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Baloo's Bugle

February 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: "When I Grow Up"
Webelos: Athlete and Engineer
Tiger Cub


Theme Midway
Great Salt Lake Council

This theme could wake the boys up to the fact that growing up can be fun for life. Let them pick a job they may be interested in and let them do their requirements based on it to keep their attention. Not only will they see what there is in front of them, but it will give them a real taste of what they can do.  They will also see that they have the ability to do something to benefit themselves, their family, and even the world around them. Just like the ripple affect of a pebble dropped into a pond.

One thing that you can do is host a mini career fair. Try to get adults that vary in their job descriptions to talk to the boys and maybe set something up to challenge the boys to see if they can do something that deals with the jobs. Make sure it is something simple enough for anyone to do to start out with. For those who need something more challenging you can set up more than one activity at a time. If you are having problems see if you can get a hold of the zoo, planetarium, a museum, or even universities. Talk to the departments that the boys are interested in and you might be able to find someone who will be kind enough to make time to come talk to your pack.  (Or let the boys learn about the jobs by putting on the job fair themselves where they set up a display to show what they learned about the job. It could be posters, games, or they could just talk about what they learned. Let them have fun while showing what they learned.) You can even make a backyard gym decorated to fit the theme of the job(s).

The Utah Museum of Natural History has kits that you can sign up to borrow that deal with DNA extraction and ancient ecosystems. You now have a chance to experience what it is like to extract DNA and being a paleontologist.  That’s just the start of the types of kits. How about dealing with plants?  You got it. They have one for that too. They are going to place the list of kits on . You can get a hold of them at (801) 581-4303 to set up field trips too. Lots of things can be done on these trips or the kits.  Librarians and teachers are good for finding activities to do.

Look at the Cub Scout Academics and Sports programs. Most jobs need education and/or physical fitness. There are many things that you can pass off. This would be a great time for planning a space derby. Let your imagination go, and remember to let the boys use theirs too. Adapt for disabilities in all things!

For one of your meetings you can set up a crime scene. Plan it when there are items to be passed out. Have the Cubmaster move them without anyone seeing. Have the Cubmaster leave at least one visible fingerprint on a plastic glass or a piece of paper. Make sure that you have a diagram that shows the difference between loops, whorls, and arches. Find a place outside where the Cubmaster can leave a footprint. Then you have your print for the boys to get the print plaster molded. Some can get the plaster ready,

Den And Pack Activities
Catalina Council

  • Props showing items related to different careers.
  • Have a pack career day where Cub Scouts introduce their parents who then talk a little bit about what they do in their job.
  • Invite individuals from the community to come and share information at a den or pack meeting regarding their career.

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Have Pack Parents share their vocation or hobbies as possible things a Cub can do “when I grow up”

Have each boy decide on something he would like to be when he grows up; with family and leader help, he can make a costume or come up with objects that his choice would use in their job

As a den or pack, visit local job sites of interest to the boys – could be pack parent job sites, or community resources

Make a silhouette of each boy.  Now let the boys choose pictures of people doing various jobs, or of materials, clothing or equipment used in various jobs; each boy can make a collage of pictures as a backdrop for his silhouette

If you have a Space Derby, be sure and check out the NASA web site.  If you live close to a NASA facility, you might be able to have a special van visit your pack meeting – they even have a step-in space suit!

Visit a local Space or Science Museum – they have great interactive games and colorful displays.  Check for locations anywhere in America and several other countries – scroll down to your state and take a look:

If you go to a Space or Science Museum website, check out online resources for kids and teachers, videos, games and activities - some will even send you a packet of activities!

Have your own Tortilla In Space contest – boys invent a “Space” treat using various food items – but a tortilla must be a main ingredient.  Go to the Space Place website to see some ideas – and try the Tortilla rocket under Cub Grub.


Great Salt Lake Council

For all variations of puppets listed on this page the following materials may be needed:

  • Fabric,
  • Felt,
  • Yarn,
  • Paper,
  • Markers,
  • Crayons, Paints, Pencils, Glue, Tape, And
  • Things To Use For Embellishments.

Use the puppets to complete a skit, pass off requirements and achievements, discuss this month’s theme, or take home to share with family.

Wooden Spoon Puppets

Materials - Wooden spoons.

Use fabric or felt for clothing.  Use yarn for hair. Draw a face on the spoon with markers. Try different sides of the spoon for different looks.

Paper Bag Puppets

Materials - Lunch bag size paper bags.

Have pages with printed animal or people patterns available or ideas for the boys to draw. Remind them that part of the puppet can be put on the underside – below the flap.  Decorate the rest of the bag.

Finger Puppets

Materials - This template is a guide. Enlarge if needed.

The head and body part should be about the width of the finger. Have the boys draw different characters from a book, movie, or play. They can also write their own story to tell with the puppets. After the drawing is done wrap the puppet around their finger and tape the 2 tabs to fit.

Hand Puppet

Another way to make hand/finger puppets is to use a glove with fabric and felt. Create the character and then glue it to one of the fingers of the glove.

Pom Pom Puppets

Create animals and creatures using different size pom poms. Glue on googly eyes. Add pipe cleaners for antenna, arms or legs. Attach puppet to a tongue depressor stick, or glue a string or cut rubber band to make it a marionette style puppet.

Stick Puppets

Draw or cut out pictures for the puppets. Laminate or cover with clear packing tape to make puppet more durable. Attach the picture to a tongue depressor or similar stick.

Sam Houston Area Council

Materials – construction paper, markers/crayons, crepe paper, scissors, string, stapler

Directions –

Each Scout should decorate a piece of construction paper approximately 6” x 18”. Ask them to decorate it with what they would like to be when they grow up.

Cut the crepe paper into streamers (2’ lengths) and glue them to the back of the construction paper.

Roll the construction paper into a tube and staple it closed so that the picture is on the outside and the crepe paper streamers are on the inside of the tube.

Knot a 30” piece of string at both ends, and staple it on opposite sides of the tube to make a handle/hanger.

Fleur-de-lis Neckerchief Slide
Sam Houston Area Council

Materials –

  • Yellow craft foam fleur-de-lis shape
  • Blue craft foam fleur-de-lis shape in smaller size
  • 1/8" hole punch
  • Wire cutters
  • Blue chenille stem

Directions –

1.     Trace fleur shapes onto foam pieces and cut out.

2.     Punch two holes in the yellow fleur-de-lis shape.

3.     Punch two holes to line up with the yellow shape on the blue fleur-de-lis

4.     Cut a chenille stem in half lengthwise.

5.     Lay the blue shape on top of the yellow shape, matching holes up.

6.     Bend the chenille stem in half and insert through the holes.

7.     Put on your uniform and scarf.

8.     Twist the chenille stem around the back of the ends of the scarf.

Thumbprint Art
Wendy, Chief Seattle Council

Ed Emberly’s book that started it all!


  • Washable Stamp Pads
  • Markers
  • Paper
  • Wipes for cleaning
  • Tissues for cleaning


Using stamp pads, have boys ink their thumb. Then have them make thumbprints to create a picture.  Add details with markers or pencils to make thumbprint people. Check out the video at  Or Google it and you will get a lot of hits

Circuit Board Tie Slide
Wendy, Chief Seattle Council


  • Tin Snips
  • Old Circuit Boards
  • Chenille Stems


Using tin snips, cut circuit boards into tie slide sized squares or rectangles (1 ½” –3”).  Twist ½ a chenille stem into a circle.  Duct tape or glue or thread the chenille loop to the back of the circuit board piece.

Who Am I? What Do I Do?
Alice, Golden Empire Council

Make a silhouette of each boy before the Pack Meeting.  Each boy then makes a collage of pictures showing occupations, clothing, equipment and materials used in his choice of occupations.  Mount both the silhouettes and the collages on the wall and let parents guess who is represented, and which collage belongs to which boy.  Then add name labels or let each boy talk about his collage and occupation interests during the meeting or when he is called up for awards.

What Will I Be?
Oregon Trail Council

At tables around the room, parents staff stations featuring their careers. Den members travel from station to station to learn about the careers of pack family members or guests.

Outdoor Ideas for Everyone
Oregon Trail Council

  • Take a Discovery Hike to see what plants are beginning their spring growth this month.
  • Take a bicycle ride in a local park.
  • Consider flying kites as a den activity.
  • Play an outdoor game such as softball or soccer.

When I Grow Up Time Capsule
Alice, Golden Empire Council

Materials: Two plastic soda bottles for each boy. 


  • Cut the top fourth of each bottle off. 
  • Now have each boy fill his time capsule with a variety of items:  
    • His name, a recent school picture,
    • A list of personal statistics such as height, weight, hair and eye color, age, favorite school subject, etc. 
    • Include small items such as school mottos or hobby items, pictures of favorite sports or teams,
    • Cut out pictures from favorite books, TV programs, movies, friends, scouting activities, family members – whatever makes each boy unique. 
  • You might even have each boy write down something special about every other boy to be added to the capsules.  
    • When the capsule is full, slide one open end of the soda bottle into the open end of the other as far as possible and then tape them together with duct tape. 
    • With a brush, coat the outside of the soda bottle with white glue diluted slightly with water. 
    • Now roll the capsule in wrinkled aluminum foil. 
    • Add an identifying name tag with the boy’s name and when it should be opened. 
    • It would be fun to do this as a Wolf Den and then open the capsules when they are  joining Webelos.
  • One leader also suggested making a Den Time Capsule, with each boy being “interviewed” by the leader. 
  • Open-ended questions should be asked, such as: 
    • What is your favorite thing to do?
    • Tell me something funny that happened to you? 
    • What do you think you will be doing in 10 years? 
    • Do you have a favorite hero? 
  • Add pictures of each boy, then seal in an envelope and open them in a year, two years ??? 

Oregon Trail Council

Learn how to take fingerprints at this web site:

Enlarge Fingerprint Sheet to 8 1/2 by 11

Vinegar Rocket-Launcher
Catalina Council


  • Quart plastic soda bottle
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Paper towel
  • Cork
  • Thumbtack
  • Ribbon Streamer


1.     Thumbtack the streamers onto the cork. 

2.     Make sure cork is right size to fit in the bottle neck and seal the soda bottle.

3.     Put 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar in a quart plastic soda bottle.

4.     Put a teaspoon of baking soda on a 4" x 4" piece of paper toweling. Roll up the paper and twist the ends to keep the baking soda inside.

5.     Outside, where you’ll have plenty of altitude available, drop the paper into the bottom of the bottle and put on the cork as tightly as you can. The liquid slowly soaks through the paper toweling. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gas. As more gas forms, pressure builds up inside the bottle.

6.     You can’t have an accurate countdown, so just stand back and wait. Eventually the cork shoots skyward with a loud pop!

7.     Outside, where you’ll have plenty of altitude available, drop the paper into the bottom of the bottle and put on the cork as tightly as you can. The liquid slowly soaks through the paper toweling. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gas. As more gas forms, pressure builds up inside the bottle.

8.     You can’t have an accurate countdown, so just stand back and wait. Eventually the cork shoots skyward with a loud pop!

Propeller Cars
Catalina Council

These cars will zoom along flat ground for quite a distance. They would be fun cars to race along with the regular pinewood derbies or in place of.


  • Thin pieces of wood
  • Model airplane or Space Derby propeller
  • Rubber band
  • 2 Pairs of wheels on axles (from an old toy car) or on a piece of wood (1/2" x 1/2" x 3").


1.     Fasten wheels to body similar to a pinewood derby car, or make wood axles from small piece of wood. Drill holes in ends for nails to hold on wheels.

2.     When you fix the axles to the cross pieces, make sure the wheels can turn freely.

3.     Be very careful when you drill the small hole for the propeller wire, it need only be about 3/16" (or 95 mm) in diameter.

4.     A bit of cooking oil on the rubber band makes it work better.

Knife Safety Tips
Oregon Trail Council

Cub Scout Bear Handbook, Achievement 19a

  • A knife is a tool, not a toy
  • Know how to sharpen a knife. A sharp knife is safer because it is less likely to slip and cut you.
  • Keep the blade clean.
  • Never carry an open pocketknife.
  • When you are not using your knife, close it and put it away.
  • Keep your knife dry.
  • When you are using the cutting blade, do not try to make big savings or chips. Easy does it.
  • Make a safety circle: Before you pick up your knife to use it, stretch your arm out and turn in a circle. If you can’t touch anyone else, it is safe to use your knife.

Painted Rock Animals
Great Salt Lake Council

Materials Needed:

  • Smooth flat rocks about the size of a business card,
  • Acrylic paints,
  • A sealer (spray or brush on).

  • Draw the design on with light pencil then outline in black sharpie and paint.
  • Outline again if needed.
  • Spray or paint on a sealer coat.
  • If desired, cover the bottom of the rock with felt to keep from scratching surfaces.


Use larger rocks and place in outside planters, or as a doorstop.

Catalina Council

Materials: 2 Large juice cans, 2 – 6' sections of rope

1. Cut out one end of the can. In the other end punch two holes just large enough for the rope. Tie the ends of the rope together inside the can.

2. Step on the closed end of the can and hold the rope in your hand. As you lift your foot, pull on the rope.

Pill Bottle Toss
Catalina Council


  • Glue
  • Wooden Bead
  • Plywood
  • String
  • Paint


1.     Enlarge pattern to approximately 10 3/8" x 6". Cut paddle from 1/4" plywood, using the pattern shown. Sand and Paint, if desired.

2.     Cups are plastic pill bottles (or film canisters), approximately 1" diameter. Glue to paddle in places shown.

3.     Ball is wooden bead, tied to front of paddle with a string approximately 12" long.

4.     Toss balls into cups and add up score.

5.     Highest score wins.

How To Tie A Necktie
Oregon Trail Council

One of my favorites along with tying your shoes.  I was the last boy in my class to learn to tie his shoes.  If there had not been a Requirement for an Achievement needed for  the Wolf badge in 1957, I may never have learned.  CD

Go here to watch them tie a tie -

The web site,, offers video clips on how to tie many different knots.

Whittling Chip

Whitting Chip Wallet Card     Whitting Chip Patch

In return for the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to designated Cub Scout functions, I agree to the following:

1.     I will treat my pocketknife with the respect due a useful tool.

2.     I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when not in use.

3.     I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure someone near me.

4.     I promise never to throw my pocketknife for any reason.

5.     I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times.

The Official BSA Whittling Chip for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts is a Wallet Card (No. 34223A) and/or Patch (08598) (shown above)

The Whittling Chip patch is considered a "Temporary Patch" and, if worn, should be worn centered on the RIGHT Pocket of the Cub Scout or Webelos Scout Uniform Shirt. It should NOT be sewn on a pocket flap

Watch A Seed Grow
Great Salt Lake Council

  • Plant a lima bean seed against the side of a clear cup.
  • Place it in a warm place and watch it grow over the next few weeks.


Cub Scout Bulletin Board
Great Salt Lake Council

What do you want to be when you grow up? Earn Council Activity and Trail patches from places that you are interested in. Collect patches, pictures and mementos that you want to be in your future!

What You Will Need:

  • Bulletin Board (Any size)
  • Spray Paint or Acrylic Paint
  • Newspaper
  • (Optional) Clear Varnish

If Using Acrylic Paint You Will Need:

  • Sponge Brushes
  • Water to rinse brushes in
  • Paper Plates
  • Paper Towels

Bulletin Board Instructions:

If using spray paint:

Step #1.     Take the bulletin board outside.

Step #2.     Lay the newspapers out on the grass.

Step #3.     Lay the bulletin board on the newspapers.

Step #4.     Using a sweeping motion, lightly cover the bulletin board tops and sides with spray paint.

Step #5.     Let dry.
If needed, spray a second coat and let dry.

Bulletin Board Instructions:

If using acrylic paint:

1.     Lay newspaper on table or flat surface.

2.     Lay bulletin board on the newspaper.

3.     Pour desired color of paint onto paper plate.

4.     Paint cork part of bulletin board with one solid color, Paint a second coat if necessary.

5.     Rinse brush in water and squeeze out all the water. Squeeze excess water into a paper towel.

6.     Paint frame of bulletin board with another color.

7.     Paint a second coat if necessary.

8.     Allow paint to dry well.

9.     (Optional) For a shiny finish on frame, rinse out brush again and apply a coat or two of clear varnish, allowing varnish to dry between coats.

 Sam Houston Area Council

From the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book –

  • Learn more about using puppets and writing puppet [plays in Chapter 5, Razzle Dazzle
  • Use the lucky Handshake from page 5-9 as a Gtahering Activity


From Program Helps via

Elect. 6, 13, 43 or 46 or 49

Ach - Den Meetings - 5, 12
Elect. 1A, 5E, 8A, 11A, 12, 14 or 21A, 17F, 21

Den Meetings- 3J, 6C, 7, 9C, 19, 22
At Home - 4b, 8g, 18a, b, f, g, h
Elect. - 17

Oregon Trail Council

There are many good career related advancement activities in the Wolf and Bear Book that are highlighted in the CS Program Helps this month -

P Wolf Achievement 5 - Tools - Have a carpenter or woodworker or wood hobbyist come to your meeting

P Bear Achievement 22 - Tying It All Up - Invite someone who uses knots a lot in their work to come and talk about his career and teach the boys some knots

P Bear Achievement - Law Enforcement is a Big Job - Have a police officer come to a meeting or go visit them at the station.

See CS Program Helps, page MAR 09 - 08 (Wolf)
and -10 (Bear) for more details and ideas.

Alice, Golden Empire Council

This would be a good month for all levels to work on some of the Academics and Sports belt loops and pins – especially if they reflect occupations that boys are interested in choosing when they “grow up.”  If your pack is having a Space Derby, or if you have boys interested in Air & Space as a career, be sure to check out the activities designed by NASA correlated to every level of Cubs and covering specific requirements of Belt Loops or pins.   Whenever you see an asterisk (*)in this list, you will find specific Tiger to Webelos ideas at the NASA Space Place website: down and click on Friends Share.

Tiger Cub Achievements:

Ach #1F – choose a chore that will help you learn to do things you will be responsible for when you grow up;

Ach #1D – For your family scrapbook, try to find out what your ancestors did for a living.  Do you share any of their talents?

Ach #4G – visit a TV or radio station or a newspaper and learn about the jobs done there; 

Tiger Cub Electives:

Elect #2 – (*)make a model Saturn decoration 

Elect.  #3 (*)– make one of three board games to play with your family

Elect #6 – teach and sing a song about occupations with your den at the pack meeting 

Elect #7 – if you want to be a musician, make and play an instrument with others

Elect #16 – learn about hobbies and collections of others and what kind of  jobs those hobbies could lead to or represent

Elect #17 (*)– make a tortilla spacecraft to eat 

Elect #25 (*) Make a Space snack from the Space Place

Elect #26 – if you are interested in a job where the phone is important, practice good phone manners

Elect #31 – if you would like a job working with animals, choose a favorite to learn about 

Elect #36 – if you think you would like to be an actor or help with plays, visit a live performance and see how those jobs are done – maybe you can talk to someone with that job

Elect #39 – Visit the place where your adult partner works

Elect #41 – if you would like a job in transportation, visit a station, harbor or airport and see what jobs are being done

Elect #42(*) – Visit a zoo or planetarium and see what kind of jobs are done there

Elect #43 – visit a veterinarian or animal groomer

Elect #44 – visit a dairy, milk processing plant or cheese factory and learn about the jobs done there

Elect #45 – Visit a bakery and see what jobs are done there

Elect #46 – visit a dentist or hygienist to see what work they do

Elect #49 – visit a government office and see what jobs are done there

Elect #50 – Visit a bank and find out how many different jobs are done there

Wolf Achievements:

Ach #1- Practice skills that you might use in an active job or as an athlete

Ach #2e,f,g – if you want to be in the military, perfect your flag ceremony skills

Ach #4e – do a chore that will help you prepare for responsibilities you will have when you grow up

Ach #5 a,b(*),c(*),d,e -  Learn about tools and practice skills for a job working with wood 

Ach #6 a,b(*),c(*) -  Learn about collections and how they represent different jobs

Ach #7e(*) – with an adult, learn about 3 people who have a job protecting our world 

Ach #8c (*) – Make a family meal using Space Place recipes

Ach #10e -Watch or listen to a TV or radio program and think about the jobs of people who produce them; 

Ach #10f – Attend a concert, play or live program if you are interested in a job in music or theatre;  #10g(*) – have a family board game night or make a Space Game from the Space Place

Wolf Electives:

Elect #2 a, b, c, d, e – Do any of the activities that might be done as a job in acting, preparing for plays or programs, or making costumes or masks

Elect #3 a, b, c, d – use skills that carpenters or woodworkers might use, such as measuring carefully

Elect #6a, b, c – visit a library or bookstore and find a book about an occupation that interests you; learn how to take care of  the book

Elect #11f – Learn and sing a song about occupations with your den

Elect #12a, b, c, d, e – if you would like to be an artist, do all the activities

Elect #13a, c,  d(*) – if you would like to be a naturalist or study birds

Elect #14a, b, c, d – If you would like to work with animals

Elect #15a, c, e – If you would like to be a botanist or work with plants, or raise plants 

Elect #16c – if you would like to be a medical worker, start by learning about first aid kits 

Elect #19 – If you would like to be a fisherman or conservation officer, or teach others to fish 

Elect #20 – if you would like a job in sports, choose one and learn the rules and practice the skills needed

Elect #21 – visit a business where computers are used and learn what jobs require them; learn some computer skills

Bear Achievements:

Ach #3b – Learn about 3 famous Americans, maybe even astronauts; 

Ach #3f, g, h, i, j – if you want to be in the military, practice flag ceremonies to get them perfect 

Ach #5a, b, c, d(*), e(*) – if you want to be a conservation officer or work with animals

Ach #7a, b, c, d, e, f – if you are interested in being a policeman

Ach # 8a, b, e, f – if you would like to be a reporter or writer, interview someone and write a story

Ach #9a(*), b(*), c(*), f(*) – If you want to be a baker, cook or chef

Ach #10a – visit a location such as a farm, museum, airport – where you can see people doing jobs that interest you;

Ach #10b (*)- make a Space Place board game to play with your family

Ach #11 a, b, c, d, e, f, g -  practice skills to be ready if you are interested in being a policeman, fireman or first responder

Ach #15c (*) – play one of the Space Place games

Ach #16 – if you are interested in being an athlete or doing a job that requires physical activity and fitness

Ach #17 c – visit a radio or TV station or newspaper office and talk to a news reporter about their job; 

Ach #17d (*) – use a computer to write a report;

Ach #17f – talk to a parent or family member about their job

Ach #18f, g – write a story about something you have done with your family or den

Ach #20 – learn and practice skills used by carpenters or woodworkers

Ach #21a, b, d (*), f(*) – if you build a model for the space derby or one of the Space Place projects

Ach #23 – if you are interested in being an athlete or being involved in sports in some other way

Bear Electives:

Elect #1 a, b, c, d, e, f  (*) – NASA has projects to do with each one of the Space elective requirements

Elect #2a, b, c, d, e(*), f  - if you are interested in being a meteorologist or a job involving weather

Elect #4 – if you are interested in working with electricity or making electrical equipment

Elect #5 – if you are interested in an occupation working on the water

Elect #6 – if you are interested in flying or working with airplanes

Elect #7 – if you are interested in building cars or machinery or being an engineer or designer -

Elect #7d (*) see Space Place ideas

Elect #8 – if you are interested in being a musician

Elect #9 – if you are interested in being an artist or working with art in some way  #9a (*)  See Space Place ideas

Elect #11 – if you like to take photos and want to explore what skills a photographer must have  Elect #13 – if you want to practice being a magician

Elect #14 – if you want to plan, design or install landscaping or work with plants

Elect #16 – if you want to be a farmer, large animal vet, or work with farm animals

Elect #19, 20 – if you want to be a professional swimmer or athlete