card ( No. 34235A) shown below, is available.

Bunyan Wallet Card

The older version of the wallet card (No. 4235), shown below, is also in wide use.

old Paul Bunyan Wallet Card

Page updated on: February 23, 2019

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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