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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4


Hanukkah Ideas

Capital Area Council


The holiday dates back 2200 years.  Jews lived in Palestine, then occupied by the Syrians.  Antiochus was the king of Syria.  He wanted the Jews to accept the religion of the Greeks.  Some did and some did not.  Those that did not formed a band of loyal Jews.  They were named the Maccabees.  Mattahhis was their father, and Judah Maccabbee was their leader.  After three years, the band captured Jerusalem, cleaned and repaired the Holy Temple.

They found a small cruse of oil to light the eternal light.  However, there was only enough for one day and they sent for more oil.  The small amount of oil lasted for eight days instead of one, until more oil was secured.  This was considered the miracle, although the victory of the small ban over the Syrian Army was also considered a miracle.

Hanukkah is celebrated the 25th day of Kislev in the Hebrew calendar.  It falls somewhere between Thanksgiving and New Years each year.

In homes, people decorate with paper products.  They light candles each day.  They start with one candle and the "shammus" which lights the other candles, and add one candle each night.  They sing songs, eat potato pancakes and Hanukkah cookies.  Also they exchange Hanukkah gifts and Hanukkah "gelt" (small amounts of money).  They play games with the "dreidle" or top.



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