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Firecrafter Uniform

Class "A" Uniform

A three inch round patch for wear in the temporary patch position on the right pocket is available to holders of any of the six Firecrafter ranks. The Firecrafter and Minisino patches are often worn attached to a leather rounder suspended from the right shirt pocket button.

Firecrafter Patch on a Rounder Circa 1971

Fire Shirts

The Firecrafter shirt is a tan tank top with a five and one quarter inch Firecrafter chest patch. The shirt is worn over a white t-shirt and with scout pants, socks, and belt. The shirt is to be worn at Rituals, Firecrafter meetings, campfires, and any other time when it is appropriate to be recognized as a Firecrafter. The white t-shirt must not have any printing or colored ribbing visible. The Minisino shirt is the same as the Firecrafter shirt, but the tank top is white with a Minisino chest patch and it is worn over a forest green undershirt. It is to be worn without the green undershirt during the Minisino ceremony and after 6:00 Saturday evening at the Firecrafter Rituals. No other scouting recognition is worn with the fire shirts.

Other Items

Single line white name tags with red lettering are available to be worn on the fire shirt or the class "A" uniform. They list the a persons name, the year they became a Firecrafter, and the year they received their Minisino.

Special large name tags are available to officers. The tags list the name and position on a colored background. The color varies with the level (ember, flame, council, etc.) of the office. The nameplates can be ordered from Mike Manor of Manor Engraving, 410 South Plum Street, Farmland, Indiana 47340.

Firecrafter belt buckles are available at summer camp and the rituals, while back patches are available only at the Rituals.

Caps are available for both the West and East Flames. The West Flame hats are dark blue with a yellow West Flame patch, while the East Flame hats are yellow with a gray patch. This year the Orion Ember has made blue hats with the red flaming "Firecrafter" and "Friendship, Leadership, and Service" in yellow on the front.

For additional ordering information on any of the above items, please visit the Setting Sun Ember Website.

For more information about uniforms and insignia, please visit our uniform history web page to learn more!

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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