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International Youth Exchange Badge

International Youth Exchange Emblem

(For Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and Scouters)

This badge has been discontinued and replaced with the International Spirit Award.
Those that earned it before it was discontinued may still wear it, but it can no longer be earned.

The 3-inch International Youth Exchange emblem was worn centered on the right pocket of the uniform shirt. It was a temporary emblem awarded to individuals who completed the following requirements:

  1. Participate for at least five days in a group exchange program, visiting a Scout group in another nation. This visit can involve home hospitality, joint camping with the host group, or another joint activity.
  2. Participate for at least five days in a group exchange program, hosting a Scout group from another nation in your community.* This can involve home hospitality, joint camping with the guest group, or another joint activity.
  3. Plan activities, as both host and guest, that will provide both parties opportunities to learn about each other's countries, cultures, and Scout associations.
  4. Exchange groups must be at least patrols or crews of six to eight Scouts or Venturers with two adult leaders.

The exchange group must have completed all requirements to qualify for recognition. Each individual in the group must have completed all requirements to qualify. Certification of an individual for the International Youth Exchange emblem was the responsibility of the unit leader or a designated representative.

The emblems were available from the International Division.

For information on the requirements for the International Spirit Award, which replaced this patch, Click here.

Page updated on: December 13, 2018

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