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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4



Capital Area Council

Rudolph Applause              Put thumbs to head with fingers pointing up to form antlers.  Wrinkle nose and say, "Blink, blink, blink!"

Goodbye Santa Applause Pretend to throw a pack onto your back and say, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night."

Frozen Cub:         Wrap your arms around yourself, and say, “BRRRRR!”

Salt and pepper: Hold both fists out in front of you and raise up the thumbs. Then you turn them over and shake the shakers.

Milkshake:           Shake contents in shaker bottle, slurp the drink.

Baltimore Area Council

Christmas Bells Applause:

ü  Pretend to hold a bell rope,

ü  Have the left side of the audience to say "DING" on the downstroke

ü  Have the right side of the audience to say "DONG" on the upstroke.

ü  Repeat three times.

Snowball Applause:

ü  Reach down and pick up some imaginary snow, and

ü  Pack it into a ball.

ü  Pull arm back,

ü  Throw, and yell, "Splaaaatttt!"


Baltimore Area Council

Cub # 1:      So what are you getting mom and dad for Christmas?

Cub # 2:      A list of what I want.

Cub # 3:      Why did the silly boy take the Christmas tree to a barber?

Cub # 4:      Because his mother said that it needed to be trimmed.

Sam Houston Area Council


Who’s there?


Divest who?

Divest is yet to come!


Who’s there?


Kendall who?

Kendall in the wind – please close the window!

Baltimore Area Council

Knock, Knock

Who’s There?


Canada Who?

Canada dog come in the house, it’s cold outside.

Knock, Knock

Who’s There?


Murray Who?

Murray Christmas to all and to all a Good Night.

Knock Knock

Who’s There?


Pizza Who?

Pizza on Earth, Good Will to Man.


On the Beach

Capital Area Council

Cub Scout #1:      What do bears and wolves get when they walk along the beach?

Cub Scout #2       I don't know.

Cub Scout #1:      Sandy Claws!


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