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Baloo's Bugle

October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 3
November 2008 Theme

Theme: Seeds of Kindness
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2


Popcorn Balls

Sam Houston Area Council


3 quarts plain popped corn (about 1/3 cup kernels)

1/4 cup butter

10 oz. bag marshmallows

Food coloring (optional)


ü  Put popped corn in a large bowl. Set aside.

ü  Melt the butter and marshmallows in a stovetop pot, stirring constantly.

ü  When they are melted, take off the heat and allow the mixture to cool until it can be touched.

ü  If you like, stir in a few drops of food coloring.

ü  Using a wooden spoon, gently stir the melted mixture into the popcorn.

ü  Next, butter your hands and work quickly to form popcorn balls.

ü  Place balls on waxed paper to cool.

ü  After the balls are cool, you may use warm corn syrup to stick gum drops or other candy decorations to the popcorn balls.

ü  The popcorn balls may be stored in sandwich bags.

ü  This makes enough for about 15 two-inch balls, but you can make them any size or shape you like!

Super Kiss

Sam Houston Area Council

Makes two to four kisses


1 stick butter or margarine

1 package mini marshmallow, 16 ounces

12 cups plain or chocolate crispy rice cereal


Large plastic kitchen funnels, two or more,

Ribbon of choice,

Large saucepan,

Large spoon,

Cookie sheet,

Plastic wrap,


Measuring cup


ü  Coat inside of plastic funnels with butter or margarine

ü  Cover cookie sheet with plastic wrap; set both aside.

ü  Melt butter or margarine in saucepan over a low to medium hear.

ü  Add marshmallows.

ü  Heat until marshmallows are completely melted, stirring constantly.

ü  Remove from heat and add cereal;

ü  Stir until cereal is well coated.

ü  Cool slightly, but not completely.

ü  Lightly butter fingers.

ü  Press mixture into plastic funnel. (Note: Using more than one funnel at a time will speed up shaping process.)

ü  Place filled funnel on plastic-covered cookie sheet.

ü  Let cool.

ü  Unmold kiss and cover with plastic wrap.

Johnny Appleseed Smiles

Sam Houston Area Council


Red medium apple, cored & sliced

Peanut butter

Tiny marshmallows


ü  Spread one side of each apple slice with peanut butter.

ü  Place 3 or 4 tiny marshmallows on top of the peanut butter on one apple slice.

ü  Top with another apple slice, peanut butter side down.

ü  Squeeze gently.

ü  Eat right away.

ü  Makes 8 to 10.

Crispix Ranch Mix

Santa Clara County Council


8 cups Kellogg’s Crispix cereal

1½ cups bite-size cheddar cheese crackers

1 cup pretzel sticks (low-salt)

2 cups mixed nuts (unsalted)

2 tbs. vegetable oil

1 package (1 oz) dry ranch salad dressing


ü  Using a 2 gallon storage bag, combine the Crispix, cheese crackers, pretzels and nuts.  If any of your boys are allergic to nuts, substitute with sunflower seeds or other snack food.

ü  Pour oil on the mixture and toss until evenly coated.

ü  Add the ranch dressing and gently toss again to coat.

ü  Store in an airtight container until ready to serve.

Cheese Calzone

Sam Houston Area Council


Nonstick cooking spray

10 oz package refrigerated pizza dough

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

½ cup ricotta cheese or cottage cheese

¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 small can pizza sauce


ü  Preheat over to 400°F.

ü  Line a pizza pan with foil and coat with cooking spray.

ü  Press pizza dough onto foil – so you should have a big circle.

ü  In a bowl, stir together cheeses.

ü  With a spoon, put the cheese mixture on ½ of the dough.

ü  Fold the dough over and seal the edges.

ü  Cut slits for the steam to escape.

ü  Bake in the preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes.

ü  Half way through baking time, cover with foil so that the calzone doesn’t get too brown.

ü  Cool for at least 5 minutes.

ü  While the calzone is cooling, heat pizza sauce to serve with the calzone.

ü  Make 4 slices –or as many slices as you wish depending on how big you cut them.

Sweet Turkeys

Alice, Golden Empire Council


1 chocolate candy star,

1 caramel, unwrapped,

1 scalloped, Chocolate Frosting-striped shortbread cookie,

1 candy corn.


ü  Put the caramel on wax paper and microwave just until softened (5-10 seconds only).

ü  Place the chocolate star, point side up, on the surface, then place the caramel on the tip of the star.  Press down so they stick together.

ü  To make the tail, press the chocolate cookie, striped side facing forward, firmly against the soft caramel so it stands upright.

ü  Press the candy corn on top of  the caramel to make the beak.

Cookie Cutter Bird Treats

Capital Area Council

Ingredients & Materials: 

1 cup shortening

3½ cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. Baking soda

1½ tsp. Cream of tartar

½ tsp. Salt

3 eggs

Mixed birdseed

Cookie cutters

Drinking straws



ü  Cream the shortening and beat in the eggs.

ü  Sift together flour, soda, cream of tartar, and salt.

ü  Gradually add the dry ingredients to the shortening/egg mixture.

ü  When well mixed, cover and chill.

ü  Flour surface and roll dough out to about ¼ inch thick.

ü  Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.

ü  At the top of each cookie, make a hole with the straw.

ü  Press in a coating of birdseed.

ü  Preheat oven to 350º and bake for about 12 minutes.

ü  When the cookies are cool, insert a length of ribbon through each hole and tie.

ü  Hang on tree outdoors for birds to enjoy.


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