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Baloo's Bugle

November 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2008 Theme

Theme: Holiday Lights
Webelos: Craftsman and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 4


Scouting is a Candle

Sam Houston Area Council

Materials –

Candles - longer tapers, OR small birthday cake candles

Mount each candle on a piece of wood/plywood – write in black marker – thank you for shining your light in our pack.

Have Committee Chair read this poem:

Poem could be read before or after Cubmaster's presentation, your choice

Scouting is a candle that will light you on your way.

It’s trying on your honor, and helping every day.

Exploring worlds around you and looking wider still.

Pitching tents out in the woods and hiking up a hill.

Music and voices blended under God’s majestic sky,

Helping those around you, kindness in great supply.

The meaning in a moment, in a smile, or in a tear,

Makes you a little taller with each new Scouting year.

A promise to your God and to your country, too,

Makes you a part of your world, and your world a part of you.

It’s something that you carry wherever you may go,

A secret deep inside you that only Scouts would know.

But it’s the kind of secret that you want the world to know,

You can’t hide all the happiness; you can’t hide all the glow.

A candle glows together, it shines externally.

Make it shine on everyone, that’s the way the world should be.

Cubmaster:         Tonight we would like to say thank you to some leaders and parents who have lit up our pack meeting with their helping hands. (Call adults forward and give them thanks and the memento.)





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