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Baloo's Bugle

October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 3
November 2008 Theme

Theme: Seeds of Kindness
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2


Alice, Golden Empire Council  international organization that connects givers with projects and initiatives all over the world.  You can choose an area from a world map. In addition to providing heifers, the giver can also choose to give as little as $10 for a share in a seedlings donation, $20 for a flock of chicks, various “baskets” for $60 and up;  lots of different projects to choose from, as well as explanations of the value of each gift to the recipients. Information on how to start or support an urban garden.  website for a national day of service on the fourth weekend of October every year.  Lots of ideas on how an individual, family, den or pack could participate. You can win funding, vacations and various prizes for participating. go to volunteer services, then click on volunteer opportunities checklist; use the locator to look for opportunities for kids, youth in a given zip code.

The Points of Light Foundation, the non-profit partner in USA WEEKEND's Make A Difference Day, is the nation's leader in promoting more effective volunteering and awareness of the importance of volunteering.  links to all kinds of giving opportunities; click on resources to go to lists by category

Newman's Own: Paul Newman, a Make A Difference Day judge and supporter, site also includes information on his summer camps for kids who have cancer and blood diseases.

America's Promise: Founded in Philadelphia, at the Presidents' Summit for America's Future, America's Promise aims to provide every at-risk child in America with access to all resources they need.

The Corporation for National Service oversees three national service initiatives: Americorps allows people of all ages to earn help paying for education in exchange for a year of service. Learn and Serve America supports teachers and community members who involve young people in service that relates to their school studies. National Senior Service Corps helps people age 55 and older find service opportunities related to their interests.

The National Assembly: This is a great stop for anyone interested in human service as a career. Dedicated to youth development, their homepage includes a newsletter and the On-line Directory for over 2000 Internships in Youth Development.

Global Service Corps invites you to address social inequities and environmental problems around the world. At the same time, you can experience learning and friendshipthrough working with, and living inthe homes and communities of Global Service Corps partners andhosts in Kenya, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Thailand. This experience isavailable through volunteerproject trips as well as longer term volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers of America 49 community-based service organizations throughout the U.S. offer more than 160 different programs that help people including children, youth, the elderly, families in crisis, the homeless, people with disabilities or mental illness, and ex-offenders returning to society.

The Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA) is a not-for-profit private voluntary organization which was established by scientists and engineers to respond to technical inquiries from people in developing countries. VITA collects, refines, and disseminates information that helps to to improve food production, minister health needs, increase productivity of businesses, generate higher incomes, and preserve natural resources.  offers a variety of online services to support a community of nonprofit, volunteer and business leaders committed to civic engagement.

Ohio's Governor's Community Service Council is Ohio's state office of volunteerism and community service. 


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