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Firecrafter originally started in the Central Indiana Council and spread from there. Today the area formerly covered by Central Indiana Council is a part of the Crossroads of Amerca Council.
The Crossroads of America Council of the Boy Scouts of America serves youth in 19 counties in Central and
East-Central Indiana. It was formed in 1972, from the merger of the Central Indiana Council (headquartered in
Indianapolis), the Delaware County Council (Muncie), the Kikthawenund Council (Anderson), and the Whitewater
Valley Council (Hagerstown). It is headquartered in Indianapolis, with three other offices in the council. All four
offices have Scout Shops. The council operates six scout camps: Camp Bradford, Camp Belzer (formerly known
as Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi), the Ransburg Reservation, Camp Kikthawenund, Camp Redwing, and Camp Bear
Creek. The Council President is Steven A. Holt (Minisino and past Council Committee Chief), and the Scout
Executive is Scott B. Claubaugh XXX.