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Baloo's Bugle

February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: Litter to Glitter
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
Tiger Cub Activities


The Litter Bug
Capital Area Council

Divide audience into four groups. Assign each group a word and a response. Practice as you make assignments.

Paper                   Crackle, crackle

Cans                     Clatter, clatter

Trash                    Dump, dump

LitterBug          Toss and Throw

God put bugs in this world for many reasons.  He made them to live in every kind of season.  But the pesky LitterBug, with his Paper and Cans was made through neglected Trash by the foolish man. To keep our land beautiful, get rid of that Litter Bug.  So beach goers can again lounge on a clean, sand rug.  Because of this pest, we must walk around in Paper and Cans and Trash on the ground.

Just who are the LitterBugs who mess up our land?  Do you really ever see them toss that Paper or Can?  And in dumping his Trash he is very sly.  So most of the time it just appears there, as if it had dropped right out of thin air.  Could it be we are so used to throwing things there, that we dump Paper and Cans without being aware?  Without even thinking when we toss Trash and waste.  We could be a Litter Bug in all of our haste.

So when you unwrap that gum or candy, don’t throw down the Paper just because it is handy.  Next time stop and think when it’s pop Cans you toss, ’cause if you’re a LitterBug it’s also your loss if every single person would take note of his habit that pesky LitterBug we could certainly nab it.  Then that terrible bug we could surely stamp it out, with no more Paper or Cans or Trash about to keep our land beautiful we must all do our part, by taking care of our Trash properly from the start.


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