October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
15, Issue
November 2008 Theme |
Seeds of Kindness
Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2 |

Here is a great emblem for your Tiger to begin his
patch collection. Available at your scout Shop or
www.scoutstuff.org .
This ceremony was updated with deletion of the Tiger
Cub Motto and Tigers earning Bobcat before Tiger Rank

This ceremony is designed to welcome new Tiger Cubs
and/or groups into Tiger Cubs. The Tiger ceremony prop can be made from wood.
Paint a simple Tiger Totem on it and mount the candles or lights as shown. I
use a large black circle that I Velcro to a display board. Then I have four
round toes, each with a picture for the part being read. The ceremony was based
on the old Tiger Promise but was modified to be current. Don’t hesitate to
modify it even further if you wish. CD
Narrator: When a boy becomes a
Tiger Cub, he is just beginning a trail that will lead him through Cub Scouting
and into Boy Scouting. This Tiger Cub Totem (hold up) is a symbol of the first
part of that trail, the Tiger Cub trail, one that you will walk with your adult
partner during the coming year as you search, discover, and share the world
around you. Tonight I would like to present to each of you this totem to wear
on your uniform. It is to remind you of all the fun you will have while working
on the Tiger Badge this year with your partner. As you progress through Tiger
Cubs and finish each achievement requirement, you will be presented a bead to
hang from your Tiger Totem. There are White beads for Family Activities, Orange
beads for den activities, and Black beads for Go See It activities. The Tiger
Totem has a special meaning for you. Listen carefully as we explain it.
Tiger Leader: The palm in the
Totem represents the spirit of scouting (light the front candle). The spirit of
scouting is one of helping and friendship. Each toe has a special meaning for
you, too. Listen close.
Cubmaster: The first toe is
(light first candle) to remind you to of your duty to God. Your parents and
religious leaders teach you to know and serve God. By following these teachings,
you show your love to God.
Asst CM: The second toe is
(light second candle) to remind you to love your family. A Tiger Cub should
always be kind and helpful to his family. By helping your home to be a happy
place, you show your love to your family.
Asst. TL: The third toe is
(light third candle) to remind you to love our country. This means being a good
American. You help your community in any way you can. By being a good citizen,
you show your love to your country.
Cubmaster: The fourth toe is
(light fourth candle) to remind you to always Do Your Best, as you
search, discover and share in our world. The world we live in is a big and
beautiful place. There are many things to learn. As a Tiger cub, you will learn
a lot about your world.
Now, each time you see a Tiger Totem, it will help you to
remember how to be a good Tiger Cub. Would all Tiger Cubs and their partners
please stand and repeat the Cub Scout motto.
"Do Your Best "
Congratulations on completing your first step as Cub
Scouts. Welcome!! We are excited to have you in our pack.
I welcome all of you to the adventure
of Tiger Cubs!
Cubmaster may now lead the pack in a
Tiger "spelldown".
Give me a T----(audience yells T!)
Give me an I----(I!)
Give me a G----(G!)
Give me an E---(E!)
Give me an R---(R!)
What's that spell?-----(Tigers!)
What's that spell?-----(Tigers!)
What do they say?----(R-o-a-r!)
(or do The Tony the Tiger Cheer – “They’re great”)
Achievement #2 Where I Live
This achievement lets the boys learn
about their communities. Learning about their communities will help them
realize that when they take care of it the stronger it becomes. And they
develop a sense of pride of their communities becoming good citizens of where
they live.
Family Activity 2F -
Together with your adult partner, look
at a map of your community. The map can be one your adult partner has, or a map
that your adult partner draws with you. On that map locate your home, and find
three places you like to go. Places to find on the map could be your school,
your place of worship, the place where you have your pack meetings, a store, a
park or playground, or the house of a friend or a relative.
If the choice is made to draw a map be
sure to put this in their scrapbook.
Den Activity 2D -
This Achievement fits with the Citizenship Character
Connection. When we say the Pledge of Allegiance we
show that we are proud to live in our country.
If you are wearing your Tiger Cub uniform when you say the Pledge of Allegiance,
give the Cub Scout salute and face the U.S. flag.
You do not have to take off your Tiger Cub cap if you are wearing one. If you
say the Pledge of Allegiance when you are not in uniform, remove your hat, and
place your right hand over your heart. When you salute or place your hand over
your heart, you are showing your respect for the flag.
Practice the Pledge of Allegiance with
your den, and participate in a den or pack flag
In discussing the Pledge of Allegiance, The Tiger Book
stresses the point that “One Nation Under God” should be said as a continuous
phrase without a pause in the middle. From personal experience I know saying it
this way (although hard at first) adds more meaning to the Pledge for me.
Please teach this to your Tigers (and all Scouts). Thank You – Commissioner
Go See It Activity 2G –
One of the easiest ways to get to know your community is to
go out and “do the town.” Understand that each community is different and you
may not be able to do in one community that you could do in another. The
following is a list of suggested places besides the Police Station or Fire
Station listed in the Achievement within many communities that the Tiger group
could visit when working on this Achievement.
Visit Town Hall. Learn what services are
available for others within your community.
Visit a bakery, a restaurant or store.
Have a scavenger hunt. Plan the list of
items that can be found locally.
Plan a ‘make believe’ stay at home vacation.
What other things can be done or visited in
your area.
Visit a nursing or retirement home.
Take a tray of favors for the children's ward
of a hospital.
Visit community organizations that give aid
to the needy.
Visit a recycling center. Take aluminum cans
and or plastic containers.
Visit fire station, hospital or police
Visit museums, zoos or historical sites.
From A to Z What Families Can Do
To Help Their Communities
Southern NJ Council
Adopt a
stream. park or roadside to clean up and keep beautiful.
Bring lunch
to school in a lunch box. Save your paper bags.
Care for toys
so they will last longer. Then you won't have to replace them and can pass them
clothes that you have outgrown to a needy person or someone smaller.
others to join you in collecting glass, newspaper and aluminum to be recycled.
Flatten empty
cans. boxes and other containers to they don't take up so much space
Get in the
habit of turning off the water when you brush your teeth. Turn it on only to wet
your brush and to rinse.
Help by
caring about our wildlife & be very careful with matches.
Insist on buying products that
are biodegradable (they rot or decompose when discarded.) Most plastics are not.
Jog or walk,
ride a bike or scooter from place to place to save energy.
Keep jars of
cold water in the refrigerator so you won't have to run the tap water waiting
for it to get cold.
Look for the
recycled symbol on products you buy.
Make it a
habit to cut each six-pack ring. These sometimes wind up in the oceans. Animals
often get caught in them.
Never litter.
Always put your trash in a trash can.
Open the
blinds in the wintertime to let in the sun. Close blinds in the summer to keep
out the sun's heat.
Plant a tree
to stop soil erosion, give you shade and give birds a home.
Quit buying products that have a
lot of packaging.
Reduce the
amount of water you use to keep clean. Take showers, not baths.
Save energy
by asking your parents to turn down the thermostat.
Turn off
lights if you are the last person to leave a room. Turn off appliances if you
are not using them.
Use products
made to be used many times, such as sponges or cloth towels.
Value and
appreciate your Earth. Realize that you can make a difference.
Watch what
you pour in the drain. Hazardous waste can get into the ground water.
labels before using products Certain household cleaners can be dangerous.
Yearn to do
what you can to help our environment. Grow up to be an adult who takes an
interest, too.
Zip to close
doors and windows if they are opened when the heater or air conditioner is on.
Circle Ten Council
Shadow Walk: Walk only in the shadows, that may
require some jumping. (Don’t plan this walk at noon since that is when shadows
are their shortest)
Smell Walk: Sniff your way around the block.
Write down the odors you recognize, and draw a picture of what causes those
smells. Label how you feel about each smell.
Color Walk: Choose a color like red and walk
only toward red object for as long as you can. Can you make it all the way
around your block? Write a history of your color walk. You might try drawing a
map of it.
Sound Walk: Listen your way around the block.
Write down the sounds you recognize. Draw a picture of the things, which cause
these sounds. Label how you feel about each sound.
Other Achievement #2 Ideas
York Adams Council
Gathering: Have a map of your
community spread out on a table. As scouts and their partners arrive, have them
mark on the map the location of their home. Compare distances between each
Tiger and to the nearest store or local landmark of your choice.
Opening: For Tigers this is
short and sweet. Remember the new slogan you are learning in Scouts---KISMIF
(Keep it simple, make it fun). Ask a Tiger and his partner to lead
the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. As group
leader, explain the theme for this meeting and how you hope everyone will learn
a little more about your community.
Information Sharing: Again this
is as it sounds.
Share any information coming from the Pack, i.e. When is
Pack meeting, what do the Tigers need to do to prepare, when the next meeting
will be and who is running it. Should there be expenses for the group, now is
the time that money should be collected.
Activity: Using the map, that
now has the group’s homes located, start locating various other parts that make
up a community. Go around the room and have each scout name another aspect of
the community. Some of these may include: Fire Station, Police Station, Town
Hall, Library, favorite restaurants, video store, personal place of worship,
hospital or physician’s office, and more and more and more. Take a minute with
each suggestion and see if your group can tell you how this place helps the
community. Believe me the video store will have a totally different answer than
the police station.
Now it is time to get away from the table. Ask the boys to
do an impromptu skit where they meet one by one on the street and each is going
somewhere different. See how many places within the community they wish to go.
This is the adult partner’s time to see the hidden hams within their boys.
Closing: Congratulate the
Tigers for a job well done on their skit. Remind partners of any future
commitments and gather everyone in a circle for your closing comments. This can
be just a single statement of what your community means to you. Thank everyone
for coming and send them on their way.
Meeting Ideas
1. Draw a map of your community and include places of
interest as listed from the group.
2. Make fire chief and policeman puppets as found in the
Tiger Cub Resource book.
3. Play pin your town on the map, again described in the
Tiger Cub Resource book.
4. Using a town map, plan and do a Town bike trip.
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |