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Baloo's Bugle

January 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: American ABC's
Webelos: Scholar and Engineer
Tiger Cub


The Travel Song

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune - BINGO

If you like rodeos and horses
Then you should visit here;
T-E-X-A-S, T-E-X-A-S, T-E-X-A-S
And shout a loud yee-haw!

If you like syrup from maple trees
Then you should visit here;
M-A-I-N-E, M-A-I-N-E, M-A-I-N-E
Just watch out for the cold.

If you like farms that grow potatoes
Then you should visit here;
I-D-A-H-O, I-D-A-H-O, I-D-A-H-O
At all three meals, what fun!

If you like seeing whales and glaciers
Then you should visit here;
And pack an extra jacket.

For fun and adventure all around
You should visit someplace here
The Great-U-S-of-A, The Great-U-S-of-A, The Great-U-S-of-A
And share your Scouting spirit.

You're a Grand Old Flag

by George M. Cohan

Sam Houston Area Council

You're a grand old flag,

You're a high flying flag

And forever in peace may you wave.

You're the emblem of

The land I love.

The home of the free and the brave.

Ev'ry heart beats true

'neath the Red, White and Blue,

Where there's never a boast or brag.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Keep your eye on the grand old flag.


Up The Cub Scout Mountain

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune – Clementine

Rocky Mountains, Appalachians,
And Sierras reaching high.
Cub Scouts climbing up the mountain
Striving hard to reach the sky.

First the Tigers, with their parents,
Learning as they climb along.
Then the Wolf den hits the Cub trail,
Hear them as they sing their song.

Now the Bears are climbing upward,
Heading up the trail they chose.
As they climb their hearts are set on
Their next hike as Webelos.

Where Shall We Visit Today?

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune – Home on the Range

Oh give me a train, or a boat, or a plane,
That will carry us Cubs far away.
To Orlando or Nome, let us wander and roam,
And find new things to do every day.

Hike, hike on a trail,
Or float over waves all the day,
Or soar through the clouds, far over the crowds,
But be home before dinner each day.

In a row boat we’ll glide, to see the Chesapeake tide,
Take a trip to Seattle to fish.
Our adventure is great, so be sure to save the date,
And we can go anywhere that we wish.


Oh, the San Diego zoo, is looking good too,
How about a climb up to Pike’s Peak?
Or deep on the floor, the Great Salt Lake to explore,
Cub Scouting journeys are always a treat!

If Your Name Starts With….

Northwest Suburban Council

tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It

If your name starts with, A turn around.
If your name starts with B touch the ground.
If your name starts with C then stand up and touch your knee.
Clap your hands if your name starts with D.

If your name starts with E, wink your eye.
If your name starts with F, try to fly.
If your name starts with G, blow a kiss up here to me.
If your name starts with H, say, “Hee, Hee.”

If your name starts with I, hop in place.
If your name starts with J, pat your face.
If your name starts with K, kneel down and stay
If your name starts with L, shout, “Hooray!”

If your name starts with M, make me smile.
If your name starts with N, shake awhile.
If your name starts with O, put your elbow on your toe.
If your name starts with P, say, “I know.”

If your name starts with Q, raise your hand.
If your name starts with R, you should stand.
If your name starts with S, you should pat your head, I guess.
If your name starts with T, say, “Oh, yes!”

If your name starts with U, touch your eye.
If your name starts with V, pat your thigh.
If your name starts with W,X,Y or Z,
Then stand up a take a bow and say, “That’s me!”

You're a Grand Old Flag

by George M. Cohan

Sam Houston Area Council

You're a grand old flag,

You're a high flying flag

And forever in peace may you wave.

You're the emblem of

The land I love.

The home of the free and the brave.

Ev'ry heart beats true

'neath the Red, White and Blue,

Where there's never a boast or brag.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

What Did Delaware, Boys?

Catalina Council

Oh, what did Delaware, boys, oh, what did Delaware?
Oh, what did Delaware, boys, oh, what did Delaware?
Oh, what did Delaware, boys, oh, what did Delaware?
I ask you now as a personal friend, what did Delaware?

She wore her New Jersey, boys, she wore her New Jersey.
She wore her New Jersey, boys, she wore her New Jersey.
She wore her New Jersey, boys, she wore her New Jersey.
I tell you now as a personal friend, she wore her New Jersey.

Continue verses with other states:

Florida: Oh, how did FLORI-DIE (Flora die), boys?
Missouri: She died in MISSOURI (misery), boys.

Iowa: Oh, what does IO-WA (Io weigh), boys?
Washington: She weighs a WASHING-TON, boys.

Idaho: Oh, what does IDA-HO (Ida hoe), boys?
Maryland: She hoes her MARY-LAND, boys.

Tennessee: Oh, what does TENNES-SEE, boys?
Arkansas: She sees what ARKAN-SAS (Arkan saw), boys.

Oregon: Oh, where has ORE-Gon (Ore-gone), boys?
Okla: She’s gone to OKLA-HOMA (Okla-home-a), boys.

Massachusetts: Oh, what did MASSA-CHEW, boys?
Connecticut: She chewed her CONNECTI-CUD, boys.

Boldly Flies Our Flag

Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: Scout Vesper)

Boldly flies our flag this day,
Cause of brave men’s deeds displayed,
Freedoms backed by worlds so strong,
Written by forefathers gone,

We stand up straight and true and proud,
Hand salute old glory now,
Red & white, a field of blue,
50 stars that shine so true.


When I See The Flag

Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: Amazing Grace)

Go to 
to hear the tune

The stars and stripes fly o’er my home,
A land where all are free,
The United States of America,
The land of liberty.

I’m proud to be American,
When I see our flag up high,
Red, white and blue, the banner waves,
Against the sunny sky.

Point With Pride

Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: Yankee Doodle)

Go to  to hear the tune

America is beautiful,
With views beyond compare,
So let’s always stash our trash,
And show her that we care.

Come on guys, let’s do our part,
And clean our countryside.
And everywhere that we will go,
We can point with pride!

Every litter bit hurts you,
Remember this my friend.
If you don’t show us that you care,
Where will our country end?

Fly Your Flag

Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: Row, Row, Row you Boat)

Fly, fly, fly your flag,
On our holidays,
Be a loyal citizen,
In this and other ways.

Flags of America

Catalina Council

Tune: Yankee Doodle Dandy

We’re the flags of America,

We’re as proud as we can be,

Fifty flags of colors all so bright,

Unitedly flying tonight.

Representing peace and freedom,

To all those who show respect,

So when you see us flying high,

Just stop and take a minute,

To thank the mighty Lord above,

For all that he has given.



Great Salt Lake Council

Tune- On Top of Old Smoky

Our Blue and Gold banquets,
The best in the town,
We celebrate Scouting,
While gulping food down,

Cub Scouting’s a pleasure,
And eating is too!
Do pass the fried chicken,
Yea, the Gold and the Blue.


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