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Baloo's Bugle

February 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: "When I Grow Up"
Webelos: Athlete and Engineer
Tiger Cub

Cubmaster’s Minutes

From Cubs to Men
Catalina Council

Setting:             This closing thought can be read one person (e.g. the Cubmaster) or several other pack leaders.

What can we learn from the past?
Which lessons that will last?
Faith in God, honor of country,
To these truths, we will hold fast.

Our forefathers made us free;
They stood for truth and liberty;
Made inventions and improvements
And legacies for all to see.

As Cub Scouts we honor them,
Those brave men we remember,
From Washington to Obama,
They’ve fanned the glowing ember.

This glowing ember of America
Shall burn for centuries,
The flame of greatness lingers on
For future men to seize.

We now salute our growing Cubs,
Whose youth shall soon be gone;
From Cubs to great men, some shall grow
To lead our country on.

The Heart of a Boy
Catalina Council

Put me in touch with the heart of a boy—Let me study his doubts and fears. Let me show him a way of life and help him avoid Its tears. For the heart of a boy in its buoyancy is one that is pure and free. So, put me in touch with the heart of a boy...the heart of a man to be...

Aim for the Stars
Sam Houston Area Council

The words “aim for the stars” have an important meaning to Cub Scouts. Think of the Wright brothers who tried and failed many times before they made the world’s first powered, sustained, and controlled flight. They never quit trying. A Cub Scout, who tries to do his best and keeps trying, is preparing himself for greater responsibilities for when he grows up. What do you want to be when you grow up? How well you are able to do that becomes your launching pad to “aim for the stars.”

Models for the Future
Catalina Council

Personnel:         Cubmaster or Leader

Equipment:       Model of futuristic car or rocket

(The Cubmaster shows a model of a futuristic car or rocket)

Cub Scouts, here is a great looking car (or rocket). It is the builder’s vision of what cars may look like in the future. We can’t be sure that he’s right. But we can be sure that the world is going to need good men in the future. And we can be sure that we will all be good men if we remember to follow the Cub Scout Promise. Let’s remember that as we stand and repeat the promise.

(Leads audience in the Cub Scout Promise.)

Do Your Best
Oregon Trail Council

We had fun tonight imagining what the future holds for each of our Scouts. Cub Scouts, keep dreaming and reaching! Remember that whatever you do in the future, you will succeed when you always Do Your Best.

The Spirit of Scouting
Catalina Council

The Spirit of Scouting is within each boy. The promise and the law are all part of it, but also pride. Pride in ones self, his den/pack, family/nation; pride in his accomplishments. The awards are hollow and meaningless unless he met his trials with determination and did his best to overcome them. The pack and its leadership exist only for the boys, to challenge them to bigger achievements and honor them for their accomplishments.

When I Grow Up
Scott, Sequoia Council

In the popular movie “Big,” actor Tom Hanks plays the part of Josh, a boy who gets catapulted into the future after making a wish at a carnival.  That night, Josh went to bed as a boy but he woke up the next morning as a full-grown man!  At first, his new life was fun and exciting, but after a while Josh realized that he had been robbed of his boyhood.  He never had those early years of thinking and dreaming about what kind of a person he wanted to be someday.  Everybody in his life expected Josh to be an adult, but he had not learned how.  This story reminds us that it’s not good to grow up too fast.  Boys should enjoy being kids.  They should try doing a lot of different things;  give themselves a chance to succeed at some things but not to be too hard on themselves when they fail at other things.  God created boys to be kids first and adults later.  So don’t be afraid to dream big things for your future, but remember that for the present you are a kid.  Have fun and enjoy every minute!