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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4


Internet Unit Charter Renewal

Change is a fact of our daily lives. So is tradition.  Internet registration is an exciting example of where tradition and technological change intersect.

The BSA has introduced a new service to councils that enables units to expedite the paperwork portion of the charter renewal process over the Internet. This new option launched from the council Web site provides a more accurate and efficient renewal for many units and for the local council.

Commissioners are responsible for unit charter renewal, so if your council has adopted the Internet option as mine has, it is essential that commissioners be trained in all of the steps of the process.

This new option only changes the paperwork portion of the unit charter renewal process and it should be integrated with all of the person-to-person steps described on in the Commissioner Fieldbook. They are still an important part of the process.

Because commissioners are responsible for unit charter renewal, it is essential that commissioners and district executives be trained in all the steps of the unit charter renewal process, not just the Internet steps. Please see that this training happens in your councils. You will find a helpful resource titled "Internet Unit Charter Renewal—A Guide for Commissioners on you chairs." in the recently revised Commissioner Fieldbook. Good luck as your council incorporates Internet rechartering in your council.

Here is how Internet Rechartering works:

ü  A representative for each unit is identified as the renewal processor.  This individual uses the Internet Charter Renewal system to identify returning members, add new members, and update information for an individual or the chartered organization.

ü  Your unit's renewal processor needs to have access to a computer with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser for this application to work. They can access the Internet with AOL, but they must open Internet Explorer browser to view the page correctly.

To renew your unit charter on-line:
(Dates are given for December 31st  Charter expiration/renewal.  Adjust if yours is different)

1.       By November 1, select a renewal processor.  This should be someone in your unit who is familiar with the members and leaders of your unit to ensure all information provided through the process is correct.  This person also needs access to the internet using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

2.       The renewal processor reviews the Internet Rechartering Presentation - view PowerPoint  (This link will take you to the Jayhawk Area Council Power Point.  See if your council ahs similar training device)

3.       Your unit charter renewal packet is distributed to the unit leadership, by your unit commissioner, as it has been in the past, but includes an access code specifically assigned to your unit.  It will not include a Charter Renewal Application. This code changes annually. Make sure you have this year's code.  Contact your Unit Commissioner or Council Registrar or other person designated by your council if you need to verify your number..

4.       The renewal processor clicks a link for rechartering on the council webpage and begins the process.  Availability of the recharter tool may vary from council to council.

5.       When the on-line process is completed, the renewal processor prints the completed charter renewal application.

6.       The Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or Crew Advisor) and the Chartered Organization Representative sign the charter renewal application.  The signed application along with any individual applications for new youth members or adult leaders, and materials received in the charter renewal packet, (such as the Quality Unit application), and all appropriate fees, should then be brought to the Council Service Center, or your district's charter turn-in meeting. 

Help and Training

Here are some links to training material on the Jayhawk Area Council website concerning Internet Rechartering. Check out this new process.

Internet Charter Renewal Tips

BEFORE beginning the Internet Charter Renewal process, you will need to:

1.       Print out a current roster from the Internet Advancement or Internet Charter Renewal System.

2.       Review your roster and make changes on paper so you know what changes and additions need to done on your charter and which applications to collect to complete the internet rechartering process.

3.       Collect completed *Youth Applications for new Scouts, signed by the parent and unit leader.

4.       Collect completed *Adult Leader Applications for new leaders as well as leaders who did not respond to the Criminal Background Check request in June (See NOTE below). You MUST have a correct social security number to enter a new adult leader. The application needs to be signed by the applicant, Chartered Representative and Committee Chair. All new applications must have the new authorization and disclosure statement accompanying the application.

*Some youth and adult leader applications are in  your recharter packet. If you need additional forms, you can print them off from the council website. ONLY the NEW adult leader application, complete with the signed authorization and disclosure statement are to be used for new leaders.

More Charter Renewal Tips:

1.       Your internet rechartering access code changes every year. Use the new one provided to you.

2.       Disable your “Popup Blocker” to allow all processes.

3.       Use the tutorial and information guides provided on the council website to answer questions about the internet recharter process.

4.       Don’t change the grades for all Scouts - the ScoutNet computer system automatically changes all grades on June 1. If a Scout is currently listed in the wrong grade, change only that Scout.

5.       Submit one check for fees due or indicate your funds on deposit in the council account should be used to pay the recharter fees.

6.       Keep all Tiger Cub Adult Partners. Exception: If you delete a Tiger Cub, delete his adult partner.

7.       Do not change a Tiger Cub Adult Partner to a Den Leader or other pack leadership position. You must enter the person as a “New Leader” with all their information, including the Social Security number from their adult leader application. The adult leader application must accompany all leaders added via this process.

8.       Use only the CORRECT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. If you do not have it, do not include the leader on your charter.

9.       Ranks can only be updated through Internet Advancement or a Unit Advancement Report submitted to the council registrar.

10.    Add a new record for new leaders. Do not type over an existing leader’s record. All new leaders require a new adult leader application. Be sure to print the signature page of the charter renewal application, secure the necessary signatures, and submit with payment instructions to your commissioner or to the registrar at the Scout Service Center. The internet charter renewal process is not complete until this step is finished.

IMPORTANT NOTE: on June 2, the BSA informed Scouting volunteers who have never been submitted for a criminal background check by mail that they must have one completed before rechartering.  These volunteers were asked to log on to a designated website by August 1 and authorize the BSA to conduct a background check. Volunteers who did not complete this process had their registrations expired. These volunteers will not appear on your charter renewal. You may notice previously registered volunteers missing from your charter renewal roster.  To renew their BSA registration, these volunteers must complete the new BSA volunteer leader application. The form is considered completed only if both the application and the authorization and disclosure statement are signed. Additionally, the volunteers must include their Social Security number.

More information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found by following the “Internet Charter Renewal” link on .

National maintains a Help Tutorial at -


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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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