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Baloo's Bugle

January 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: American ABC's
Webelos: Scholar and Engineer
Tiger Cub

Cubmaster’s Minutes

Do Your Best

Sam Houston Area Council

Every Cub Scout should accomplish something worthwhile each day. Each day's accomplishments should be a little better than the day before. Stand by a window with your room dark and look out into the night, and ask yourself this simple question: Have I done my best today? Then each day, vow to do better than the day before. If all of us do that, and keep our promises, we will have the best Cub Scout pack in the country. Before we close, I want to ask you a question. Answer it silently to yourselves. "Have you done your best today?"

Remembering our X Y Zs

Sam Houston Area Council

At the start of our pack meeting this evening, we looked at the ABC’s of Cub Scouting. You might say ABC’s stands for All Boys Can and then you fill in the blank of what comes next. All Boys Can Succeed. All Boys Can Play. All Boys Can Achieve. These are wonderful aspirations for our Cub Scouts. There are other words, not so impressive, that we could have used to fill in those blanks. But that’s not Scouting! In Cub Scouts, we participate in character connections and we discover fitness and citizenship qualities, and have a welcoming spirit that engages all the young men. As we end tonight, we’ve traveled through our alphabet following a most unique path, as one would expect from Cub Scouts. At the end of our path, we’ve found XYZ. Let us remember the XYZ’s of Cub Scouting, too –
X-ceptional Young men with a Zest for adventure.

Freedom Closing Thought

Baltimore Area Council

Freedom is a breath of air,
Pine-scented, or salty like the sea.
Freedom is a field newly-plowed,
With furrows of democracy.

Freedom is a forest,
Trees tall and straight as men.
Freedom is a printing press,
The power of the pen.

Freedom is a country church,
A cathedral’s stately spire.
Freedom is a spirit,
That can set the heart on fire!

Baden-Powell & Gilwell Island

Great Salt Lake Council

In 1907. Baden-Powell took 21 boys with him to Brownsea Island, off England’s southern coast, for what was to be the world’s first Scout camp. It was successful beyond his wildest dreams. Because of this beginning, Scouting was organized in America and in many other countries.

Today, there are more than 15 million Scouts and Scouters around the world. Time changes many things, but the aims of Scouting are the same today as when it started.

Please stand, give the Cub Scout Sign, and say the Cub Scout Promise.


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