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Baloo's Bugle

January 2009 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: American ABC's
Webelos: Scholar and Engineer
Tiger Cub


To achieve your dreams, remember your ABCs

York-Adams Area Council

A   -     Avoid negative sources, people, things, and habits.

B   -     Believe in yourself.

C   -     Consider things from every angle.

D   -     Don't give up and don't give in.

E   -     Enjoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

F   -     Family and friends are hidden treasures.  Seek them and enjoy their riches.

G   -     Give more than you planned to give.

H   -    Hang on to your dreams.

I   -      Ignore those who try to discourage you.

J   -      Just do it!

K   -     Keep on trying, no matter how hard it seems.  It will get better.

L   -     Love yourself first and foremost.

M   -    Make it happen.

N   -     Never lie, cheat, or steal.  Always strike a fair deal.

O   -     Open your eyes and see things as they really are.

P   -     Practice makes perfect.

Q   -     Quitters never win and winners never quit.

R   -     Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S   -     Stop procrastinating.

T   -     Take control of your own destiny.

U   -     Understand yourself in order to better understand others.

V   -     Visualize it.  Want it more than anything. 

X   -     Xccelerate your efforts.

Y   -     You are unique of all of nature's creations.  Nothing can replace you.

Z   -     Zero in on your target, and go for it!

A Boys’ Life Rap

Uncle Miltie, Golden Empire Council

Reading Time: 3 minutes.
Tempo: 4/4, upbeat, like, you know, RAP.

This is "Uncle Miltie's" great Boy's Life Rap - He is the Commissioner of all Commissioners in Golden Empire Council.  He presented this at the Commissioner's Conference.  Hilarious to see this guy who is even older than me put his cap on backwards, get us going with the rhythm and sound effects, and then do this Rap!  It would be a great way to encourage everyone to get Boy's Life. 

Boys’ Life is more than just something to read –
It really gives boys what they want and need.
Since 1911, it’s been coming through
With super ideas that are always new.

It’s full of stories on things boys like,
Like eatin’, and cookin’, and hikin’ on a bike,
Adventure, hobbies, sci-fi, and sports,
People, and places, and fun of all sorts,
Plus: the very best features that can be found,
Like video games and “Scouting around,”
“Bible Heroes” and “Scouts in Action,”
To add to the reader’s satisfaction.

Scouts who hate homework (even though they might need it)
Will pick up Boys’ Life, and continue to read it
From cover to cover -- and even miss dinner --
‘Cause they know what’s there will make them a winner.

Kids don’t give a hoot that this magazine
Has won lots of prizes for being so keen;
They don’t want to build up “good reading habits;”
They just want to know about snakes, and rabbits,
Campsites, web-sites, and lots of other things ,
Like the NFL. and the Sacramento Kings.

Take it from Pedro, the Boys’ Life burro:
You can make your impact even more thorough,
‘Cause it does the thing that you can’t do –
Boys’ Life keeps goin’ after you’re all through!
It delivers the program of the B. S. A.,
Reinforcing Scouting every hour of the day!

You’ll never regret the time you spent
To help each unit be “100 Percent.”
Don’t let ‘em get by, be very persistent --
Sign ‘em up for Boys’ Life, your “silent assistant.”

The best packs and troops, and varsity teams
All take Boys’ Life (or so it seems),
And each subscription helps them toward
A National Quality Unit Award!

Here’s more good news you’ll like to hear --
They get it half-price, just a few bucks a year.
That’s a super bargain, for a deal so nice.
(“The Gear Guy” alone is worth the price!)

Here’s another point, ‘fore we end this rap –
Boys’ Life helps close the “Generation Gap.”
It does it with humor, in the “Think And Grin” pages;
With jokes and riddles that appeal to all ages.
And lots of the items bring more fun and joy –
They’re the same ones sent in when your father was a boy!

This ‘zine costs less than ‘most any other,
And its contents will please each father and mother,
It’s better than comics -- each issue’s a jewel --
And it’s easy to order at charter renewal.

Is this a good deal? You figure it out.
It’s readin’ you’re needin’, both Scouter and Scout.

For the best program help, there’s just one rule:
Subscribe to Boys’ Life. It’s super cool!


Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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