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Baloo's Bugle

July 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 12
August 2008 Theme

Webelos: Forester & Naturalist
Tiger Cub


S’More Patriotic Months

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Set up:

ü  Three large calendar pages, one each for June (with the 14th circled), July (with the 4th circled) and August (with “Pledge of Allegiance” written across it in large letters.

ü  Large picture of the Flag;

ü  Large picture of July 4th, activities, parades and/or fireworks(or optional demonstration); 

ü  Large picture of the Declaration of Independence; 

ü  Large picture of the word “Republic”

ü  Large picture of the word “Indivisible.”

ü  (The last two words could also be on a large roll of paper, brought out by two scouts and unfolded to show first one word, then both words at the proper time)   

This could be done as written with a narrator doing all the reading or separating the readings into smaller parts and having each Cub with a picture read the lines appropriate to his picture.  CD

Narrator: Summer is perhaps the most patriotic season of all in the United States. (Cub Scout #1 enters and posts the June calendar page, with June 14th circled in red)

Narrator: We celebrate June 14th as Flag Day, because Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777.                                        Narrator:  The second month of Summer is when we celebrate our Independence Day. (Cut Scout #2 enters and posts the July calendar with July 4th circled in red)

Narrator: On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, declaring our country independent from Great Britain. (Cub Scout #3 enters with picture of Declaration of Independence)                     

Narrator: Today, we associate our Independence Day with fireworks, parades, barbeques and a day to honor our flag. (Cub Scout #4 enters with a picture of July 4th activities, or several boys can enter demonstrating a parade)                          

Narrator:  Many of you may know that our Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was written by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister.  But did you know that it was in August of 1892 that he worked out the words of the pledge?  So August is also part of our Patriotic Summer. (Cub Scout #5 enters and posts the August Calendar Page, with “The Pledge to Allegiance” written in large letters across it)

 Narrator: Bellamy tells us that he began by making an “intense study of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the meaning of the Civil War, and the aspirations of the people.” He decided that the word “Republic” was the exact word for the one nation which the Civil War was fought to prove…”                                                (Cub Scout #6 enters with the word “Republic” written in large letters)

Narrator:  Bellamy also noted “that we must “specify that it is indivisible, as Webster and Lincoln used to repeat in their great speeches.”  (Cub Scout #7 enters with the word “Indivisible)

Narrator:  As we honor our Flag with the Pledge of Allegiance, let us remember that it stands for our country, and must remain Indivisible, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.  (Flag Ceremony follows)

S’more Summer Opening Ceremony

Sam Houston Area Council

ü  Place a picnic basket in the stage area with the den around it.

ü  Boys open the picnic basket and take out cards that spell SUMMER on one side.

ü  Cut the cards in the shape of different critters or shapes that represent items that could be found in a picnic basket (hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, etc).

ü  As each boy reads his line he takes a step forward.

Cub # 1:       S is for summer that we’re glad is here.

Cub # 2:       U is for us. Boys who need Scouting all year.

Cub # 3:       M is for many outings that Cub Scouting brings us.

Cub # 4:       M is for more fun, ‘cause that’s our thing.

Cub # 5:       E is for every parent who does his or her share.

Cub # 6:       R is for a roaring summer program ‘cause you have planned because you care!

All:       Now we just want S’more of great summer fun!

Cub # 7:       Please rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance


Utah National Parks

(Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Bring a bag with items inside to throw to the people.
At the end, spray people with a spray bottle of water!

It’s so nice to be with you

Here is something you can chew

Gum, gum in the air

Gum, gum everywhere

It’s so nice to be with you

Here is something you can chew

Candy is a lovely treat

Very sweet and very neat.

Candy, candy in the air

Candy, candy everywhere

Candy is a lovely treat

Very sweet and very neat

Some people like health food

Such as nuts they’re good for you

Nuts, nuts in the air

Nuts, nuts everywhere

Some people like health food

Such as nuts they’re good for you

We also brought along some kisses

For the Mr. and the Mrs.

Candy kisses in the air

Candy kisses everywhere

We also brought along some kisses

For the Mr. and the Mrs.

Now it’s time to end our song

Everyone to sing along

Water, water in the air

Water, water everywhere

Now it’s time to end our song

Everyone to sing along

You’re all wet and we are gone!!!


Cub Scout Campfire Opening Ceremony 

Sam Houston Area Council

Equipment: Real or artificial campfire, seven candles.

Personnel: Narrator and seven Cub Scouts.

Narrator:     Welcome to our Cub Scout campfire. Akela is among us. Let us draw from this campfire with all its vibrancy and warmth, the secrets of Cub Scouting and the spirit of brotherhood.

Cub # 1:       In its light we see new chances to be helpful and to do our best.

Cub # 2:       From its warmth we strengthen the bonds of fellowship and learn how to get along with others.

Cub # 3:       From the stones that ring the fire and keep its power in check, we learn how we can curb our tempers and become good citizens.

Cub # 4:       From the smoke that rises out of the fire, we learn to lift our eyes upward and worship God.

Cub # 5:       The spark that started this fire reminds us that little Good Turns can lead to greater deeds.

Cub # 6:       Just as the fire needs wood to burn brightly, so do we need the care and love of our parents to burn brightly.

Cub # 7:       In its leaping flames, we see the fun of Cub Scouting and the job of life.


Utah National Parks

Setting: At least four Cub Scouts holding cards with the letters S-O-A-R on the front (maybe with an appropriate picture) and their parts on the back in LARGE print.  They come on stage one at a time and read their parts.

Cub # 1:       I promise not to break or spoil anything with which I work or play.

Cub # 2:       I will not throw paper, candy wrappers, fruit peelings or other trash on sidewalks.

Cub # 3:       I will keep my playground clean.

Cub # 4:       I will be as careful of other people’s places and things as I would want them to be of mine.

All:         Save Our American Resources!

Emcee:        Please stand for the presentation of the colors.


Utah National Parks

As an American I will do my best to:

Be clean in my outdoor manners;

Be careful with fire;

Be considerate in the outdoors;

and be conservation minded.

Either have Cubmaster say with Cub Scouts repeating and then explain; or involve the Webelos as this is part of their Webelos Badge requirements. They could each state and explain one point and repeat together at the end.


Capital Area Council

Cub # 1:       America and Cub Scouting are just one big outdoor adventure.

Cub # 2:       This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.

Cub # 3:       I will use my mind to think what I can do to make it more beautiful.

Cub # 4:       I will use my hands to serve it and care for it.

Cub # 5:       And with my heart I will honor it.

Cub # 6:       Many immigrants to America had a really big adventure getting here.

Cub # 7:       #7: And on their adventure in this country they became loyal Americans.

Cub # 8:       Let us be like them, loyal Americans. Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Capital Area Council

PERSONNEL: Den Leader and 6 or 12 Cubs

EQUIPMENT: Sign marked "Mud Puddle", individual props to go with each part such as a plaster casting of an animal track, a blue feather, and elm tree, a large pebble, a blower, a large "worm" etc.

ARRANGEMENT: Sign in center of stage is marked "Mud Puddle.” Boys are gathered around this sign as the opening begins. Cubmaster or Den leader may introduce the opening and verbally "set the stage.”


              Did you ever wonder as you pass

           A little stretch of mud and grass,

           What nature may be hiding there,

           Within a spot a few feet square?

           Let's gather around and take a look,

           And like the pages of a book,

           We'll study it with open eyes.

           Can soil like this, hold a surprise?

Cub # 1:       Here's a freshly patterned animal track where a rabbit hopped across & back.

Cub # 2:       I see a stream of busy ants, carrying tidbits as they dance.

Cub # 3:       Look, a feather, blue and gray dropped off a passing Blue Jay.

Cub # 4:       Here about are sprouting seeds from lofty elms and sprawling weeds.

Cub # 5:       A pebble smoothed by action slow, formed about a million years ago.

Cub # 6:       In a puddled spot not yet dried out, a water beetle swims about.

Could have 1 - 6 repeat as 7 - 12 or recruit more boys.

Cub # 7:       And here an eager plant is set -- an early blooming violet.

Cub # 8:       A wiggly worm comes up to twitch; no one knows which end is which.

Cub # 9:       The mud itself has food stores vast, form life that grew ages past.

Cub # 10:   It's not all Nature reveals, but candy wrappers and toy wheels.

Cub # 11:   There's something moving - what's it now? I'll pick it up - a bee - Yow!

Cub # 12:   Quick, put some mud upon the spot, to take away the soreness hot.

Our mud will soon dry in the mid-day sun,
But our outdoor adventure has really been fun.
Our opening does not end here by chance,
Please join us now in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Capital Area Council

Equipment:  Some sort of tree in the room or do the ceremony outside at a tree.

Cubmaster:  Cub Scout, see that tree over there? Beautiful isn’t it? Andy you can tell that it’s strong too. You can compare that tree to a strong family. The roots are faith in God. The trunk is the parent. And the branches are the children.

A poet named Helen Crawford mad e a comparison in a poem I’d like to read to you. It’s called “The Family Tree” and it goes like this:

There’ one thing in God’s natural world.
That means a lot to me.
It symbolizes most of life;
It is a lovely tree.

With roots so deep in God’s rich earth.
It’s not disturbed by weather:
Like families with faith in God.
Who live in peace together.

Its trunk, the body strong and firm
Like parents anywhere,
To guide, control, Direct, sustain.
The offspring which they bear.

The branches which like children
Spread In every known direction,
Until the fruitage of their growth
Has reached its full perfection.

And so a tree appears to me
The gem of God’s creation,
As it portrayed our families,
Which constitutes a nation.

Each one of you can do your part to make your family tree stronger and more beautiful. How? By loving all your family members by obeying your parents and by doing your fair share of the family’s work. Now I’d like to as all the Cub Scouts to join in a “Grand Howl” for our families.


Capital Area Council


ü  Seven curved pieces of colored poster board representing the seven colors of the rainbow

ü  Seven Scouts

CM:      Rainbows are formed by the sun’s rays when they are bent as they strike the drops of water.  Rainbows give off seven colors:  violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.  You can only see the colors that bend in your direction.  The height of a rainbow depends on how high the sun is.  The higher the sun, the lower the rainbow.  If the sun is higher than 40 degrees, you will be unable to see a rainbow.

As each color is read, have each Scout stand
 side-by-side to form a rainbow.

Cub # 1:       R is for red

Cub # 2:       O is for orange

Cub # 3:       Y is for yellow       

Cub # 4:       G is for green       

Cub # 5:       B is for blue

Cub # 6:       I is for indigo and

Cub # 7:       V is for violet

CM:      Look, there’s a rainbow now!  See how that lovely rainbow throws her jeweled arm around these Scouts tonight.

Tonight we recognize Scouts who have reached the end of the rainbow and achieved their quest for advancement.  Call Scouts forward and present badges, awards, etc.


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