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Welcome to the Firecrafter Historical Center

Introduction to Firecrafter

Friendship, Leadership, and Service
in support of Scouting since 1920.

Firecrafter Purpose

In direct pursuit of the principles and ideals of Scouting for boys, Firecrafter was created for and dedicated to service to all phases of that movement.

Firecrafter and each individual Firecrafter shall be directed toward the observance of the following creed:

  • We believe that leadership ought to be fostered and its high trusts and responsibilities cultivated.
  • We believe that a Scout becomes a better Scout when he exhibits unselfish friendship to others.
  • We believe that Firecrafter's service to Scouting aids both the Firecrafter and every scout in building better character and citizenship.

In the spirit of these beliefs, we make our pledge of faithful service.

The Firecrafter Program

Scout campers have an opportunity to distinguish themselves while long-term camping in much the same way as they may distinguish themselves by climbing the trail to Eagle. (Long-term camping--Camping for at least six days and nights for Scouts, five days and nights for Explorers.) There are three camp ranks Scouts may earn when they have met the standards listed. These are: Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter. Webelos scouts may also earn the awards of Webelos Camper and Firelight. Youth Firecrafters that distinguish themselves with excellent service may be given the opportunity to candidate for the rank of Minisino. A patch and wallet-size membership card are available to the holders of each of these ranks. The Firecrafters and Minisinos may wear their Firecrafter or Minisino shirts as the official uniform at certain times and occasions. The basic emblem is a three inch blue disc. A red "C" plus the Webelos emblem indicates the Webelos Camper rank, a red "C" surrounding an Arrow of Light indicates the Webelos Firelight rank, a red "C" indicates the Camper rank, a yellow teepee is added to the "C" to designate the Woodsman rank, a red fire signifies the Firecrafter rank, and the Minisino rank is marked by a green "M". Firecrafter officers and advisor are recognized by special name plates.

The Scoutmaster administers the Camper and Woodsman ranks to his unit when long-term camping on his own. The Firecrafter rank is offered in all established summer camps in the council. The Minisino candidacy is administered by the Minisinos in those camps. Both the Firecrafter rank and the Minisino candidacy may be administered with the Executive Committee approval in other situations.

Our camp ranks are designed to assist the Scoutmaster in his responsibility for citizenship and leadership training in the following ways:

  • Troop leadership training is a vital part of the camp rank program. Scouts are encouraged through the requirement to accept leadership responsibilities within the troop.
  • Scouts are trained to offer service to Scouting above and beyond the normal expected.
  • By achieving each of the ranks, the Scout is advancing toward the rank of Eagle.
  • The program promotes participation in long-term camping.
  • A quality review of basic Scouting skills is provided in long-term camping.
  • Accomplishing the camp ranks requires a demonstration of very important character values: persistence, initiative, desire, and dedication to the basic ideals of Scouting.

Any Scout may try for each camp rank, but no Scout may be successful in his quest without having shown each of these values to be a part of him. One of the most heart-warming experiences a Scouter may ever know is to witness the pride and sense of accomplishment in a new Firecrafter or Minisino. The renewed enthusiasm for Scouting in the new Firecrafter provides a wonderful opportunity for his Scoutmaster to continue to train the young man in the ideals of Scouting, and greatly enhances his chances to be successful.

Firecrafter Service

Aside from the character building and leadership objectives, Firecrafter is a service organization. Its members dedicate themselves to a life of service to Scouting, above and beyond what might be expected of a Scout. In seventy-seven years of existence, Firecrafters have performed thousands of special service projects. Firecrafters are asked to give the challenge to each new class of Eagle Scouts. Most of the districts have Firecrafters conduct their campfire programs at camporees or other outdoor activities. In established summer camps, Firecrafters have been very active. They have built buildings, along with service and conservation projects. With money earned from fund raising projects, Firecrafter has assisted in getting summer camps ready for their season, fixing up, painting, and building in each of these camps.

Perhaps the most important service project to have been undertaken by Firecrafter in recent years is the camp promotion effort. Teams of adult and youth Firecrafters have assumed the responsibility of visiting each Scout Troop in the council.

Firecrafters have developed, published, and delivered camp promotion brochures and videos designed to whet the summer camping appetite of each Scout to view it, as well as acquaint those Scouts with the camp ranks and how to achieve them.

Firecrafter Organization and the Ember

  • Firecrafter in the Crossroads of America Council is divided up into two flames (West and East, one for each council section) and eleven embers (one for each district - similar in organization to Order of the Arrow Chapters).
  • Firecrafter is also active in the Lincoln Trails Council of Illinois. This Southern Illinois Firecrafter organization began in 1935 (see the The History of Firecrafter), and for a number of years sent representatives to the Crossroads of America Rituals. Webmaster note: I have conflicting reports regarding this Fire. Okaw Valley Firecrafters report the Lincoln Trails Fire may have ceased to exist.
  • Firecrafter also exists in the Okaw Valley Council in southwestern Illinois, but the organization is not officially associated with the council.
  • In earlier years Firecrafter was much more widespread and was active in several Councils in the midwest. Click here to see a list of extinct Fires.

Webmaster Note: This information provided courtesy of Matt Baldwin XXX.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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