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Hornaday Award

This award was DISCONTINUED on October 12, 2020.
The BSA has replaced the Hornaday Awards program with the BSA Distinguished
Conservation Service Award program.
The new program includes the following elements:
- The BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award for youth
- The BSA Distinguished Conservationist Award for adult Scouters, and
- The BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award Certificate for Organizations
and Individuals (non-Scouters)
For details of the new BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award program,
Click here.
The William T. Hornaday Award recognized Scouts and Scouters for ecology efforts
and service to conservation in their communities. To earn the Hornaday Award as
an individual, youth members had to earn a series of merit badges followed by a
concentrated series of conservation and/or environmental education projects to be
conducted in the member's community or nearby, under the advise of a trained conservation,
naturalist, or environmental engineering expert.
There were seven levels to this award -- the Unit Certificate for Scouting groups,
the Badge (shown above), Bronze Award and Silver Award for youth, the Gold Badge
and Gold Medal for Adults, and the Gold Certificate for outside organizations and
corporations. Holders of the Bronze and Silver Awards and the Gold Medal may wear
the square knot shown above.
The Unit certificate was awarded by the local council to a den, pack, patrol,
team, crew, or group of five or more Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, or Venturers for
a unique, substantial conservation project.
The Hornaday Badgewas awarded by the local council to an individual Scout, Varsity
Scout, or Venturer for outstanding service in conservation.
The Bronze medal was awarded to an individual for exceptional service in natural
resource conservation or environmental improvement. A national committee judged
the applications.
The Silver medal was awarded to an individual for unusual and distinguished service
in natural resource conservation or environmental improvement. Applications were
reviewed three times a year by a national committee.
The Gold Badge was nominative in nature and was awarded by the local council
to an adult Scouter to recognize leadership to conservation at council or district
level for at least three years
The Gold Medalwa is nominative in nature and recognized adult Scouters for outstanding
service in natural resource conservation and youth education on a multistate or
national basis. Nominations WEre made by a national or regional conservation organization
or agency. (A maximum of six per year could be awarded)
The Gold Certificate was nominative in nature and recognized a corporation or
organization for outstanding contribution to youth conservation education for at
least three years (A maximum of six per year could be awarded)
For a history of the Hornaday Award program,
click here.
Below are images of the various Hornaday Awards

Page updated on:
May 26, 2021