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Firecrafter - Firecrafter Rank
When a Scout has completed or will complete the Camper and Woodsman
requirements, he may become a Firecrafter candidate by asking for a Firecrafter
card. He must also have completed the qualifications for the Firecrafter
candidacy. He should be advised to prepare for the candidacy before coming to
camp. Of the Scouts who do not succeed, most have found that they were either
poorly prepared, lacked organization, or more interested in the honor than the
The Scoutmaster is advised that the Firecrafter rank is one that will assist
his Scouts to become Eagles. He should encourage his better Scouts to
accomplish this camp rank as soon as they are prepared to do so. There are at
least two good reasons why he should not insist that his Scouts "work on
Eagle first": 1) Earning the Firecrafter rank is promoting the advancement
to Eagle and 2) The Firecrafter rank can be earned only in long-term camp --
Eagle requirements can be completed in any of the 12 months of the year. The
Scoutmaster will know which of his Scouts are capable of the Firecrafter camp
rank. Not every Scout will stick to the program long enough to get his Eagle
rank, and the Scoutmaster cannot expect every Firecrafter candidate to complete
his candidacy successfully.
The standards for the Firecrafter camp rank are very rigid. The Firecrafter
is expected, in all examinations, to do his best in fulfilling
the requirements. The standard time for completion is five days. Additional
time, however, may be granted by the Consul of the Fire based on the individual
circumstances (e.g. attitude, inclement weather, illness or injury, heavy
demands on his time, or lack of sufficient endurance). The Consul will act
favorably in any case where a genuine effort to perform the requirements has not
resulted in a satisfactory score. The Consul should assign the candidate who
has an extension of time to his Scoutmaster or a responsible Firecrafter for
completion of the requirements. It is preferred that this be done at a council
camp whenever possible. Lone Troop Scoutmasters may request time extensions
from any officer of the Firecrafter Council, however, in no case may the
extensions continue after that year's August Ritual.
When the Firecrafter candidate has completed the requirements of the
Firecrafter card, he is eligible to participate in the Firecrafter Ritual. The
annual ceremony begins on Friday evening and continues until the following
Sunday morning. It is held in July and August, at one of the council camps. It
is at this time that a Scout becomes a Firecrafter. Only Firecrafters and
candidates attend this encampment. Before breaking camp, the successful
candidates will receive information about the Ritual.
1. | At the time of the Ritual:
a. | Be at least 13 years old or have been an active registered Scout for at least two years, and |
b. | Be not more than 18 years old | |
2. | Have or receive the Camper and Woodsman ranks. |
3. | Be a First Class Scout. |
The requirements for the Firecrafter rank and some explanation of the
requirements are as follows:
1. | Understand and demonstrate the principles and high standards of Firecrafter in personal attitude and example, showing respect for your fellow campers and your environment. Discuss the ideals of Scouting and Firecrafter with your Scoutmaster.
If during the candidacy the Scout's actions do not demonstrate the standards of Firecrafter he may be asked to candidate at a later time. |
2. | Complete a daily uniform and tent inspection. The Scout will stand a daily uniform inspection conducted by either the Scoutmaster or by a designated member of the Fire. |
3. | Read the History of Firecrafter and be able to tell when, where, and by whom Firecrafter was founded. |
4. | Complete leadership responsibilities while in camp by assisting Scouts to advance in your troop and in an approved program area of camp for at least one hour.
In administering the camp ranks, the Scoutmaster should realize that the Scout is learning both skills and how to teach the skills. This requirement can demonstrate the Scout's ability to teach as well as to learn. The Scout may assist with either progress awards or the Firecrafter camp ranks. |
5. | Build a fire-by-friction, unassisted, using a set made by the candidate while in camp of natural materials
(except thong) and keep the fire burning for 15 minutes.
The fire set must be made of natural materials gathered and assembled at camp during the candidacy by the Scout himself. The best wood Indiana has to offer for the floorboard and spindle are red elm and cottonwood, or similar combinations. A leather thong, rope, or nylon cord may be used for the bowstring. Tinder, firewood, and lubricants for the thunderhead must also be natural materials. Suggested tinder is the inner bark of red cedar. The best lubricants are sassafras leaves and the stems of jewel weed. The fire must burn for at least 15 minutes, after which time the candidate will extinguish it and clean the area. The Scout must obtain the spark and build the fire himself, although advice may be given. At no time will there be double pressure, double pumping, steadying of the bow or "Warming up" of the set to obtain a fire. |
6. | Prepare for and go on an overnight camping trip while in camp, completing the Firecrafter Camping Score.
a. | Make a checklist of personal and patrol gear that will be needed. Pack your own gear and your share of patrol gear and food for proper carrying. Protect it against bad weather. Show that your pack is right for priorities, comfort, weight, size, and neatness. Show the right way to pack your gear on a pack frame using a diamond hitch or other good hitch. |
b. | Plan a lightweight camp menu of two breakfasts, three lunches, and two suppers. While on the overnight camp, prepare at least one meal. |
c. | Working with another scout, pitch a two man tent, considering weather and terrain. On this campsite when allowed make a latrine for yourself (where not allowed, as in state parks, etc. describe how to build it.) |
d. | Make a comfortable ground bed, using it for at least one night. Use a ground cloth and padding of clothing, grass, leaves, or straw. |
e. | Show the correct way to protect your camp, including food and gear, against animals, insects, and wet or bad weather. Discuss how you protect yourself against any type of weather if caught out on a trail with only a pocket knife. |
f. | Strike camp. Fold or roll your tent for packing. Pack all gear, leaving the camp clean. Show the correct way to get rid of garbage and rubbish. |
The well-balanced menu should include all recipes and the necessary food for these recipes. Some canned food may be used. In Troop camps the Scout who regularly cooks his own meal does not have to cook a special meal and can pass this requirement by cooking a regular meal, unassisted. |
7. | Make useful camp equipment using square, diagonal, and sheer lashings.
The lashings should be neat and correct so as to serve their purpose.
The lashings and equipment needs to be able to withstand moderate use. |
8. | Demonstrate one of the following: an eye splice, a back splice, or a short splice. |
9. | Swimming:
a. | Explain the Safe Swim Defense Plan. |
b. | Explain water rescue procedures and methods. |
c. | Demonstrate a reach and throw rescue. |
d. | Swim 100 yards. |
10. | Identify, by sight or sign, 10 wild animals, 10 tree, and 10 plants. |
11. | Plan, prepare, and conduct a campfire program.
The Scout and his Scoutmaster should select the time and place of the campfire. Not more than one candidate may conduct any activity. Before beginning this requirement, the Scout should be thoroughly trained in the skills required to complete this requirement successfully. This requirement will be graded on an equal basis with those of all other candidates. Scouts will be provided a grading sheet at the beginning of their candidacy. They will be carefully judged on each of the points of the grading sheet. It is preferred that three Firecrafters grade the activity, but two, or even one well qualified Firecrafter may do the grading. |
12. | Do three or more hours of service beyond what is normally expected.
Since service to others is one of three major objectives of Firecrafter, it is vital that the Scout does both a worthwhile project and understands the purpose behind the project. Selection of this project should be guided, not dictated, by the Scoutmaster. |
13. | Complete successfully the inspections, reviews, and Unknown Test at the Firecrafter Ritual. | |
The Firecrafter Ritual consists of a period of service, a period of examination, a period of dedication, and, if the candidate is still in the Ritual, a period of induction. An element of mystery is used to intensify the experience. There is nothing in any of the Firecrafter requirements or ceremonies that could influence or alter a Scout's allegiance to his religion or his country. Also, the Scout will not be asked to do anything that foes against the Scout Oath or Law.
Note: Scouters 21 years of age or older may be nominated and voted in the
Firecrafter Alumni Association by the council committee. Any Firecrafter who
wishes to nominate a Scouter or any Scouter interested in becoming a Firecrafter
should contact their Ember Advisor.
Webmaster Note: This information provided courtesy of Matt Baldwin XXX.