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Baloo's Bugle

February 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 7
March 2008 Theme

Theme: "When I Grow Up"
Webelos: Athlete and Engineer
Tiger Cub


Spring Recruiting

Spring is a great time to recruit new Cub Scouts, especially Tigers!!  Kindergartners are eligible after June 1. 

The Pack is getting ready for its biggest adventure of the year – CAMP!!!  Once a boy goes to camp and has a good time he will be hooked!!

As mentioned below, the key to retention through the summer is PROGRAM –

Does your pack have an active Summertime Program –

If you do – Spring Recruiting will work for you.

There has been a discussion on lately about Summer Programs.  Many packs responded that they run two activities per month so no one has to miss out on the award.  My local pack runs two activities – one free (pool party, car wash, hike, walk, picnic, fishing derby) and one that has a charge (camp, baseball game (minor league games are best!!), zoo, aquarium, museum).  And they encourage Den Leaders to hold a meeting each month to keep the boys focused. 

Where can you do your Round Up Night?

ü  How about at the Little League Field??  You probably have more than a few parents and boys registered in Cubs and Little League – get permission to set up a booth at a  field (near the refreshment stand?) and advertise that you will be there.  Show parents how the two work together.  Have a few baseball and soccer loops to show parents.

ü  A Park with a playground in your town?  It is spring time boys want to be outside not in a building.  Set up some outside activities – volleyball, tin can walkers, stilts, make hot dogs, play games.

What do you need –

Besides all the applications and other usual stuff

ü  Pack Tee shirts – Have all your Cubs and leaders in their spiffy pack tee shirts and have shirts available for the new Scouts.  Maybe even adjust your registration fee to include a tee shirt for all registrants that night! 

ü  A calendar of all your summertime activities with complete details, contact names and numbers, and sign up forms.  Have it cleared with council that any boys recruited will still be able to go to camp for the early registration fee.

Why now (Spring)?

ü  You are away from the Fall frenzy when everything is starting up

ü  Kindergarteners are available and not swamped with a million things to sign up to do

ü  Most other organizations are slowing down or suspending for the summer

ü  Parents are not running around buying school supplies and signing kids up for other things

ü  Families are looking for activities to do together in the summer

ü  Summer is the best time to experience the outdoors where Scouting does its best job!

ü  You can have everything rolling (especially your new Tiger Den!!) when you do hold your Fall Join Scouting Night to really wow those who sign up then.

Adapted from the Greater Pittsburgh Council website,

Key features of a Spring Roundup campaign:

ü  Kindergarten boys are invited early to join!

ü  Boys going into first grade may become Tiger Cubs anytime after the first day in June.

ü  First and second grade boys who were missed in the fall will be invited.

ü  National Council has helpful recruiting materials that should be available at every council headquarters

The key to success is, as always, PROGRAM! The council and districts offer great program opportunities like day camp which for many Cub Scouts, is a “mountain top” experience. By recruiting boys in May and June, they will be organized in time to experience Day Camp as well as opportunities for Parent and Son events and Cub Scout Resident Camps.

Of course other program opportunities will be important.

First packs need to:

1.     Organize the Tiger Dens and get them started on their Tiger Cub book. The new boys graduating from first to second grade can get caught up with their classmates by working on and earning their Bobcat badge.

2.     Provide fun activities such as a baseball game, a picnic or other activity, which are vital to keeping the interests of new boys who join.

Adapted from The Gerald R. Ford Council website

Pack Spring Roundup Coordinator Job Description

The Pack leadership appoints and/or recruits an individual to serve as the Pack’s Spring Roundup Coordinator.  This name should be submitted to the appropriate District personnel.

This person should -

1.     Attend a District Unit Coordinators training / orientation (If your district has one)

2.     Determine the Packs Spring Rally / Tiger Cub Signup Night.

3.     Confirm date and secure permission for School Youth Talk and distribution of School Night flyers.

4.     Order appropriate School Rally flyers.

5.     Recruit additional leaders and parents as needed to help with the flyer distribution as well as with the actual Rally Night.

6.     Check-out what incentive may be available for Spring Recruiting and how to get them.

In going to various council websites to prep this article I found a lot of incentives being offered by councils.

      *    One council is offering FREE Handbooks to newly recruited Cub Scouts if the pack qualifies.

      *    Many councils are offering free council summer events for new Cub Scouts

      *    One council was giving free Tiger Tee Shirts

7.     Submit ALL NEW youth applications to your District Executive or the Boy Scout Service Center by a specified date

8.     Continue follow-up with potential NEW youth not signed up at the rally night.

9.     Promote NEW members and their parents to participate in the various council and district activities to be held over the summer months. Distribute flyer of activities and how they can sign-up to participate.

10.   Turn in recognition forms for those Cub Scouts which served as recruiters and brought in a NEW member to join the Cub Scout Pack