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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4


The Light of Scouting

Sam Houston Area Council

Set Up:

ü  A candle for every person in the pack.

ü  Wrap each candle in foil to create a drip plate.

ü  Cubmaster (CM), Assistant Cubmaster (CA), Committee Chair (CC), Den Leader (DL)

Scene :

«  Dim the lights in the room.

«  There should be two candles on a table in the front of the room.

«  The pack committee should be near the front with the Cubmaster and the Assistant Cubmaster.

«  The den leaders line up on each side of the room after the pack committee

«  The Scouts line up next to their den leaders.

«  Make sure the Cubmaster has a lighter.

CM:        Lights one of the candles on the table and turns to speak to the group.
This candle represents the spirit of Scouting. All by itself in this big room, it doesn’t seem like much. But then, the spirit of Scouting finds me, as your Cubmaster (lights the second candle from the first, and then continues.)

                While this is a little better, it is not nearly enough light. Fortunately, the spirit of Scouting continues to spread from me to the Assistant Cubmaster and to our wonderful Pack Committee (Cubmaster lights candle of Assistant Cubmaster, and then they each light one candle of the pack committee members. Lighting continues from one candle to another until all the pack committee candles are lit.)

CC:         The spirit of Scouting doesn’t stop there! It continues to spread as more and more folks learn about the riches and treasures found in our program. (Den leader candles are lit from pack committee members.)

DL:         Are you starting to see a pattern? Don’t you think having even more spirit would be better? How do we, the den leaders, spread our Spirit? That’s right! We spread the spirit of Scouting with our dens and all the Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos Scouts can experience this spirit. (Den leader lights one candle of the den and Scouts light one candle from a previous candle until all Scout candles are lit.)

CM:        Wow! Isn’t this better? Let’s consider that this is just one pack. We’re a small part of one district in one council in the United States. The spirit of Scouting burns all over the world! So, when our light combines with all the other lights in all the other packs all over the world, the spirit of Scouting becomes a tremendous beacon to guide Scouts on their journey through life. I hope you carry this spirit of Scouting with you all your life!

The Gift Of Goodwill

Capital Area Council

Arrangement: A group of 8 Cub Scouts are gathered around, wrapping Christmas gifts. Each boy is wrapping a gift. Den Chief enters.

Den Chief:            Hey guys, let me see what each one of you is wrapping.

Cub Scout #1:         Gloves for my Dad.

Cub Scout #2:         An owl plaque for my mom.

Cub Scout #3:         Oreo cookies for my little brother… maybe he’ll quit eating mine

Cub Scout #4:         A doll for my sister.

Cub Scout #5:         Wind chimes for my mom.

Cub Scout #6:         Ink pens for my big brother… maybe mine will quit disappearing.

Cub Scout #7:         A lamp for my mom.

Cub Scout #8:         A lacy handkerchief for my grandma. She likes to wave them goodbye.

Den Chief:            Hey, you guys are really giving Goodwill. (laughs)

All Cub Scouts:   We hope so. Aren’t we supposed to do that year round?

Den Chief:            Yes, but let me show you something that’s quite unusual. (He takes a large piece of poster board and a marking pen. He calls on each boy in order to name the gift he is wrapping, and he writes the first letter on the board. such as a G for gloves, etc. The result spells out Goodwill, which he holds up for the audience to see.)

1st Cub:                 Hey, that’s all right! We’re giving Goodwill separately together!
(Looks at Den Chief.) Figure that one out!

A Holiday Recipe

Capital Area Council

The scene opens with a Chief Cook and his helpers busily cooking  something in a large kettle.   They can be dressed as cooks in old  white shirts and white construction paper hats, or as elves in tunics made from grocery bags and painted.  Each should have a large spoon for “tasting”. 

There should be a number of labeled containers visible.  These may be empty cereal boxes or cans covered with paper or painted and labeled “Worship”, “Love”, “Family”, “Friends”, “Tree”, “Gifts”, etc.
Let the boys suggest the “ingredients”. 

The Chief Cook can use a “recipe card” which is the script.

CHIEF:         (Thoughtfully) Let’s see,  I think we should start with the most important ingredient.  It is so often left for last and forgotten.  Charles, bring me “Worship”.  (Charles does so) Let us use the greatest care in adding this. (They pour in very seriously and carefully).

    Now, Abe, bring me the “Love”. This is what holds the entire result together. (Helper Abe brings the “Love”, which is added.)

Asst Baker: Do we need both “Family” and “Friends”, Sir? (He brings the two containers)

CHIEF:         It would be all right with one or the other, but it’s much better with both!  Pour them in! (Assistant Baker enthusiastically adds them.)

ABE:              (carrying “Gifts’ container) Should we add the “Gifts” now?

CHIEF:         (laughing) Oh ho! Those can be added any time! Some people think they come first! Go ahead. (Abe pours them in.  The Chief Cook stirs the mixture and tastes it.) Hmmm.  It lacks something.  It isn’t spicy enough. (The helpers all take a taste with their spoons.)

Charles:        I know! We have forgotten the tree.!

CHIEF:         Exactly! That always adds flavor. (Again he stirs, and again they all taste,) It still isn’t right! (As they stand, thoughtfully tasting, Edmund enters) -

Edmund:       What are you making?

OTHERS:     It’s a secret.! -

Edmund:       Please tell me!

CHIEF:         Oh, all right. (He whispers something into Edmund’s ear) Then says aloud - But it just isn’t coming out the way it should!

Edmund:       Here, let me taste it. (He does so, thinks a minute, then realizes what is needed.) I know just what it needs and where to get it.  I’ll be right back! (He dashes off stage and is back in a moment with a Cub Scout who is carrying an enormous box labeled “Good Will”) It needs a lot of “Good Will” and Cubs always have a lot of that!

CHIEF:         That’s it exactly! Come on, boys, let’s see if this doesn’t do the trick! (They all help lift and pour. They stir and taste it.) Perfect.! Let’s serve it right now! (He reaches into the kettle and pulls out a long, folded paper banner. The helpers take their places in line, holding the banner for the audience to see as the Chief Cook pulls it out, It reads, “THE HAPPIEST HOLIDAY EVER.”)

ALL:              HAPPY HOLIDAYS, everybody!

This dialogue is merely a suggestion; might also be used as a pantomime with good results.  The skit is so much a pantomime that the dialogue is secondary.  It can really be “hammed-up” during the tasting scenes.


Solving a Christmas Problem

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel     8 Cub Scouts

Equipment   Christmas tree, chair

Setting           As the scene begins, a Cub Scout (#6) is seated, head in hands by a Christmas tree.
 Cub Scouts enter and speak to him

Cub # 1:            What is really wrong with you, we’ve got a lot of work to do.

Cub # 2:            Come on don’t be so down. Your face looks terrible with that frown.

Cub # 3:            Tell us why you are so sad. At Christmas time you should be glad.

Cub # 4:            Maybe with Christmas so near, he’s worrying about what he’s getting this year.

Cub # 5:            Come on and let me help you out. Because helping others is part of being a Cub Scout.

Cub # 6:             (Jumps up and with a big smile on his fact and shakes hands and slaps on back on Cub #5)

Cub # 7:            That’s it! That’s it! Thanks old Buddy, my thinking sure was pretty muddy!

Cub # 8:            (All look puzzled at each other) What did he do that made things right? I guess I’m just not too bright.

Cub # 9:            (speaking with lots of expression) I don’t have money to buy my Mom a gift you see, but now I know I’ll give her just helpful me!

Cub # 10:         Boy I’m glad you’ve helped us all remember, the important part of that holiday in December

All put their arms around each other and
walk off stage in a happy group




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