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Baloo's Bugle

February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: Litter to Glitter
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
Tiger Cub Activities



Art Belt Loop

The requirements listed below are taken from the Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program Guide (34299B) 2006 Printing


Webelos that earn the Art Belt Loop while a Webelos Scout  also satisfy requirement 11 for the Artist Activity Badge.

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:

  • Make a list of common materials used to create visual art compositions.
  • Demonstrate how six of the following elements of design are used in a drawing: lines, circles, dots, shapes, colors, patterns, textures, space, balance, or perspective.
  • Identify the three primary colors and the three secondary colors that can be made by mixing them. Show how this is done using paints or markers. Use the primary and secondary colors to create a painting

Academics Pin

Earn the Art belt loop, and complete six of the following requirements:

  • Visit an art museum, gallery, or exhibit. Discuss with an adult the art you saw.
  • Create two self-portraits using two different art techniques, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, or computer illustration.
  • Demonstrate how to make paper. Make a sample at least 4 inches by 4 inches.
  • Make a simple silkscreen or stencil. Print a card or T-shirt.
  • Create a freestanding sculpture or mobile using wood, metal, soap, papier-mâché, or found objects.
  • Create an object using clay that can be fired, baked in the oven, or hardened in water.
  • Photograph four subjects in one theme, such as landscapes, people, animals, sports, or buildings.
  • Make a collage using several different materials.
  • Use your artistic skills to create a postage stamp, book cover, or music CD cover.
  • Use a computer illustration or painting program to create a work of art.
  • Display your artwork in a pack, school, or community art show.

Cub Scout Conservation Good Turn Award

Great Salt Lake Council

This Award is meant for Cub Scouts.

Conservation has always been an integral part of the program of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouts have rendered distinguished public service by helping to conserve wildlife, energy, forests, soil, and water. Past generations of Scouts have been widely recognized for undertaking conservation Good Turn action projects in their local communities.  

The Conservation Good Turn is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities. Working together in the local community, the unit and the agency plan the details and establish the date, time and location for carrying out the project.

Conservation projects should involve the entire Cub Scout pack - scouts, leaders, and family members. Hands-on projects help Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts realize that everyone can do things to care for the environment. Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts participating in the Conservation Good Turn can also meet some advancement requirements.

Ideas for agencies to contact for project ideas:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

U.S. Forest Service

Bureau of Land Management

National Park Service

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

local City Works department

Audubon Society

Trout Unlimited

Some suggested projects could be:

  • Plant grasses, trees, shrubs, and ground cover to stop soil erosion.
  • As a den or pack, adopt a park and keep it clean.
  • Organize or participate in a recycling program.
  • Participate in a beach or waterfront cleanup. Record the items collected and determine the possible harmful effects to wildlife.
  • Establish a nature trail, plant vegetation, or carry out other needed projects as requested by the camp ranger at a local BSA camp property.

The patch can be worn as a temporary insignia or on the scout's patch vest.


The World Conservation Award is worn on the uniform shirt, centered on the right pocket as a TEMPORARY patch.  Only ONE Temporary patch may be worn at a time, but Cub or Webelos Scouts may wear the Progress Through Ranks (Immediate Recognition) or Webelos Compass Points Emblem suspended from the right pocket button in addition to any temporary patch sewn on the pocket.

The World Conservation Award provides an opportunity for individual Cub Scouts (or Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers) to "think globally" and "act locally" to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to make youth members aware that all nations are closely related through natural resources and that we are interdependent with our world environment.

The Cub Scout version of the World Conservation Award can be earned by Wolf or Bear Cub Scouts, and by Webelos Scouts.

This award can be earned only once while you are in Cub Scouting (i.e. as either a Wolf Cub Scout, a Bear Cub Scout, or as a Webelos Scout).

As a Wolf Cub Scout, you can earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:

Complete achievement #7 - Your Living World

Complete all Arrow Points in 2 of the following 3 Electives:

#13 - Birds

#15 - Grow Something

#19 - Fishing

Participate in a den or pack conservation project in addition to the above

As a Bear Cub Scout, you can earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:

Complete achievement #5 - SHARING YOUR WORLD WITH WILDLIFE

Complete all requirements in 2 of the following 3 electives:

#2 - Weather

#12 - Nature Crafts

#15 - Water and Soil Conservation

Participate in a den or pack conservation project in addition to the above

As a Webelos Scout, you can earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:

Earn the Forester activity badge.

Earn the Naturalist activity badge.

Earn the Outdoorsman activity badge.

Participate in a den or pack conservation project.

See Den and Pack activities sections for ideas for Conservation Projects.

I found out in preparing this issue of Baloo my council has a Conservation Award available for all three levels of Scouts.  I am going to include the requirements for it in my RT edition of Baloo.  CD

Maybe your council has an award, too!  Check it out.

Boys' Life Reading Contest for 2008

(This is the 2007 patch NOT 2008)


The 2008 Boys’ Life reading contest will be announced in the May 2008 issue of the magazine. Once again, there will be great prizes for the winners and free patches to all who enter. The 2007 winners will also be announced in May.

Checkout the boys' Life website to read the winning essays from 2006

For more details go to

Knot of the Month

James E West Award Knot

James E. West Fellowship Award

James E West

What is a James E. West Fellowship Award?

The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition presented by local councils to individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the local council’s Endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and should not diminish or replace, the donor's annual gift to the Friends of Scouting Campaign or other council fund raising campaigns.

Who was James E. West?

James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America. On January 2, 1911, West and others formed the National Council, B.S.A. Under his leadership over the next 33 years, Scouting grew and matured into the program we recognize and enjoy today.

Who can Become a James E. West Fellow?

Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone -- an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Council, District or unit Scouter, or in memory of a departed loved one. There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the nominee is in the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as was James E. West.

How is the James E. West Fellowship Recognized?

The James E. West Fellowship Award is an attractive 8 X 10 inch certificate, personalized with the honorees name, date of gift and presented in a bound leather presentation folder. In addition, there will be a distinctive lapel pin and an embroidered square knot.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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