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Boy Scout Leader's Training Award

The requirements for this award have been revised.
Scouters already working on the award may continue with these requirements until
December 31, 2012.
Those starting work should use the new requirements.
To see the current requirements,
Click here.
- Complete Boy Scout Fast Start training
- Complete New Leader Essentials
- Complete Leader Specific Training for your position
- Complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (for Scoutmasters and assistants)
- Complete Youth Protection Training
Complete a total of 2 years as a registered adult Boy Scout leader.
Do five of the following:
- Participate in a support role for five overnight campouts.
- Help with two annual unit and/or district Friends of Scouting presentations.
- Participate actively in three troop parents' nights or courts of honor.
- Help organize or reorganize a Boy Scout troop.
- Help supervise or support a troop money-earning project.
- Participate in a supplemental training course at either the council or national
- Serve on the staff of a council or district training event.
- Serve as a merit badge counselor for at least five Scouts.
- Successfully complete Wood Badge training.
- Fulfill requirements of a troop committee function as described in the
Troop Committee Guidebook.
- Assist actively with a Webelos den for 6 months.
- Participate in six Boy Scout leader roundtables.
Record for the Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
Source: Leadership Training Committee Guide - 2006 (#34169A)
Page updated on:
February 07, 2014