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Baloo's Bugle

February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: Litter to Glitter
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
Tiger Cub Activities


This Litter Piece of Mine
Commissioner Dave's Files
Tune:  This Little Light of Mine

This song is in the CS RT Planning Guide for this month but here are a few more verses.  CD


This old piece of litter, I’m gonna make it glitter
This old piece of litter, I’m gonna make it glitter
This old piece of litter, I’m gonna make it glitter
Cubs reduce – recycle – and reuse

Throw it in the big trash can
No! I’m gonna reduce waste!

Take it down the landfill
No! I’m gonna recycle!

Leave it on the road side
No! I’m gonna reuse it!

Cubs reduce – recycle – and reuse


Build hovercrafts from old CDs
Yes, we’re gonna reduce waste

Make spring flowers from egg crates
Yes, we’re gonna recycle!

Make a game from detergent jugs
Yes, we’re gonna reuse it!

Cubs reduce – recycle – and reuse


Make puppets from old paper bags
Yes, we’re gonna reduce waste!

Build bird houses from scraps of wood
Yes, we’re gonna recycle!

Whirligigs from soda bottles
Yes, we’re gonna reuse it

Cubs reduce – recycle – and reuse


Litterbugs Beware
Capital Area Council
Tune: Auld Lang Syne

We are the folks who hunt the bugs,
That litter up our streets,
With papers, bottles, old tin cans,
And wrappers off their sweets.


No litterbugs, No litterbugs,
No Litterbugs for us.
Let’s start today to do our share.
No litterbugs for us.

We want to keep our playground clean,
Without a lot of fuss,
Let’s start today to do our share.
No litterbugs for us.

Recycle Song
Capital Area Council
Tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."

Pick, pick, pick it up
Put it in a can,
Please don’t litter, it makes us bitter
Don’t dirty up our land.

Re, re, recycle
Paper, plastic and glass
We’re the solution, to stop pollution
It will be a blast!

What Shall We Do With a Litter Dropper?
Capital Area Council
Tune: What Do We Do With a Drunken Sailor

What shall we do with a litter dropper
What shall we do with a litter dropper
What shall we do with a litter dropper
Early in the morning?

Put them in the bin, let the garbage truck take them (say 3X)
Early in the morning.

What shall we do with the bottle smashers
What shall we do with the bottle smashers
What shall we do with the bottle smashers
Early in the morning?

Let the recycling truck take them (say 3 X)
Early in the morning.

What shall we do with the tin can tossers
What shall we do with the tin can tossers
What shall we do with the tin can tossers
Early in the morning?

Put them in the bin, let the garbage truck take them (say 3X)
Early in the morning.

What shall we do if they take no notice
What shall we do if they take no notice
What shall we do if they take no notice
Early in the morning?

Pitch right in and stop all littering, etc. (say 3X)
Early in the morning.

Picking Up Litter
Capital Area Council
Tune: I've Been Working On The Railroad

I've been picking up the litter,
All the live long day;
I've been picking up the litter,
Just to have a place to play.

Can't you see the littler basket,
Sitting on the sidewalk there?
Every little bit will help us, If you just show you care.
Won't you pick it up?  Won't you pick it up?

Won't you pick it up today?
Help us clean it up.  Help us clean it up.
Help to clean the U.S.A.!

Bring Back a Clean World
Capital Area Council & Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My Roundtable staff knows there is a ban on "My Bonnie" songs but I think we will give this one an exemption  CD

The litter blows over the highway,
The litter blows over the park,
Unless we do something about it,
The world will be litterly dark.

Chorus –

Pick up, pick up,
Oh, pick up the litter you see, you see.
Pick up, pick up,
Oh, pick up the litter you see.

The cars that drive over the highway,
Are spewing exhaust in the air,
We're leading our world in extinction,
And yet just don't seem to care.

Chorus –

God gave us clean air for our breathing
But we just don't keep it that way,
Instead we pollute it from smokestacks
And breathe in the garbage each day.

New Chorus –

Bring back, bring back,

Bring back a clean world to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
bring back a clean world to me.

Recycle Song
Sam Houston Area Council
(Tune: This Old Man)

Newspaper, magazine,
Make recycling your routine


We should all recycle
To give the earth a chance.
We want to save this great expanse.
Plastics lids, milk jugs, too,
Recycle bin’s the place for you.


No soda cans in the trash,
You can turn them in for cash.


Trash Rap
Sam Houston Area Council
(Chant to a rap beat.)

We’re Pack ____ , comin’ on through
Recycling trash and we’re doing it for you!
We don’t claim to have the whole solution.
We’re just trying to stop some more pollution!

We pick up the trash and pick up the litter.
We tell our parents and the baby-sitter:
“Garbage is a mess, it makes the world dirty
If we keep this up, by the time we’re thirty,

We’ll be sitting on piles of non-decaying plastic,
Disposable diapers and pieces of elastic,
Broken glass and old tin cans;
Clean up the world! That’s the name of this plan.”

We don’t claim to have the whole solution,
We’re just trying to stop some more pollution!
The water is filthy; it’s not fit to drink
And the air around us, it really stinks!

We have to start now to clean up our act
Or we’re gonna kill the Earth and that’s a fact!
The government is working to pass some legislation,
To make the Earth fit for future generations.

But, you’ll agree that it’s not enough
It’s up to us and we’ve got to be tough!
We’re Pack ____ , comin’ on through
Recycling trash and we’re doing it for you!

We don’t claim to have the whole solution
We’re just trying to stop some more pollution!

Make It Better
Sam Houston Area Council
(Tune: “Frère Jacque”)

We are looking, we are looking,
Around our world, yes we are.
Trying to make it better.
Trying to make it better.
For everyone - everyone.


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