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Firecrafter - Minisino Honor
Minisino is the highest honor that may be bestowed upon a Firecrafter. The
word Minisino is a Miami Indian word meaning tried and proven. Minisino is a rank that can be earned. While one cannot set out to candidate
for this rank. Candidates are "tapped out" after selection by a committee. A
candidacy is for two scout camps weeks and the requirements are secret "known
only to Minisinos and Minisino candidates." However, one can fail (and "fail"
is the word used) a candidacy and many Minisinos have endured more than one
candidacy before passing and being "crowned."
A Youth is eligible to be tapped out for Minisino the summer following his
becoming a Firecrafter. To be tapped out, a Firecrafter must demonstrate
outstanding qualities of friendship, leadership, and service. After a
Firecrafter is tapped out, he must successfully complete a two-week
candidacy at one of the council camps to become a Minisino. Minisino's
requirements are known only to Minisinos and Mininsino candidates.
An adult's Minisino candidacy begins the minute he becomes a Firecrafter. He
too must demonstrate the outstanding qualities of a Firecrafter. After
being a Firecrafter for at least four years, he can be crowned a Minisino. The
youth Minisinos can be crowned at any time during the summer camping season,
while the adults are crowned only at the Rituals.
The Minisino shirt is a white tank top with a five and one quarter inch
Minisino chest patch. The shirt is worn over a dark green t-shirt and with
scout pants and belt. The shirt is to be worn at Rituals, Firecrafter meetings,
campfires, and any other time when it is appropriate to be recognized as a
Firecrafter. The Minisino shirt is to be worn without the green undershirt
during the Minisino ceremony and after 6:00 Saturday evening at the Firecrafter
Kent Holdern told the story of how the green Minisino undershirt came about.
He was the fashion model for the show. The Minisinos wore their fire shirts
for ceremonies only. In the dinning hall it was considered uncouth to have
hairy arm pits showing as the story goes. The Minisinos would have to wear a
T-shirt. No, not the white one. Too plain and after all the Firecrafters wore
that shirt! So the older Minisinos went into J.C. Penny and bought sample
t-shirts in the colors of blue, red, green, and yellow. The adults and the
Minisinos held a "Fashion Show" in the K-Hut out at Belzer (this was
in the 1950's). The Minisino shirt was put on over the colored T-shirts and
either it was the fact that it matched the green "M" or that it did
not show dirt or both caused the green shirt to win hands down. The shirt was
quickly dubbed the "work shirt" and the Minisinos could still do
service and not get their white ceremonial shirts dirty. If the need arose they
could still be identified as Minisino. This true story came right from the
original Minisino who first wore the green shirt by way of John Pratt.
Webmaster Note: This information provided courtesy of Matt Baldwin XXX.