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Baloo's Bugle

January 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: American ABC's
Webelos: Scholar and Engineer
Tiger Cub



Great Salt Lake Council

Practice folding and unfolding a flag, relay style.

The first tiger and his partner unfold the flag,

The next Tiger and his partner fold it,

The next pair unfolds, etc.

As people arrive put them at the back of the line.

Teams who have done it can help guide the others.

Patriotic Pinwheel

Catalina Council


2 pieces of construction paper
(the thicker the better)


Hole punch


Pencil with an eraser

Markers or crayons



«  Start by making two square pieces of paper.

To make a square,

1.Put the two pieces of paper together.

2.Fold the corner of the pieces of paper over so the side (shorter) edge touches the longer edge

3.Cut off the small rectangles (where the paper is still single thickness). The doubled pieces are now two squares
(and each is folded into a triangle).

4.Fold each triangle in half again.

5.Unfold the paper.

«  Decorate one side of each sheet of paper.

«  Put the undecorated sides of the paper together.

«  Make four cuts along the fold lines - about halfway to the center.

«  Punch four holes in the pinwheel, one at each corner.

«  Gently gather each of the four points (with holes) to the center.

(Be careful not to crease the paper.)

«  Push a push-pin through the four punched holes through the center of the pinwheel to attach the pinwheel to the side of a pencil’s eraser.



Great Salt Lake Council

ü  Make block letters of each boy’s name and have them decorate the letters with markers or other craft items.

ü  The letters can also be made out felt or fabric and sewn or glued with hot glue or tacky glue.

ü  The letters can also be stuffed with batting or fiber-fill.

ü  The boys can put them on their wall, or if it is fabric/felt they could be placed on their bed like pillows.


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