October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
15, Issue
November 2008 Theme |
Seeds of Kindness
Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2 |
Cub Scout Outdoor Program Guidelines

Planned, organized outdoor activities at the den, pack, district, and council
levels fulfill the promise made to our Cub Scouts. Young boys have a great
desire for outdoor fun, excitement, and adventure. These experiences encourage
them to spend quality time with family and friends. Quality council camps and
fun pack outdoor events directed by qualified, trained leaders provide an ideal
setting for these activities.
Scouts can camp! Every pack's annual plan should include day camp or resident
camp and many other outdoor activities. Advanced planning will allow leaders to
arrange to attend the training needed to successfully accomplish the program
goals of the units and the training requirements of the BSA. Most boys join Cub
Scouting because of the outdoor activities. Boys in this age group have a
natural curiosity about their surroundings, especially the world out-of-doors.
Introducing these boys to the fun and adventure of Scouting in the outdoors will
benefit them as they mature through the program. Their participation and
enthusiasm will grow for continuing in the program into Boy Scouting and beyond.
It's More Fun Outdoors!
Why Cub
Scout Outdoor Activities?
When a boy and his family join
Cub Scouting, they join an organization that values the fun and excitement of
experiencing the outdoors. Each Cub Scout pack is encouraged to provide its
youth members with enriching, positive outdoor experiences. Many boys experience
their first organized outdoor adventure as a Cub Scout. Good planning using Cub
Scouting guidelines should assure a positive experience. A successful outdoor
program that meets the goals of the Cub Scout program will ensure that all
activities are appropriate for the target age group. Age-Appropriate Guidelines
for Scouting Activities and the Guide to Safe Scouting are both available on the
BSA Web site.
In addition, apply these Cub
Scouting program-specific criteria:
The activity is parent/youth or
The activity is conducted with adult
The Cub Scouts are asked to do their best.
The activity is discovery-based.
Advancement occurs as a natural part of a
well-planned program.
Two-Deep Leadership Required
It is the policy of the Boy
Scouts of America that trips and outings may never be led by only one adult. Two
registered adult leaders, or one registered adult leader and a parent of a
participant, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required for all
trips and outings. The chartered organization of any Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout
troop, Varsity Scout team, or Venturing crew has the responsibility to stress to
the committees and leaders of the unit that sufficient adult leadership must be
provided on all trips and outings.
Activity Tips
Obtain permission from parents or guardians
for activities that are held away from the regular den and pack meeting places.
File a local tour permit if necessary. Check
with your local council on its policies regarding field trips in your council.
Be sure to have enough adult leaders for the
Check out the site before the activity. Check
on reservation procedures, restroom facilities, availability of adequate
drinking water, and any potential hazards.
Use the buddy system. Coach the boys in
advance on what to do if they get lost.
Carry a first aid kit and know how to use it.
Be prepared with emergency procedures.
Arrange adequate and safe transportation.
Always leave a site in its natural condition.

For additional information on
specific activities not covered in this document, refer to Age-Appropriate
Guidelines for Scouting Activities and the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Age-Appropriate Guidelines for
Scouting, No. 18-260
Cub Scout Leader Book, No.
Guide to Safe Scouting . No.
Pack overnighters are
pack-organized overnight camping activities involving more than one family from
a single pack, focused on age-appropriate Cub Scout activities and conducted at
council-approved locations (use Pack Overnighter Site Approval Form, No.
13-508). If nonmembers (siblings) participate, the program must be structured to
accommodate them. BSA health and safety and Youth Protection guidelines apply.
In most cases, each youth member will be under the supervision of a parent or
guardian. In all cases, each youth participant is responsible to a specific

At least one adult giving
leadership to a pack overnighter must complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor
Orientation (BALOO), No. 34162, and be present on campouts. BALOO trains
participants to properly understand the importance of program intent, Youth
Protection guidelines, health and safety, site selection, age-appropriate
activities, and sufficient adult participation. Permits for campouts shall be
issued locally, according to council policies. Packs use the Local Tour Permit
Application, No. 34426.
Cub Scout Trips and Excursions
outdoors is one of the most exciting parts of Scouting. All Cub Scouts look
forward to taking field trips to museums and local places of interest, going on
hikes, and taking part in sports, service projects, and nature and conservation
activities. All trips should be conducted in accordance with established
procedures. Tour Permits for such tours shall be issued locally or nationally,
depending on the distance traveled.
The National Council has
established the following guidelines for non-camping Cub Scout trips and
Trips normally will be one-day excursions.
Overnight stays are permitted but they are
not encouraged.
When overnight stays are necessary,
participants will stay in private homes, motels, or hotels.
Lock-ins or overnight programming at local
museums or other appropriate locations may be approved by the local council.
Den leaders, pack leaders, and parents or
guardians are expected to accompany the boys on approved trips.
The adult partner must accompany the Tiger
Cub on all trips and outings.
Standards for Privacy on Trips or Outings
support the BSA policy of two-deep leadership on all trips and outings, we must
address the sleeping arrangements of male and female leaders.
leaders are expected to reflect high moral standards established by customs,
traditional values, and religious teachings.
Male and female leaders require separate
sleeping facilities. Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate
facilities are available.
Male and female youth participants must not
share the same sleeping facility.
When tents are used, no youth will stay in
the tent of an adult other than his/her parent or guardian.
When housing other than tents is used,
separate housing must be provided for male and female participants. Adult male
leaders must be responsible for the male participants; adult female leaders must
be responsible for the female participants.
Adult leaders need to respect the privacy of
the youth members in situations where the youth are changing clothes or taking
showers, and intrude only to the extent that health and safety require. Adults
need to protect their own privacy in similar situations.
Although it is not mandatory, councils are
strongly encouraged to have separate shower and latrine facilities for females.
In camps where separate facilities are not available, separate shower schedules
for males and females should be posted. Exercise the buddy system for latrine
use by having one person wait outside the entrance, or use Occupied or
Unoccupied signs on door latches.
For more guidelines on camping and
supervision for Cub Scouts, see the Guide to Safe Scouting, No. 34416
Get Your Cubs OUTDOORS!!
NEOSPORIN® Offers “50 Ways to Play” to
Help Parents Encourage Safe Outdoor Fun
TVs, DVDs, home computers and video games, kids spent most of their free time
playing outside. But today, according to the new NEOSPORIN® 50 Years of Healing
Survey, 50 percent of moms say their children typically play outside fewer than
five hours a week. The nationwide survey of moms also reveals that not only
would more than half prefer that their kids play outside the majority of the
time, but 53 percent state that kids themselves would prefer to play outside the
majority of the time – although fewer than one-quarter do.
what’s stopping children from getting outside to play?
One reason may be that they are overscheduled
in structured activities: in the survey, only one-third (34%) of mothers report
that the activities most often engaged in by their child include unstructured
outdoor play, such as bicycle riding or rollerblading.
A second reason is a lack of time: busy moms,
time-pressed kids, and even motivated families find that it’s sometimes a
challenge to come up with new outdoor activities that are affordable, practical
and most of all, fun. To help moms and families increase kids’ “fresh air time,”
and to celebrate more than half a century of healing, the makers of the
NEOSPORIN® family of healing products has developed “50 Ways to Play,” a
comprehensive list of ideas for outdoor free play that moms can use as a
resource – and kids are sure to enjoy. And because the tips are from the makers
of NEOSPORIN® products, the number-one over-the-counter, doctor-recommended
brand of antibiotic ointment, the focus is on safe-to-play activities.
The survey also points to a third barrier to
outdoor play: moms’ worries. Two out of five moms say they worry about minor
injuries such as cuts, scrapes and bruises, when their children play outside —
and only half of all moms say they are aware of the basic steps for proper wound
“As a
mother of two, I want my children to have the freedom to play outside, but I’m
also concerned about minor injuries that may put a damper on playtime,” said the
founder of Mom Central, Inc., a company that provides advice to busy families,
and author of The Mom Book: 4,278 Tips for Moms. “To reduce the risk, I always
keep a first-aid kit on hand stocked with basics, including bandages, aspirin
and an antibiotic ointment like NEOSPORIN®.”
and cuts are a natural part of playing outside, but moms can protect their kids
by learning the
“3 Cs of Wound Care”:
Clean: Wash hands
carefully before treating the wound. Rinse the wound thoroughly with lukewarm
water to remove germs, dirt and small stones.
Coat: Apply an
antibiotic ointment, such as NEOSPORIN® Antibiotic Ointment, to the wound one to
three times a day to help prevent infection and to minimize the appearance of
Cover: Keep the
wound site covered with a sterile bandage to create a moist healing environment.
Check the wound daily to monitor healing.
50 Ways to
Parents, you can get the fun started with these
suggestions from “50 Ways to Play”.
Have a
blast from your past: Everyone has a favorite
playground or backyard game they loved growing up. Why not get outside and
introduce the kids to an “oldie but goodie”? Chances are they’ll have as much
fun with Red Light Green Light, Kick the Can or Flashlight Hide and Seek as you
Dodgeball: Ramp up this childhood favorite by using
water balloons instead of balls. Remember, the less full the balloons are, the
less likely they are to break, so be sure to fill them up to the MAX!
Track and
Field day: Invite neighborhood kids to compete in
events like relay races, sprints and long jumps. (Be sure to race on grass only
to avoid serious injury, and bring along some Neo to Go®, pocket-sized packets
of NEOSPORIN® Antibiotic Ointment in case someone falls.)
Hunt! Create a list of ten things that can be found
outside with a little bit of concentration, such as specific leaves, feathers or
bottle caps. The first child to return with all ten things wins.
http://www.neosporin.com/opportunitycenter.htm to get the complete list of
50 tips.
Sorry for the commercial part of this item, but the article and the list
are great so take advantage of it when planning your outdoor activities this
year!! CD
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |