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February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 14, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme |
Litter to Glitter
Engineer & Athlete
Tiger Cub Activities
Time Capsules
Capital Area Council
- Empty oatmeal containers
- Time capsule items
- Colored paper
- Markers
- Glue
- Cover oatmeal container with paper and decorate as desired.
- Put items in container to represent time in their lives.
- Can include such items that have the partner and the Tiger, as photographs, fingerprints, drawings, messages, etc.
- It is suggested that the capsule be used through Scouting and displayed at his Arrow of Light Ceremony AND his Eagle Court of Honor.
Tips for Successful Meetings & Go-See-It’s
St. Louis Area Council
with a few changes by Commissioner Dave (CD)
- Compare notes with all the Partners in your den when it comes to setting dates.
- Pick a location that is versatile and easy for everyone to find.
- Keep projects fun and enjoyable by all.
- Try to keep a somewhat fast pace so the boys don’t have time to get bored. Remember that some boys will finish quicker than others.
- Include the boys in on the decision making when planning anything. They know what they like better than we do.
- Communication – this is very important! Set a calling tree so one person does not have to make all the calls. Each Partner should have a list of names and numbers for everyone in their den.
- The den leader should take the time to get to know each of the boys and their partners. This will help when determining if you have a “Will” or “Will Not” travel group. Distance and cost can be a deterrent for some families.
- Know the relationship of each Partner to their Tiger Cub. Sometimes it may not be mom or dad. We want our boys to be comfortable and that relationship can be a touchy subject.
- Stay upbeat! Our moods set the mood of our boys. It been a long, day, week, month but when the den is together we should “put on a happy face”.
I have a story to share in relation to this tip. I received an email several years ago from a friend that was a great inspiration for just those kinds of days. It was about a plumber who was working at a customer’s house where everything that could go wrong did. The plumber asked the homeowner if it would be possible to come back tomorrow and finish the job. Of course the homeowner, knowing how things had went, said that was fine. The plumber went to start his van and, you guessed it, it would not start. As he tried to figure out what to do, the homeowner came out and offered him a ride home. Through the entire drive, short of giving directions, the plumber was silent. When they arrived at the plumber’s house he invited the homeowner to meet his family. On the walk to the front door the plumber paused at a tree in his front yard. There he laid his hand on the tree and closed his eyes for a moment. When he lifted his hand from the tree a new man emerged. The plumber was now happy and jovial, a far cry from what he had been like all day. He introduced his family to the homeowner. As the plumber walked him back to his car the homeowner asked what happened when you laid you hand on the tree. You became a new person. The plumber explained “I did not want my family to have to see me that ways so I left my worries on the tree for God to see and tomorrow when I return to the tree they are gone. God had lifted them from me, letting me know that no matter what He is always there allowing me to continue unburdened.”
The moral of the story, though it may seem really bad at the moment take some time to let them settle. Lay them down and be happy with your family and friends. Tomorrow it won’t be so bad.
- Shared Leadership!! Remember that as the den leader you are not suppose to do it all! Each Tiger Cub Team should take care of a meeting and/or Go-See-It. A good way is to split it up by month. Two teams can work together to complete their month. Just remember to make sure everyone takes a turn! This is a team effort!
Each month in Baloo's Bugle I hope to provide you with fun and interesting activities and go-and-see- it ideas based on the theme of the month. With the aid of the information provided here and at Roundtables and in your council's Pow Wow Book (actually probably a CD) if they held a Pow Wow, CS Program Helps, and other resources you will have everything you need to put on a great program for your Tiger’s. Well, everything but time, that’s your department.
Obviously I can’t list “Go-See-Its” for every neighborhood in the US, so you will need to check your local phone book for the Department of Tourism, and your local Department of Conservation. You can even stop by a nearby State Park and ask one of the Park Rangers questions on where you can go for some the things listed in the different themes. You local City Hall may have information to help. Don’t despair, with a little effort you can find all sorts of great things to do in your own hometown. A few phone calls can yield a multitude of resources. The Department of Parks & Recreation or Conservation will sometimes mail out brochures along with various other information at no charge. And don’t forget the library! You can’t go wrong with all those books. You will find hundreds of books with activities just for kids!
Everywhere you look you can find somewhere to go – from farms to hospitals – use your imagination and watch the magic happen!
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |