November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
15, Issue
December 2008 Theme |
Holiday Lights
Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4 |
Unscramble the String Lights
Sam Houston
Area Council
Everyone stands in a circle. Each Scout crosses his hands
right over left and joins hands with someone NOT standing next to him. Do not
join both hands with the same person. Working as a group, try to untie the
string of lights without breaking any grips. Hands may be rotated but should
never lose contact. This can test the flexibility of the players/string. If the
group is hopelessly tangled, the leader may break apart one set of hands and
join somewhere else. If successful, the group will end up in an untangled
Candy Bar Game
Capital Area
As our families run here and
there, little time is spent together. This game gives your family an
opportunity to gather together and have FUN!
Each person tries to get as many candy bars as they can.
Candy bars for each player or couple
brown lunch sack for each player or couple
Wood die
Good Attitude
Timer: Set timer in another room, so no
one can watch to see how much time is left. A stop timer is perfect. Most
families play for about a half-hour. After playing a few times, you will know
how much time needs to be adjusted. It’s fun to vary the time from each game to
keep them off guard.
If using this game for a party, assign each person to bring two candy bars.
Take the candy when they arrive. One person (mother, father, or party leader)
places two candy bars in a brown sack. Fold down the top of each sack the
same. If there are extra bars, place them in a bowl. Place a mark, (x) on the
bottom of one of the bags.
Starting the game:
Have everyone gather in a circle.
Place bowl inside the circle.
Each person or couple picks a sack
out of the center.
Explain that each sack contains two
candy bars and no one is to look until directed to do so.
Each person looks into their own
sack but does not tell what kind of bars they have.
Everyone closes their bag. Players
may look inside any sack that is their own during the game.
Who goes first? The player with
the mark on the bottom of their sack. That player rolls first then follows to
the left.
Die: A player has to follow what has been rolled.
Take the Bowl:
If rolled the player takes all the bars.
Trade sacks:
Player picks another player to trade sacks with. Remember: You want the most
Lose a turn:
Lose next turn.
Bar to Bowl: The player takes a bar from his sack and adds
to the bowl. Don’t let people know your sack is empty. This might help out
when trading. If you receive an empty sack don’t say anything. Just hope you can
pass is off
take: A player who rolls this takes one bar from the players on his left
and right. If the player is out of bars, you’re out of luck.
a Bar: Players need to watch bars and sacks as they are exchanged.
When rolled a player says a person name and
tries to guess the candy bar in their sack. The players only need to answer with
a yes or no. If the player asked has the bar, he must give it to the roller.
Ending the Game:
When the timer goes off everyone keeps the sack that they end up with. If a
player has rolled the die when the timer goes off, that player may complete his
turn. At this time any bars left in the bowl must be rolled for.
Christmas Swipe
Capital Area
A large sack containing candies and
trinkets of various sorts is hung in the center of the room.
Players from the Red Caps and the Green
Caps take turns in being blindfolded, turned about, and given an opportunity to
bring the sack down with a swipe of the wand.
If a Red Cap brings down the sack, then
his teammates are privileged to scramble for the contents.
If it is brought down by a Green Cap,
only the Greens have the privilege.
Players are not allowed to coach a
What’s Wrong with Christmas
Capital Area
A different
way to play a Kim's Game CD
This is a good quiet game for use at
den meetings.
On a table or tray place a number of
Christmas type objects, such as a candy canes, bell, sprig of holly, etc.
Scatter through these a number of
objects which are not a part of Christmas, such as Halloween mask, green
shamrock, red heart, hard-boiled egg, etc.
Cover all objects until time to play
the game; then remove the cover and give Cub Scouts two minutes to look at all
the objects.
Recover all objects, and give each boy
a pencil and paper.
Ask them to write down all
non-Christmas items.
Cub Scout with longest list wins.
Snowball Relay
Capital Area
Players divide into two teams and line
up behind starting line.
Give each team a “snowball”, either
Styrofoam or cotton and a piece of cardboard.
On signal, first player on each team
tries to move ball across floor and back by fanning it with cardboard.
Player may not touch snowball with
hands or cardboard.
First team to finish is winner.
Baltimore Area Council
Santa is in the center of a circle made by the other players.
Santa points at any player and says, "Santa says yes" or Santa
says no".
That player must quickly nod "yes" or shake his head "no".
If Santa says only "yes' or "no" without first saying "Santa
says", the player must not respond. If he does, he is out of the game.
Santa should give commands quickly.
The last person still in the game becomes the new Santa.
Dreidel Game
Baloo's Archives

dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay…” Even if you’re not Jewish, the odds
are that this catchy little song has gotten stuck in your head at least once—and
even if you are Jewish, you probably weren’t aware that the word “dreidel” is
derived from the German “dreihen,” meaning “to spin,” and that dreidels
originated in a popular Yiddish gambling
game. Here’s
how to spin your dreidel the modern way.
Things You'll Need
Chocolate candies
wrapped to look like coins or
Candies, Nuts,
raisins, or other items for tokens
Step One
Assemble a kitty. The stakes in a dreidel game aren’t
money, but tasty snacks—Hershey’s Kisses, raisins, M&M’s, or (traditionally)
Chanukah gelt, that is, foil-wrapped chocolate coins. Distribute the kitty
equally among the three, four, or more players in the game. Each player puts one
of his “tokens” in the center of the table, creating the dreidel “pot.”
Step Two
Have each player spin the dreidel in turn. If you
look closely at the dreidel, you’ll see that each of its four sides is decorated
with a different Hebrew letter: nun, gimel, hey, and shin—which supposedly stand
for the Hebrew phrase meaning “A great miracle happened there.” (Actually, these
letters derive from the words inscribed on the Yiddish precursor of the dreidel,
but there’s no harm pushing this myth on kids.)
Step Three
The rest of the game proceeds as follows: if the
player spins a “Nun,” he collects nothing (“Nisht” in Yiddish) and yields to the
next player. If he spins a “Gimel,” he wins the entire pot (Gimel stands for
“Gesht,” which is Yiddish for “get.”) If he spins a “Hey,” he gets half the pot
(“Halb” in you-know what), and if he spins a “Shin” he has to put one of his own
pieces in the pot (“Shin” derives from the Yiddish “Shtel,” meaning “set.”)
Step Four
If a player manages to collect all the items in the
pot, she is the winner. However, it’s possible to prolong a dreidel game
indefinitely (or at least until dinner is ready) by giving other players candy
Tips & Warnings
Playing the dreidel game with real money
is discouraged, but occasionally adults will agree to fund the kitty with small
coins if the players agree to contribute all of their winnings to charity.
Clap a Song
Capital Area
The first player claps the
rhythm of a well-known Christmas carol or other holiday tune. The others try to
guess what the song is. When a player guesses correctly, he becomes the new
Balloon Round Up
Capital Area
You will need a large barrel or box and one balloon for each Cub Scout. Each
den has balloons of a different color from every other den. The barrel must be
too small to hold all the balloons.
Place the barrel in the center of the
playing area and line up equal numbers of Cub Scout by dens on opposite sides of
the room.
On signal, the boys put one hand behind
their backs and with the other hand, try to tap the balloons in the air and into
the barrel.
When the barrel is full, stop the game
and count the balloons in the barrel by color.
The winning den is the one that got the
most balloons into the barrel.
Baltimore Area Council
A container of small marshmallows
per team
A plastic spoon
An empty container per team
Players set in lines of equal length; six players per line.
A container of marshmallows is placed in front of each line
An empty container is placed beside the player at the end of the
Each player is given a small plastic spoon.
On signal, the first player takes one marshmallow in his spoon and
transfers it to his neighbor's spoon and so on down the line.
As soon as the player at the end of the line receives the
marshmallow and places it in the empty container he yells "It's a hit!"
This is the signal for the first player to start the next
marshmallow down the line.
Any marshmallow that are dropped must be replaced on the spoon by
the person who dropped it before it can be passed along.
The team getting all their marshmallows into the container first,
Baltimore Area Council
A poster-size menorah
A cardboard candle for each
Draw a menorah on a large sheet of cardboard and tape it to the
From lightweight cardboard, cut out a candle for each player. The
candle represents the shammes or candle used to light the eight Hanukkah
Put a pin through the flame of each candle.
Blindfold a Cub Scout and turn him around three times.
He then tries to pin his shammes on any of the menorah's candles.
The one who comes closest, wins.
Baltimore Area Council
A hat, preferably a bowler hat and
A scarf
One cub, the Snowman, dressed up in the hat and scarf, stands
stiffly facing the group.
He must not respond in any way - by giggling, moving or speaking.
The object of the game is for the other boys to get a reply to
their questions, such as "What's your middle name? Who's your best friend? Do
you like ice cream?" or to make the Snowman laugh by making faces.
No touching is allowed.
Establish a short time limit and play several times.
Any boy who gets a response from the Snowman becomes the next one.
Baltimore Area
Everyone turns into a snowman and at the signal "the sun
comes out," the snowmen begin to "melt down" to the floor - the last one to melt
completely (stretch out on the floor) is the winner.
Rule: keep
moving at the same time.
Santa's Bag
Capital Area
Number 10 brown paper bags from 1 to 10.
Put a familiar item in each bag (preferably related to Christmas),
fold and staple the bag shut.
Each boy is given a pencil and paper with 1 through 10 listed.
Then they try to guess what is in each bag by touching and shaking
the bag.
They write their guess on the paper by number.
The Cub with the most correct answers wins.
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |