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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4


Lights in the Window

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune – Clementine

We see lights outside of houses
Candles in the windows bright
But the thing that make our hearts glow
Is the fire at our campsite.

We like hiking, and adventure
Helping others is our quest.
And we always share Scout spirit
When we try to do our best.

As the lights glow at this time of year
We pause to say a grand thank you
To the leaders who spend time with us
Now and all the whole year through.

When Your Helping And You Know It

Capital Area Council

(Tune: When you’re happy and you know it)

When you’re helping and you know it,
Lend a hand

When you’re giving and you show it
Things are grand

If you’re helping and you’re giving

Then you help make life worth living

Keep on helping, keep on giving

Take a stand

Share With Others

Capital Area Council

Tune: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

Here's to the Cubs in our den,

As they follow, help and give.

All of the boys in our den,

Know just how a Cub should live.

Now that it's time for Christmas,

We've been very helpful boys,

We've gathered lots of old things,

Fixed them up like brand new toys.

Saved our pennies every meeting,

Bought a lovely Christmas tree,

Trimmed it up to take to our

Den adopted family.

Bright and early Christmas morning,

When they see our shiny toys,

We'll be happy that we shared

Our Christmas joy with other boys.


Giving Time

Capital Area Council

(Tune: Jingle Bells-chorus)

Giving time, sharing time

Fun for everyone

Scouters know that Christmas is

The time for deeds well done

Giving time, sharing time

Let us all take part

Join with Cub Scouts all around

And give gifts from the heart

Cub Scout Christmas

Capital Area Council

(Tune: White Christmas)

I’m dreaming of a Cub Scout Christmas

Where Cub Scout pants are given me

Then my eyes will water

Tho’ they hadn’t oughter

When a belt to hold them I will see

I’m dreaming of a shirt to hold badges

With a neckerchief and Cub Scout slide

Or a pocket knife, to last for life

Making my smile a mile wide.

Rudy, The Red-Nosed Cub Scout

Capital Area Council

(Tune: Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Rudy, the red-nosed Cub Scout,

Had a very runny nose;

And if you ever saw it,

You would probably say, "Oh, Gross!"

All of the other Cub Scouts

Used to laugh and say, "Oh, Ick";

Parents would not go near him

'Cause they thought they might get sick.

Then one winter's Pack Meeting,

Akela said, "Sign's Up!"

Rudy, with your nose so wet,

A box of Kleenex is what you'll get!

Then all the Cub Scouts cheered him,

As he blew and blew and blew;

Rudy, the red-nosed Cub Scout,

We will DO OUR BEST with you!

I'm Playing In The Snow

Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: I’m singing in the Rain)

I’m playing in the snow.

I’m playing in the snow.

What a glorious feeling

It’s snowing again.

Making snowman tonight

For the whole world to see

I’m happy just playing

In the snow


Christmas Song

Baltimore Area Council

(tune: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer)

Here's to the Cubs in our den,
As they follow, help and give;
All of the boys in our den,
Know just how a Cub should live.

Now it's time for Christmas,
We've been very helpful boys,
We've gathered lots of old things,
Fixed them up like brand new toys

Saved our pennies every meeting,
Brought a lovely Christmas Tree;
Trimmed it up to take to
Our Den-adopted family.

Bright and early Christmas morning
When they see our shiny toys;
We'll he happy that we shared our
Christmas joys with other boys.

Oh Christmas Tree

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: 0’ Tannenbaum


Oh, Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

Your needles falling down on me.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

Your needles falling down on me.

"It's freshly cut," the salesman said.

But now you're home, I see you're dead.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

Your needles falling down on me.


Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

You fell over on my TV.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

You fell over on my TV.

The cable lines are in a pinch,

I can't watch Snoopy or the Grinch.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

You fell over on my TV.


Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

There's something under you I see.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

There's something under you I see.

Is it a present gaily wrapped?

No, it's a blob of gooey sap.

Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree!

There's something under you I see.



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